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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'll still keep it at a -Support for the time being, I still feel he should wait a bit longer before being promoted.
  2. Major -Support + Kinda active (I'm on everyday and I rarely notice you in-game) + Kind + Friendly + Always willing to help others + Role model for younger staff - Does not meet the requirements to apply Sorry Luckgoose, I would be have given you a +Support in a second, but the issue is that you have only been a Senior Admin for 41 out of the required 60 to apply for Super Admin. JMT is a massive step in the world of staff and I feel that you should maybe wait a bit longer than the required amount of time (don't be like me and apply when you meet the minimum requirements for a rank). Either way, you need to pay attention to the rules of applying like everyone else unfortunately.. Sorry, but I have to give you a -Support this time arround.
  3. My issue is that both of the officers claimed that it was RDM and both questioned and had to look back in chat to see if anything was ever adverted. If he was actually negotiating with the officers, I think they would have been aware of the advert or at least his intentions before he started shooting.
  4. Will

    False ban- Denied

    Maybe you should have a look at this before calling him that... https://gaminglight.com/forums/profile/27436-zeeptin/ -Support EMT dis isn't cool man
  5. -Support + Well written application + 16 is pretty good - I don't see you often in game (inactive) - Forums account was made a few days ago - "Necroposting" on the forums to increase number forum posts - High warnings Other than, good luck!
  6. -Support I'll post the same things that I shared with you in Discord: Logs (the highlighted section is the advert, and 2 spaces above you can see he started combat 2 seconds after beginning combat) Screenshot of the MOTD (note the highlighted section) (Attached is a cropped screenshot of chat of me informing you of the warning and the rule you broke). The reason why I decided to warn you was because of the time frame of the advert and when combat began, and because it seemed that in logs that neither of them were paying any attention to you or noticed what was happening (which is why I also believe the sit for RDM was called and why both were surprised to hear that you had adverted. Unless if you are John Moschitta Jr., I don't think you can properly negotiate with officers in less than 2 seconds. (I can attach more evidence in logs along with screenshots from Discord if requested, please @ me) (I would like it to be on the record that I did have a discussion with the 2 officers that called a sit for RDM along with Phil and noted "I was not sure who or where I saw it, but you must negotiate with the police before shooting and would tell him what I find." I first looked in the MOTD and CTRL+F "jailbreak" and came across the highlighted section above and then crossed referenced it with logs for a solid 3-4 minutes before coming to a conclusion.)
  7. I am Will. (I think I'll put that as my member title) Anyways, feel free to visit any time or just to hop back onto the teamspeak server!
  8. +Support I feel staff member should be spoken to; further punishment is up to SMT.
  9. If it's class 2 with suppressor, then I have some people to talk to..
  10. -Support - Read the bible (see above reasons) - Already handled in-game
  11. +/- Support I do agree that it should be moved down from class 4 (for many reasons; this being one of them), but making it class 1 is sketchy. Yes it is still a semi-automatic pistol with an attachment, but as Elapin mentioned, it does reduce the sound of the gunshots which enables you to get away with more crime. In my opinion, it should be class 2
  12. SMT felt that system was being abused so minges could come back over and over across a span of time. I have 2 warns myself which both are now appealable, but I am unable to get them removed. To be honest, I really dont find it to be much of an issue seeing that I try not to the break rules. While yes I can be careless and do somethings that are borderline mingy, I do my not to break them or annoy anyone in the process..
  13. Even after I watched the video, I still have no idea what happened so I'm surprised that Jay and Dropperlemon were able to.. +Support
  14. Major -Support - No SteamID - Bans for 40+ warns cannot be appealed Sorry but the above points are the big things I spotted out of this, and I will say you will need something better than what you have currently written to be unbanned. You had 40 or more chances to change your way and abide by the rules, and unfortunately you persisted with that kind of behavior.
  15. +/- Support + Reasons above - Inactive - Rarely seen in teamspeak
  16. Point is, everyone deserves a shot at being staff, that's why we have the application process and the probationary Trial Moderator period. -Support
  17. I will do my best not to take a side in this matter, but I would like to state that I always try to do my best while staffing. Yes, I have noticed that this is becoming an issue with me taking a side too quickly and is one of the reasons why I had made the post asking how I could improve. I am always willing to change and adapt to how other's feel I could be best of service to them, but it is easy for a person to fall out of line or become careless like I have over time. As I mentioned before, I am always open to feedback which I have noticed I really have not gotten in recent weeks. Please, by all means, if you feel I am doing something wrong, tell me so it does not get to this point where a report has to be made! (Thanks!)
  18. I did speak with him. As I already said, it was a misinterpretation of the rules.
  19. +Support - Willingness to help others - Kind and has a good personality - Active in-game and in teamspeak - Has improved in all categories in my mind Good luck Springs!
  20. +Support I had misinterpreted the rules from a sit back on Truenorth that a former SMT member helped out with (and obviously came to a different verdict.) Warning should be removed after reviewing with Myan (and please remember to review the rule with Matthew!)
  21. -Support So this is going to be messy so I'll shorten it to bullet points: - I waited out NLR and got shot at for turning onto the street where they were kidnapping someone. - I don't care if you have a hostage or not, I was still in my car and was not a threat to you. -Even if I wanted to try and intervene, I'd want to negotiate rather than devalue the hostage's life. (Making the excuse of them being in restraints or not should not matter when there are 7+ CC's aiming negevs and ops around; only a brainless fool would move into that death trap). In my mind, this wasn't handled correctly on the side of UMC in this instance and I decided to warn Jimmy seeing that he was the person that instigated combat that led to the conflict between gov and UMC. (I have screenshots of logs I will upload later)
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