Note: I love ci and everyone in it but I just gotta move on
Alexx,Cosmic,Talila,: Really cool guys who made the branch 100% what it is today and wouldn't want to see anyone else running C.I.
Tydrix: Minge man who is very cool
Jeff,Gar: very pog leaders of e4 who made the sf worth playing and was always finding new ways to make the sf better
Scooty: Best of luck to you man and I hope one day you get chosen for e4 cause Ong you deserve it
NCO'S/Enlisted: Anyone in this category here is what makes the branch the branch, you guys make up the branch and make it so we can do all the stupid shit we do cause without you guys there would be no branch in the first place and It's you guys that make C.I. what it is.
final notes: Ill still be around on the server and incase you need somebody to talk to or vent to ill be in the ts sometimes
The minge amphibian- Frog