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a frog

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Everything posted by a frog

  1. +Support branch updates looks fire -support on the blink swep getting its sound removed/ I get that its a covert agent but i think it would be kinda stupid to remove the sweps only way for letting combatants know you are using it/ it is kinda op and it should have some kind of sound indication so it lets the people its fighting have a easier time fighting it when they can already teleport anywhere but just letting them know you are using it is fair i think
  2. +Support loved this scp when they showed it in containment (YouTube series) and it looks very cool
  3. -support I agree with most stuff but the senior command gun i mean cmon the acog is legit one of the most op weapons in the game and the class using it is usually dealing with people with pistols and almost no health and i think its unneeded for the job +support on the rest "But Frog we have to fight d class cc's" I mean half the time there might be one cc on and 2 if you are feeling unlucky but cmon those classes have 100/100 and cant even get a really good weapon besides the contender (which i assume your sniper class can take care of) so i still think the acog would be a little bit over doing it when its usually 10-5 gensec vs the d class cc's. and then when you just add mtf and gensec cc's. also i release the class may be high on the poll since its senior but with all the other stuff i just said i think it would be overkill
  5. +Support honestly right now i don't really see a point in the vents since almost no scp can use them (I get that some cant use them due to size) but cmon 8286 is legit a fucking among us scp that was added to the server to be stealthy and take peoples skin you would think a thing like that would be able to go in vents and wait for prey. The most of the time i only see mtf and other people that have no business being in the vents be in them so it would be nice if the vents could actually be utilized by stealthy scps (AKA the thing the vents were made for) that want to get around the facility in hcz without being noticed.
  6. -support as said above maynard is only allowed to do the evil things that you let him do unnoticed in the area that should be the most guarded
  7. +support sad to see the e4 skins go but the models looks great and everything looks good cant wait for the long waited branch update
  8. ACCEPTED After reviewing your application, we think you will be a good addition to the insurgency! Now join the GamingLight SCP-RP discord server and head to "member-self-roles" channel click the 5th emoji to get the "Requesting CI Tags" role then navigate to CI "Requesting-FTO" channel and you will see the "Reuqesting FTO format" fill it out and wait for an FTO to train you! feel free to DM me on discord if you have any questions: Frog#3196
  9. also pretty sure its up to ci hcmd to remove any job on ci's branch unlike 912 which was a scp not owned to a particular branch so unless you can get hcmds mind to change about the level 100 you have a better shot getting the ci general job removed
  10. -support ^ and 7598 is a one time use on raid unlike 7101 since when it dies it cant come baack in at all and while 7101 does have a 15 minute nlr some ci raids do last longer than 15 minutes making it where 7101 can be used more and be more of a threat to ci
  11. i didnt like it when they changed the roster to show the actual names of the guys on sf -support doe Bro you act like you can say sf names in rp comms and not have anything done to you , sf are still hella redacted even if you know their (Out of character btw so you still dont know their names ingame for rp purposes) names but if you wanna shout out a sf's name on a rp channel or on the game see how far that will get you with them when you tell them they arent "redacted" cause i know for a fact you will probably not stay long in the branch that you called them out on especially if you are in the same branch as them
  12. +Support Honestly hate that people do this since it puts everyone that's not them at a disadvantage because they could be your teammate and an error and you kill them and 10 seconds later you get a report on you for rdm like they knew you could see their model
  13. +support honestly i remember 912 when it was on the server before they added it back but honestly it just cause to many problems now adays and i think that the better solution to solve all the disputes is to just put the scp down once and for all still tho you gotta give credit to 912 to being one of the only scps to be removed from the server and brought back
  14. Your entire argument is just something that ci goes through daily when mtf and gensec target ci using it +support would help with more lore based rp on the server and a serious rework needed for a scp that doesn't care if you are foundation or insurgent it only listens to the police which would add more roleplay elements to a scp that has bassicaly doesn't rp
  15. a frog


    #remove912 imagine being in a military outfit in ci but still getting stunlocked by 912
  16. -support Honestly tho even tho its lore wise this is still a gaminglight server (lore is barley used on here) And a huge part of ci's gameplay mechanic is to kill people/rescue d class/ and breach scps and I think if we allowed sarkic to breach even more scps besides 610 that would just go to far into ci's territory.
  17. -support uneeded suggestion since thermals are going away soon
  18. +support all combatants should have a 3 minute nlr as it says in the motd the only classes that should have 2 minutes are noncombatants and sarkic is no diffrent than ci or e11 besides from not being in a branch they still have the equipment now to where if they got anything less than 3 minutes it would be to easy to counter combatants on surface with their 3 minute nlr due to them being able to suicide bomb and still wait less than the people who cant suicide bomb/ dont have a insta kill swep like the c4
  19. +Support actually looks like they would praise ancient old gods that could potentially cause death and mayhem just by looking at people if they were awoken (Cthulhu gang where you at)
  20. +support honestly back in 2019 there was nothing i loved more than playing on the longshot/infil job and just sniping people if the deal didnt go our way/ if the mtf decided to cross us and it also invited alot of roleplay in like a certain amount of people would come or else someone would end up being shot and it actually felt like a hostage situation instead of a trip to your local dollar store and picking up a hostage or scp for a set amount of money. this is why i think that adding double crossing back could spice up "negotiations" from the legit branch whos main goal is to kill the mtf and cause chaos instead of this "Yo ill pay for that pokemon card for (enter amount here)" and then both people just walking away even tho the other person had like 5 more people than the other and could easily overtake them and just beat the shit out of them and take the card/money (plus you know if they adding double crossing back if ci double cross mtf that means negotiations have failed and they could raid for the hostage/scp back) Also stealth would be a huge play in this because if you thought the other side was going to cross you , you could have extra ci/mtf roaming surfice just in case and if you arent stealth enough you could end up dead because they saw a extra member of your faction And people are gonna complain either way so we might as well be able to actually roleplay a highstakes hostage situation than just your daily shop day
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