For further context and background information, these are the warns this player has received in 2021 alone:
09/14/2021 RDMx97 | FailRP, buying Keypad hacker as 280 Delete
03/16/2021, MassRDMx3 (RDMx15) l Tranq abuse - tranqing humans
03/09/2021, FailRP
04/20/2021, Nlr
04/20/2021, RDM
03/11/2021, MRDM | Prop Abuse
03/11/2021, RDM x1
06/10/2021, Failrp x3 breaking d class class out of cuffs
08/01/2021, Mass ARDM (MRDM) | Staff Diss | Player Diss
06/26/2021, FailRP | Killing E11 during recontainment | LTAP
06/04/2021, Failrp (Shooting as 999) | Failrp | NITRP
Considering who you are and how the community looks at you, I'm not surprised you got banned for saying that. Sure, it may not be a "death threat", but it's still a permabannable offence to tell someone that they deserve to die. Whether your tone is sarcastic or not, you're speaking over comms and not in-person, so you can't expect people to take that sarcasm face first. I'll let Hoovy say his peace and see what the community has to say first... As for Sprink, I will personally speak with him about this.