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Everything posted by Rektify

  1. +Support Yall dont have command comms? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
  2. Hell yea we got him back bois
  4. Overall, I suppose -Support I have a few issues about your application 1. Question 13 "Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum):" Its 134 words. 2. Q1 of your scenario questions is a solid answer, but for Q2 we're looking for what YOU would do to try and fix the situation rather than passing it off to someone higher. This is still a situation you can handle as a T-mod by yourself. 3. I don't exactly know who you are, but according to your warns: 06/20/2021, RDM x2 Whether it's false or not, it leaves a bad impression especially when it's so recent. I think you need a little more time on the server and speak with other SCP community members so they can get to know you. Then I may change my answer in the future.
  5. -Support Low community support overall and those warns are very concerning.
  6. -Support from me too. Sorry Fring. I know you said you don't plan to minge, but from your current activities and how you are, you don't show the willingness to not be a minge or do a job correctly. I even witnessed you on Tau5 not killing D class today because you said "There's a difference between cool people and not cool people". If you are willing to show a change and put forth a positive endeavor, I may change my stnace.
  7. As others have said, this is clearly written. If they break rules, it's their fault.
  8. @Rookieblue Since you were the one who gave him the blacklists. For more backstory, he was blacklisted from these classes due to this warn: 03/16/2021, MassRDMx3 (RDMx15) l Tranq abuse - tranqing humans In this month alone, these were your warns: 06/26/2021, FailRP | Killing E11 during recontainment | LTAP 06/10/2021, Failrp x3 breaking d class class out of cuffs 06/04/2021, Failrp (Shooting as 999) | Failrp | NITRP Btw, you're not blacklisted from the MTF branches so, yea. You can still join E-11 or make an Nu7 application on the forums.
  9. Rektify


    More like Bang. You know what else starts with a B? Bad Thanks for coming to my lovely Ted Talk
  10. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  11. Considering this was nearly half a year ago, and it was a one time case in racism on the discord with none on the SCP server, I will lift your E-11 blacklist and discord ban. However, do this again (including harassing players in DMs), and you can expect a perma not only on the discord, but possibly on the server as well. This is your fair and only warning.
  12. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  13. I've decided to accept this. Based on some of the community's support, and from my own experience, I know this can happen. However, IF this happens again, you should expect your punishment to be a perma next time. This is so there is no biasness later on.
  14. Moved to the correct area btw. As for me: -Support Clearly you didn't follow the format. You also didn't try in this at all.
  15. I understand the hitreg is pretty bad but we'd need to remake the SWEP for it to become better if that's what you're talking about. I'm not sure if we can do much but as Colt said, please be more specific here.
  16. As my fellow head admin stated, that is currently in the rules (except it may say 682 instead of 939 but the point still stands. (I've made the change already so it should be pushed hopefully soon after a few more minor tweaks)). I believe there is no need to add anything further. -Support
  17. To give more insight on what this person did, he was blacklisted for: Racist memes in discord, harassing another player in DMs, Backtalking Command. Talking about Gassing people. This was also the reason for his ban from the discord. https://gyazo.com/6e68bda2cbaefa47731a7b7cea2170f2 https://gyazo.com/3164a3cbef0bc5e91b6fb9e56bf4b4dc Here are evidence to go along with it. You were set on a perma blacklist nearly 6 months ago. I will make my decision by the end of the day. If not, tomorrow.
  18. Considering what you did Mr. Killtag, and reading what Rang posted, I say you got off pretty lucky. To disrespect the staff team I personally work with, the server and players as a whole would typically result in a perma but it was reduced to a month. Only a week has passed since the ban was issued so I'm going to deny this. I'm sure you can wait another 3 weeks and reflect a little more on how you speak to others. If you have a staff member disrespecting you, we're here as well to watch over them. Also, everyone should read the rules before playing. It's the first thing that pops up.
  19. @Rangiatea As per requested by this man.
  20. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
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