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Everything posted by Cryolast

  1. I am really concerned about the Negev. It isn't powerful yet, I only kill d class in 4 seconds instead of 3 and I think it needs a buff. A decrease of recoil, increase of fire rate, mag size, and DMG. It's not powerful enough.
  2. -Support 076 is already hard to contain last thing we need is it to be killing everything it challenges in 5 seconds. The only thing I would may be in support of is the HP being lowered 076's SWEP is not bad, just learn how to use it effectively, I've seen 076s completely demolish groups of MTF.
  3. Please use format in reply: Name: Rank: Suggestion: Please only serious suggestions, don't make me whoop you.
  4. Ok so there had been a 966 breach and I had already adverted thermals before I killed a different 966 around 3-4 minutes prior. I was nocliping because research (this was a research event) had a problem with a doctor bright and I was helping them so they could come over for the event. I probably should've adverted thermals again but at that time I thought I was fine due to the fact that I adverted thermals a few minutes prior. Proof:
  5. +Support + you did a great job as an event team member before + Good application + Good event idea - one thing that I would say is that hopefully this is the last time you leave and rejoin event team
  6. Name: Cryolast Rank: E11 JCE CPL Duration: From the 27th of November to the 1st of December Reason (If Private That Is Fine): Vacation
  7. Name: cryolast Rank: RCT Callsign: N/A Date of LOA Leave/Return: 11/27-12/1 Reason (if private write N/A): Vacation.
  8. Yup. I warned the wrong person, sorry about this. Please appeal this SMT.
  9. In-Game Name: Cryolast Current Rank: Junior Janitor Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good): 6 5, could be much better and I'm planning on working on it. Are there any changes you wish to see, if so please say: no
  10. I wasn't planning on giving this to anyone but to ET if this was added in the first place. So that issue shouldn't arise.
  11. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - Event team have access to the Buddha Command. Why should we add it? - So Events can be more lore friendly and event team doesn't have a chance of screwing up when letting hp fall but not dieing. What are the advantages of having this? - There are certain SCPs like 3874 (fidel castro) which take damage but don't die. When I do this event I have to have !god ^ copied and then have to quickly paste it when I'm about to die. If I fail at this the event could be ruined/not lore friendly. I know there are other SCPs like this and the command could be very beneficial. ALSO when doing events where we want someone to be captured after being injured, this could be very useful. For example, if I'm a GOI CMDR in a raid and I want to be captured, I can buddha myself so once I hit 1 HP I can say that I was knocked out, or injured. Who is it mainly for? - Event Team Links to any content - N/A I know there's a good chance this won't be accepted but hey, it's worth a try.
  12. Now that I've had time to think about I would be fine with lowering the amount of ban time. Although 24 hours is in my opinion too low, maybe 2-3 days.
  13. Ok, I was the one who had you banned. First of all, the staff handbook is not fully updated as minge is no longer a thing and was turned into ban as well as the time for each punishment was increased. You RDA'd 11 people in lower d block, AFK or not, you shouldn't be doing this what so ever. Also the first offender rule does not apply to someone who mass RDA'ed 11 people. My last point is that even though you weren't supposed to have those restraints, you should know that AS a D-Class custom job, you don't go restraining other d class. Just like how MTF should not cuff each other unless they are misbehaving. In Conclusion, I had you banned for 1 week due to the fact that you were in lower d block RDAing people, and 2 people made sits on you saying you were doing this. I came to d block and saw you with a group of cuffed d class, and were continuing to cuff more. I was also told that you did a couple of ARDAs as well. (Though I didn't proof check it which was wrong on my behalf) RDAing 11 people and probably a couple of ARDAs is completely not acceptable and I found it that a 1 week ban is an acceptable punishment for your crime. P.S. I also asked many staff members what they thought would be a valid punishment and they gave the same answer.
  14. -Support on both models. They look good and all but I feel like on of the best parts of the 343 model is how it is a bad model version of Jesus. 343 isn't supposed to be serious, he's supposed to be fun!
  15. Ill miss you you minge, from my MAJ brother to DHOS. Also, welcome to the club
  16. Name: Cryolast Rank: Retired LT COL FTO Rank: N/A RCF RANK: N/A When did you join security: 8 months ago Why did you join security? Cause I was bored and saw foundation security. Why should you retain your rank? Because we all know you love me.
  17. uh oh. Stinky. See you in the underworld blackbeard.
  18. + Support I already used those cells to house d class for researchers during lockdown and would punish someone if they opened the cell and open fired ond class.
  19. Just fill this out and put N/A at name and/or rank. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tIm4XHhHKqpGActh5aXISxqJFcfn0XbadAgoPQi-FBQ/viewform?edit_requested=true Also, hahah your poll say any mouse, ahahahha.
  20. Bruh, he's talking about the panic room not having a keypad scanner
  21. I don't think this is needed. Fubars were never that good in the first place : P
  22. Well I can't believe I'm making this but... I've been with gensec since March, so roughly 7 months and lately I haven't felt that gensec was fun for me. Lately I've found getting on Security more of a chore than a game. That's really not what I want to feel about a game, I want it to feel like something I look forwards to after a long day of school so I'm resigning. I really hope security will grow and maybe get back to where it used to be. I want to end this with a good note though, I will still be on the server as Event team and staff. So you will still see me on from time to time. I also just want to make some shout outs: Rangiatea - you were HOS when I joined and a DSD when I leave. Thx for promoting me all those times and for fake demoting me to SFC with war gamer. JJWICK - you are probably the guy I know best in security and the oldest after me, good luck on your journey in gensec. Twosix - you went from totally normal to one day turning into a furry. I'm still confused to this day, good luck on your journey in HCMD and hopefully Administration. Killaz/Alpha - Ive known both of you for some time, please continue to do security Olympics with me gone and continue to do those weekly meetings. You are the future I know there were other people I didn't mention but I wish all of you good luck and to make me proud. With regards, -LT COL Cryolast
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