That is awesome LOL where do I sign up! (-_~)
Cop be like: Sorry doing a 10-38 I have no time for a stupid bank raid!
*Panic buttons activate at bank* (10)
Cop: We have 20 cops on then can go not me though
Radio: We HaVe 20 CrImS InSiDe ThE BaNk NeEd HeLp
OFC and SNR's: Shoots fired! All at once... YELLING
And that cop be like: Your free to go... Wait is that a speeder! gotta get em!
While we have 8 officers down at bank
Cop: 1B09 to Dispatch!
Dispatch: Go ahead 1B09
Cop: I am going to be in a 10-38 with a speeder..................
Dispatch: Uhhhh you know we have 9 officers down, at the bank, and your not going to THAT!
Cop: Since when?