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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Good Luck to you!!! :) P.S. you need like a paragraph or two for a App. and a well thought out and detailed App.
  2. -support -New to Community -Brand new Forums Account -No Poll (How: https://gyazo.com/e49ff04f03678dc58c1eeb46927b5580) You sound like a nice guy (Sorry if girl), but the fact is that you have not been here at Gaminglight long. Your new here and people can't trust you until people see you as a good trustworthy person. Just be as active as your claiming to be and people will notice you and like you. Just be active and get some reputation. That's it. :)
  3. GOOD LUCK :) Thank you for adding poll
  4. Valk........................https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20686-what-happened-to-mr-valkyri3/ +support +deserves second chance We all know that Valk...uh...abused his powers and you sound like you have been gone for a while so you should get a second chance dude. GOOD LUCK :)
  5. -(Huge) Support -HUGE Minge -58 warns -minged 28 times -really no effort in appeal -Take a LOOK http://www.gaminglight.com/bans/profile.php?profileid=76561198216472256 Sorry, but you had this coming for you. You had 58 times to turn around and stop (also 28 more times too). When I get in a sit with you, you'll build and act like the server evolves around you. Also you really never cared if you got warned and never took the server series. If you liked this server you would follow the MOTD. Which you have failed to do so. P.S. Now you plead for forgiveness, you had plenty of times to change but you refused.
  6. -support -One you have two perma bans (Mass staff/player diss) -Two you have been minged 6 times (One Perma) -Three you have been warned 30 times (Mainly LTAP's) -Take a LOOK http://www.gaminglight.com/bans/profile.php?profileid=76561198114499172 Now maybe you should get a second chance, but your past says NO to me...and yes Valk did abuse his powers, but you said nothing about the 2nd perma ban that Valk gave you.
  7. Good luck! :) I crossed out the top because I do see you on.
  8. I would also like to say that you can apply for T-Mod not Mod right away. -support -never seen you -New forums account -Just started in community -need a bit more effort
  9. -Support -No Effort in App. -/+ Decent Answer For Q14 -Forums Account Is Semi-Active -Never Seen You On (Maybe Timezone) I have not seen you before, I say improve active on forums and g-mod. Also please put more effort into App. I suggest to go into better detail on Q14 and Q13. (Note: Do not reply to ANY MORE people on your own App. you can message/PM them though)
  10. -not a good answer on 13 GOOD LUCK :)
  11. I have gotten on every time I see the ratio under. And do to that I haven't been able to RP in the past 2 days-ish. This makes me SO mad!!! +SUPPORT +evidence is clear
  12. +/-support +Mature +Active +Nice/Friendly +Helps Officers +Fit for LT. -/+Time Good Luck, I would say -support on the warns, but I hope that is in the past. :)
  13. -/+ support -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (What carpenter said) +Should get a second chance GOOD LUCK :)
  14. Want to hear NoOne side of story.... @NoOne Now I was there and I was confused so..... we will see
  15. +support +evidence is CLEAR +should've been dealt in-game +this guy has no place in our community Should get a perma.
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