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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. +/- support we dont have any space for that the best way to see if they can drive well is just to let the OFCs drive whit u and let them drive.
  2. Strike is not needed in my opinion but +support still
  3. -support -feel like u did this in 1 min -never seen on -dident answer 12 and 11
  4. follow the format for a report
  5. In-Game Name: Jeff Junior /Jeff Umbrella Corp Steam Name:[GL] Smiley222 SteamID:ID : STEAM_0:1:421604434 Are you a Moderator+? Yes i am a Moderator How many post do you have on the website? 201 How often are you online on the forums? i am alwasy on the forums i will say about 2 hours a day or more What timezone are you in? CEST Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? i would manly want to join Forum Diplomat because when i am on the forums most of the forum diplomats are sleeping then when i am on i usually see a lot of spam post and other stuff that needs to get removed from the forums so the. And also because i wanna be in a part of the gaminglight Community helping it grow and get stronger so when ppl join the forums they know that is is a good and safe Place to be on. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? i would say that i have a good judgement because when i am on staff on policerp and wehn i am support staff in u need to listen to the person/persons and see if they are saying is true or doing is the right thing so i know what should happend. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? first off all i would try to Contact them and tell them to stop and why the should stop i would try to tell them that spamming the shoutbox wont help him and try to tell him to take it to ban appeals. if he dosent listen to me i will give him a verbal warning to tell him to stop spamming and at the same time i would remove the spamm in the shoutbox. if he is still spamming i will notify a higer up and tell them that actions need to be taken against this player. For some reason the other one that i made u cant type in.
  6. 2pac- alll of his songs Nate Dogg-Concrete Streets N.W.A-Gangsta Gangsta
  7. big no for my side would be a minge fest all around the server
  8. +support knows the rules well havet been minging not a bad app -just add your steam id
  9. yes as i said if SMT feels like this is a warn i wont fight against it i just doont wanna lose my rank tho thats what i am scared for
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