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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. -support -can be a minge -no poll -wrong format -just joind the community
  3. +support okey i have seen u do it Before on the hospital roof u can do that i have done it it isent against the rules
  4. -support he told u to go away u where minging in ma oppinion deserves the warn i Think
  5. first thingy how are u senior mod ????? but -Support minge
  6. steam never starts whit 1:1 yes it is 100% free for u to enter
  7. Jeffs lottery Lottery ends 5/24 !!!! The Price is :Permanent ammo spawn whit 60 ammo of each ammo type Rules: Can only have 1place in the lottery Cant have 2 accounts in the lottery I NEED YOUR INGAME NAME AND STEAM ID IF U GIVE ME THE WRONG ONES AND U WIN U WONT GET THE PRICE!! If u already have the Permanent ammo u wont win!!! NOTE: I dont wanna get black listed for this Zeeptin tell me if u dont want this to happend and i will remove it 1: 2: 3: 4:TCOOPS/STEAM_0:0:161946636 5: 7: 8:Maj Bob Bob 1A51/STEAM_0:0:105614491 9:Winter/STEAM_0:1:65207241 10: 11: 12: 13: 14:Eman/STEAM_0:1 :33601900 15 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21:Kim Yo Umbrella/STEAM_0:1:13399109 22: 23: 24: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: LOTTERY CLOSED TODAY NEED TO GO ON A LOA TOMORROW THE WINNER IS BOB BOB !!!
  8. +support just add it xD
  9. okey to remove his rank is to much in ma oppinion mabey a talk to a smt would be good for this
  10. we dont know if he pusht the car mabey he did or mabey i dident but we tstill need evidence for this
  11. oof but i got black listed by kade i think ?? xD BUT CAN I STILL JOIN EMS
  12. -support -no evidence show me some proof then i will +support this but for now it is a major -support
  13. okey this is for every ofcours u would +support xD i am +supporting to but the respawn is just bad ide to be honest. Then u can just do suicide missions and just try to make it to the end of the bank raid and then u dont need to care about getting arrested if u do a bank raid - but if they take this in as a rule i relly want them also to make it fearrp if u stay there to die cuz it is then technically suicide in my eyes this ruels is bad and should not be put in the MOTD
  14. I mean every member in umbrella is black listed and some of the ppl in umbrella acc wanna be part of EMS /:
  15. Okey kueleno and cormatc is donor mods so they maybe doesn’t know about the 1-20 rule Ryan has done this before Zim and vodnik is usually on staff /: +support
  16. Okey all off u did something wrong u Zayn ,naby and johnathen all of u should get a talk by SMT cuz I can see that u are pissed and angry at each other no one should get a warn for this if someone dose all of u should get a warn then.
  17. kade is right if u have like 10 warns dont worry so much but if u have 25 like me u should start recording
  18. I will give u a kiss and 1$ for it deal ????? xD
  19. -support -i have seen him do it yesterday in spawn when it was to many players in the spawn area but i dont see it as a problem to be honest he was helping out and dont see that as a problem. -i can only see this as a problem if he was yousing it to troll ppl or be a minge
  20. +/- i Have been told the same if it is a panic u can respond asap
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