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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. but if SMT feels like this is NLR and i should get warnd for this i wont fight against it
  2. i got there by car after i was in a shotout at bank after u killed me the first time
  3. Okey to make this easy it was 20 sec apart before 3 min has gone I was going what I thought what 3 min I don’t see it as a big deal 20 sec apart before it hits 3 mins And I don’t think 20 sec is apart from 3 min is a big deal When u don’t have a timer and only estimate the time.
  4. -support minge breaks a lot of rules not fit for staff
  6. 100% Agree I just Didn’t know where he was So the best thing to do in my opinion is go afk as citizen then name yours AFK Helping my dad for example
  7. Your In-Game Name: Jeff Junior/ Jeff Umbrella Corp Your SteamID: ID : STEAM_0:1:421604434 Staff member's In-Game Name: Vinny What did they do? Afk as staff dident respond to staff calls Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1408977597 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1408959917 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1408959632 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1408959858 NOTE i have video evidence also Youtube dident want to work for me so i could not upload it ! i will upload it later! What do you think is an acceptable punishment? just a talk to by smt
  8. -support causes to much lag when it was on the server
  9. +/- he has been mining alot this week should get a warn in my oppinion
  10. they will say it i Think in policerp uptades
  11. Never seen you an and I have been in the staff team for 7 weeks now
  12. u ser not manager or superviktigt of umbrella so dont say that
  13. +support a great cadet and deserve it!!
  14. Jeff Junior

    warn appeal

    -support it was a kill box so the warn is isent false
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