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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. ?? How did get in tho ? @Will Newel will we get are ranks back ?
  2. +support they shouldn’t do Sita like that in the middle of car spawn -Philip is a payd mod and he is pretty new to the server so I don’t think he knows all of the rules yet or the administration rules -viperking I don’t know what to say I expect more from him but he is still a trial mod so he is still learning. over all they just need a stirn talk to by SMT
  3. +/- I’ve seen him try to take his own family sits but I need more evidence because you could just have put up the KOS sign after u got warned or killed. He is also a trial mod so he is still training how to be a good mod and what he should do and shouldn’t do
  4. §100% being a indian scammer xD
  5. and it made me crash alot also This tazer is good
  6. yes boi i have 2gtx 1080ti someone that has gtx 1080 tho
  7. but u siad that u where only going to have it for 10 min witch mean that u dident plan to stay active as a gun dealer or sell any guns and let SMT deside this so lets stop arguing about this
  8. This is from the MOTD :Can self-supply if they actively have a shop and aren't just switching jobs to get guns then switch back here is my Point you dident have a Active gun shop you just made a gun shop to self supply u dident want to sell any guns. so in my oppinion it is self supply
  9. 2 things to say 1 u don’t need to -1 support what I think about this and 2 it say in the motd that u can self supply if u actively have a gun shop u didn’t have a gun shop for that long so in my opinion u doesn’t have a gun shop actually that was going to be active .
  10. -support u can’t self supply like that u need to be a gun dealer for a while about 20+min I would say to self supply
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