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Everything posted by Grеg

  1. Grеg

    D7025 tryouts

    I mean I respect him cause it takes some deep chad energy to be that much of an asshole
  2. +Support If a HCMD wants to BL someone they are probably doing something quite bad.
  3. Grеg

    D7025 tryouts

    I heard about tryouts but I can’t find the post does anyone know what happened?
  4. Grеg

    phrogs loa

    Hope to see you back soon
  5. If you were going to cuff minge why would you even strip their comms? You’ve already got them cuffed.
  6. +Support D-Class should also have a site in HCZ to mine as well so they don't have to go to surface to mine anom gems and wood.
  7. Grеg

    Colt on LOA

    Have a good few months man
  8. +/- support NLR to 10 minutes if 4+ are on but 5 if less. 5208 is in a good spot otherwise aside from the rifle doing less damage then the pistol but I digress.
  9. Having someone say “Uwu the cwahos inwywuwjgrwebcyw iw hewre bwewtewer cwal cwode bwack” is semi serious to you?
  10. If you leave GENSEC for this just make me HOS ez.
  11. the uh Nova doesn't use slugs. +support
  12. he posted a picture??
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