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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Test Assigned for Grading!
  2. Test Assigned for Grading!
  3. Booting Up... Insert Credentials ()_ Loading... Inv</>alid L0g*In Welcome, Caroline! Latest Entry Log: Site-05, Research Cubical | Personal Voice Log [Audio Transcript Begins] Research Manager GLaDOS: It's been nearly a year since my employment with the SCP Foundation, and might I say the Research Department here is quite astute, nearly as good as mine was. *heavy sigh* Was... however, I quite enjoy my time here. Ever since my rise to a Commanding position I feel like I'm being... watched, and up until last night I thought I was just my imagination but when I found a note that says, "I know what you are..." on my bunk I feel it has become more of... hunting. *A small glass-like crash can be heard from outside the room* Oh shit... Research Manager GLaDOS, signing off. [Audio Transcript Ends] Loading Data Entry Please Wait... Requested Entry Log: Site-05, The DoURS Office [Audio Transcript Begins] Research Manager GLaDOS: *Door Opens* H..hey so, you wanted to see me Director? DoURS Beanz: Yes. Please have a seat sir! RM GLaDOS: Of course. DoURS Beanz: So, I've read your file front and back. Aperture Science huh? This is real interesting. RM GLaDOS: Oh God, yeah uh... listen... DoURS Beanz: Don't worry, its safe with me. I just want to talk, follow up on that interview HOR REDACTED conducted before you were brought on board. How's your time under SIte-05? RM GLaDOS: Lots has happened, I've been doing some very good tests and Research is never been more productive. Except... well... DoURS Beanz: It doesn't sound like your sure of those answers. RM GLaDOS: No no! The Research Department is great, but I feel like one of my peers is on to me and I dont think he is too fond of me being a... robot. DoURS Beanz: Hmm. This is troubling, we can't risk these secrets getting out before the time is ready. RM GLaDOS: I might need to inform you, that I am working under the 'Council' on their Research Team. I have Level 4 clearance through that, is there a better time to reveal myself? DoURS Beanz: Be that as it may, I still don't think its time yet. Do you have any ideas on who it is? RM GLaDOS: That Dr. Emilia has been acting quite strange when I'm around, and recently I got a threatening note from a Anonymous writer. I have reason to believe its him, he has told me of his Anti-Robot mindset. I think he's planning something against me. DoURS Beanz: Do you have any solid proof he knows? RM GLaDOS: No. Nothing like that. DoURS Beanz: Then do me a favor and keep your head down, agree with his anti-robot antics for now, I'll keep an eye out for him. RM GLaDOS: As will I. [An Alarm Starts Blaring Followed By a Voice Over Radio] Radio: SCP- 682 has broken out of his containment chamber, all available MTF Personnel to LHCZ Immediately DoURS Beanz: Quick get out of here, find a emergency shelter! RM GLaDOS: Wait!- *!&#@@$*@!)#*&$!@_$#!*@#( [Audio Transcript Corrupted] Terminating Session Connection Lost... Special Thanks To: Beanz Dr. Emilia - For letting me include them in this backstory!
  4. Internet fixed, cancelling LOA.
  5. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This test log follows lore pretty well, whilst not overstepping the boundaries of the new lore it creates. Creativity: 20/20 This was really just a casual interview, I see these a lot with SCP- 049 however, this is a good log. Presentation: 20/20 I really enjoyed the way you presented the test log, it really felt like a doccument straight out of the wiki. Writing: 35/40 Grammarly spotted a couple run-on sentences, but nothing really severe.
  6. Name: GLaDOS Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 5/12/20->5/19/20 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): My internet cannot connect to the server properly and our speeds are being reduced for some reason. I'm taking an LOA because during the time its taking them to "fix" it, I cannot successfully connect to the server.
  7. Name: GLaDOS Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 4/24/2020 -> 5/8/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): I am currently In the process of moving houses/cities and I cannot be in game or make the meetings.
  8. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This followed SCP- 682's lore perfectly! Creativity: 20/20 I personally love reading Psycology Exams with Intellegent SCPs. Well Done here! Presentation: 20/20 I love the format used and the colors, fonts and text used. Writing: 40/40 I couldn't spot any errors of any kind, this is just really well done!
  9. Test Assigned for Grading
  10. Test Assigned for Grading
  11. Test Assigned for Grading
  12. Test Assigned for Grading
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