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Everything posted by UrDadHasBigStraight

  1. No, just delete it and move on, this has already passed and its pretty obvious you just have a bias toward Chiken
  2. @MELON MAN Regardless of whether it is proven that you were hacking or not. I still believe you deserve a strike at the least for your unprofessionalism shown here today. Your obviously not ready to progress through the ranks as you are clearly disobeying Jeff M a higher rank then you and has atleast 3 times the experience you do. Please do not respond to this as it will only dig you deeper. Smh
  3. FIveM is fun as hell, but many people didnt have good pcs to play it on so the server just kinda died
  4. - Fat Support Still hasn't been addressed why you didn't just call staff Its pretty clear that Chiken was trying to get on top of his own base, the reason for this as he says is " to edit the wall of my base", I've had to do this before and use props to precision a wall or roof Like Steve said, why are you even there without a patrol car, seems like you just wanted to get dirt on him
  5. -Support Like @Hannah King said, if you have the right strategy (hint: GAS GAS GAS) and enough people, which government has, it can easily be overwhelmed I don't see many people basing anymore just because of how limited they are and how easy government can raid them ?
  6. As some of you may know, I have recently gotten a new class named Morgan Meeman. I would like to expand the capabilities and strength of my class so im selling slots! PM me for price details or reply down below your offers, they will most likely be within the range of $20-$30 (Disclaimer: The additional money other past $20 will be donated to the server regardless to be used for the not to be used as profit for myself for anyone else) Class Details: Weapons/Tools: AWS, Dual Beretta, Medkit Player Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=370857063 Description: Forgan Meeman is the opposite twin of Morgan Freeman and was rejected from society. He now comes to Rockford to seek a new life of crime to get by. Ignore his enchanting voice for he will stab you in the back right when your defense is down!
  7. +/-Support Would be cool to see these vehicles added Would increase lag and its not very necessary compared to other things that could be added Lower prices would make it more fun for not VIP members Would make it more difficult for police if they had to chase more insanely fast cars
  8. + support Heres a good drug addon https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696374067
  9. Everyone deserves a second chance
  10. @MikeyTheGreat @Munchies @Bambob01 I love how there is increasingly more roleplay and that SMT actually is listening to people suggestions!
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