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Everything posted by GibbiGibbi

  1. Go check out my introoooooooo!

  2. Hi guys, my name is Gibbi, but some of you call me Gibb, Gibbster, Gobi, Gibbay, Gibbs, etc. I am currently 14 and I am the Assistant Director in the Secret Service! Erm so about my life..... So I have a girlfriend and everyone probably doesnt know that because I keep secrets unlike some of you (Just kidding guys you all are cool) but she is pretty nice, we go out a few times a week and still have not kissed yet SO PRAY FOR ME GUYS! Ermmmm, another thing I want to tell you guys is I am a Roblox GOD and Spection Totally knows that. I get on gaminglight almost every day, apart from when I hang out with friends and such. I have made some really good friends here for my pretty long time here, so I just want to say you all are cool and special in your own ways. Sooooooooo other than that this is my very late introduction and I will be answering questions down below in the comment thingy-ma-bobber if you scroll down. ?
  3. + support very mature not bias active
  4. Name: Gobi Rank: RCT Callsign(ex:1D12): Z06 Division: Beta 1 Concerns: Leadership Positions
  5. MAJORMAJORMAJORMAJORMAJORMAJOR + SUPPORT Very Mature Professional Not Bias Former Staff Member
  6. NEITHER SIDES This was a mistake, He is talking with high command right now.. (He has talked with a Anonimous Low Command too)
  7. @[GL] Tom @Aaron Hotcher @John Kyle
  8. 1. Name: Gibbi 2. Are you a staff member? (Must be a mod+): Yes I am a moderator but I have not been updated on the forums 3. How do you rate your SCP knowledge from a scale of 1 -10?: 8 4. Are you willing to find bugs and constructively criticize SCPRP?: Yes 5. Are you available at the time listed above?: Yes
  9. @Mikedanoobgamer you should make nine tails like application
  10. - Support Causes a ton of lag, not fit for the server at this state since we still have pretty big lag-spikes
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