In-Game Name:
BrycE King
Steam Name:
[GL] BrycE King♡
Are you a Moderator+?
Yes, i'm a Moderator.
How many post do you have on the website?
How often are you online on the forums?
5+ Hours a day. I always have forums open on my second monitor, even when i'm not home I keep tab with the servers forums on my phone.
What timezone are you in?
Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team?
I would love to be apart of the Forum Diplomat team because of my activity and dedication to the Gaminglights Community. I love to help GamingLight in any way or form. I'm extremely active on the forums, and have seen a few things gone wrong, and if accepted to the diplomat division I will try my hardest to keep the forums a clean, friendly environment for all users. I'm extremely active on the forums overall, i try my hardest to always be up to date with everything on the forums. I believe i would be a great asset to the diplomat team and that i'm well qualified for this position.
Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how?
Yes, I believe i have good judgement because I generally feel bad when something goes south for somebody, because I try to see everyones point of view before any judgement is to take place from myself.
How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?
First, I'd ask him to calm down, and i would proceed to hide his messages. Then i'd send him a Private message asking him not to spam shout boxes, I would also provide a link to ban appeals, and staff report section, telling him to make sure to use the correct formats for the both. If this all doesn't work, ill continue to hide his spam whilst I get into contact with SMT .