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~ vσxιs ~

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Everything posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. Yeah we all tend to make some pretty harsh mistakes with ourselves and the reason for that is due to the fact we lose touch with who we used/need to be vs who we want to be. Of course that last section can be looked at from different standpoints but hindsight is 50/50 Regardless. Don't ever feel like you caused something negative to happen, as I said before, we all make mistakes. Some people make the same mistakes time and time again and that's okay as long as they learn from said mistakes. You were a great staff member and never did give me problems. I just hope you keep your head held high my guy.
  2. I won't do a constant back and forth for the sake of simplicity. However, you need to fully understand the difference between something that is based on a topic that started on 4chan several years ago and what people find interesting. Either way, just because SCP is what it is doesn't mean it gives you free reign to make the jokes that were made. Yes, SCP is super horrific to those who dive headfirst into it and look below the surface. But, for what it is based on the server? It's not that bad. If someone is that curious to dig as deep as you're talking about, then let them do it and let them make the choice if they want to stick around it or not.
  3. As Zeus said. People come here to get away from things going on in real life to relax, have fun, and enjoy themselves. If they wanted to come home just to hear people do the same things they were trying to get away from, then why come home in the first place? Things you may find funny, others may not and that is what a lot of people don't tend to understand. They 99% of the time give the response of "I don't care" or "They'll get over it" but truth be told is you have no idea what is going on in someones head. Regardless of the fact, as far as your reply about people not reading your replies. Do you honestly think people are just going to blindly throw a +support your way knowing what you done in the first place to be banned? That's just digging a bigger hole because people do look at your replies, and people will do their background checking (as they have done.) That coupled with your current attitude of basically expecting people to give a straight +support is insanity. -Support
  4. -SUPPORT Bans over 1 year AND Blacklists cannot be appealed. To add to that, Valk didn't blacklist you over that comment, that much I can promise. He was insane yes but I can promise that's not why you were banned.
  5. ~ vσxιs ~

    no u

    Why you ping me bruh
  6. +SUPPORT Jawsh has been doing all kinds of things lately. I just warned him a couple of days ago for going inside of DOC with nobody there, sounding alarms and "waiting for his friend to be arrested" and even after his 27th warning, he still hasn't calmed down. I really hope he understands that he wont be here much longer if he keeps this up.
  7. +SUPPORT As Jimmy said, sitting down to avoid being arrested (or shot) is a form of FailRP (and Exploiting if you feel like going there) and to be honest, I would have just called a sit. Two wrongs don't make a right, and if it were me I would just say to use better judgement next time.
  8. +SUPPORT Evidence seems pretty clear. (Also, we can ignore the hobo with the shotgun right?)
  9. Damn, this sucks. Ill miss you Masterson, come back soon you minge!
  10. +SUPPORT He's been nothing but trouble. I can vouch on that ground 100%
  11. Accepted: Colesoft Grey Needles Tyler Vesterkez Denied: BOH For those who were accepted, welcome! Please make sure to get with an FTO within 72 hours to receive your training and your whitelists. For those who were denied, you may reapply in 2 weeks. Welcome to the team guys! It will be a pleasure working with you.
  12. The thing that seems off to me is a small 1 to 2 second window of saying "Hey, ill be right back" would have prevented all of this from happening. Now, am I saying that you're lying? Well, no. But, I have seen many many many times before where someone has said something to downplay a legitimate punishment. So, lets break down the basics. 1. If something happened IRL, a persons normal reaction 90% of the time is to give off that really quick "1 second" comment, or "I'll be right back." The only times I have not seen that happen is when or if it is seen or something can be heard in the background. 2. While it can be said that you didn't notice SCU in the distance, their cars are easily distinguishable (unless it was undercover) but even then, gov use cars that crims can't get access to. The ONLY exceptions to this is some High Command cars and MAYBE the occasional Low Command or Enlisted car. Depending on this though, could vary in whether or not they were seen. Other factors go into play such as being right next to bank (where the shadows are) or just blatantly not paying attention. That's my view on it anyway. Maybe it makes sense, maybe it doesn't. Up to you to decide that. -SUPPORT
  13. Even if warn bans were appealable, I still wouldn't want you back. You caused a lot of problems and even then, back then you had no intention to change. 40 chances and I have seen some of the mingiest people stop themselves before it's too late. -SUPPORT
  14. This is clear abuse. It was hard to catch (because someone's shoulder cam was in the way >.>) but you can clearly see where he was being picked up at the gate and then thrown to the door of DOC. The no staff online can't really be used as an excuse because if instances like this are happening you can ALWAYS make a player report on the forums. NEVER take situations like this into your own hands because it could very well cost you. +SUPPORT
  15. This saddens me greatly honestly. But I respect what you're going for. You were a great member for SWAT. I hope to see you back!
  16. You were banned for Sexual Harassment along with your friend who you only told to stop/calm down after he was banned. I even told you why you were being banned in game.
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