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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. Regardless of whether we are a subdivision or not, this would be a nice alternative that still gives us some organization. By this I mean a sub category in the SS tab.
  2. - Support The bus caused no harm to anyone, it was basically Fame RPing as a bus driver with people adverting Party bus! Nobody got RDMed, I mean there was a fun fight after pd pulled us over but that’s not RDM. Also Fame can’t control ten other players at the same time breaking the rules. Gun dealers and many others should not have been there, but it’s not Fame’s fault.
  3. - Support The reason for this is because it would be fairly hard to hear someone if all the PD on was in one room.
  4. Post it in the proper format. Also a strike or demotion is not necessary as this is really a player report for cop baiting.
  5. +/- Support Your very active and seem nice, but you have a lot of warns. Good luck!
  6. - Support I just don’t think you know the way...
  7. + Support A professional and mature staff member. Good luck!
  8. + Support I understand the confusion between Ryan and Zayn, I don't think any punishment(s) should be issued as it was clearly not intentional.
  9. Congrats guys, don’t burn the place down! :D
  10. + Support Shows an eagerness for staff as he as attempted to join many times. Also they are very active. Good luck!
  11. Nothing beats my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X tbh
  12. + Support Although if Zeeptin did it, you probably won’t get unbanned.
  13. + Support Thanks Deathzone for being a good sport about it!
  14. Hey guys so I was just wondering what your perfered phone is. I am a true iPhone lover (Although all other apple devices are a waste of money). Comment your favoriate brand of phone below!
  15. Another time when I was superadmin/Manager on a sandbox server I did something that broke all the ulx ranks and pretty much the whole server in two minutes. There was a solid 60 players on as well and the whole map just broke, members could spawn guns, and just complete chaos. Hence the noob part in my name.
  16. + Support Great guy with great activity on the forums. Good luck!
  17. Mike_da_noob

    Matt's T-Mod

    - Support Sorry, but I just don’t recall ever seeing you on the server. Try to get yourself more known on both the forums and the server itself and applying again in a few weeks! Good luck though!
  18. I think the punishment really depends on how long they where afk for (If they just had to use the restroom or something nothing should happen) also Snow is a trial mod so she is new to the staff team
  19. There has to be more fails than this... :D
  20. It’s constructive to argue about the reasoning behind the branch, but it just becomes useless bickering when people argue about Commander. Tbh I don’t see this branch becoming super useful - Support (However someone to replace doc would be nice)
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