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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support Hehe, did that scare you^ Frankly, Noot deserves instant mod as he is always on and we all know him as a great and dedicated player. Frankly, I think we have all been waiting for you to apply again :) Good luck!
  2. + support No question about it, I would say good luck but you don’t need it ;)
  3. I have seen you on and you show growth in there community, you just need to get more well known in the community. - Support Good luck though!
  4. - Support Sorry but I like to see at least a month as SM first. Good luck though!
  5. + Support Always on, and I do not see any problems with him. Good luck!
  6. I don’t understand why people like soda so much
  7. Hey guys so I was just wondering what your favorite beverage is, whether it be coffee, beer, tea, soda, etc. My personal favoriate drink on a hot day (I live in Florida so it’s always hot) would have to be iced expresso, or really any coffee beverage.
  8. + Support +Very active on both the server and the forums +Good app Good luck!
  9. But FBI, GFU, or Marshall’s wouldn’t do that. Correct me if I am wrong.
  10. + Support I have you seen on server quite a lot, the on the contrary your app is not that well-written and has many grammatical errors. Good luck! (P.S. Your forums account was created February, 7th)
  11. +/- Support + Past experience - Left for another community - Please remember to use proper grammar and punctuation within your apps. I do not see a single period. Good luck!
  12. I personally believe that there is not much difference if I was playing then asked an on duty staff member to warn them and me getting on duty to warn them myself. If Anything, getting on duty will be better as your keeping up the quota. Now this would be different if you did not directly see the violation or you are the accused person.
  13. - Support I believe that rule is directed toward a sit where the staff member is the accused, if he was the one who witnessed it I feel that they can switch on duty to handle it, just as an admin would warn without switching or any other staff member asks staff to warn a player they encounter.
  14. Yea if he did it multiple times he/she really needs a ban
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