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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by th3

  1. +Support I don’t see why it’s possible for d class to have them that they craft in d block
  2. No just no. Senior Mods shouldn’t be trusted that much as they can only ban for 4 hours. I would say it’s easier for Admins+ to keep the banid perm to themselves as they are more trusted to make an accurate call on whether or not it should be dispensed. Sorry but that’s just how I feel.
  3. th3


    Look pretty neat tbh
  4. Your gmod setting for downloading content needs to be working I believe.
  5. I assume he is saying make the skin of the vehicle already in the game a donator item, not really sure if that’s possible but seems like a good idea.
  6. -Support Not needed in my mind at this time
  7. -Support No real need to add this as only staff can get in to the tower.
  8. My understanding of this is that any scp that was tranqed couldn’t move for the proceeding 5 minutes. For 682 it would be like being put in his acid. My concern as mentioned before is that SCPs try their hardest to not be recontained even though at that point it’s ruining other people’s experience.
  9. -Support Every other server uses p!logs. It wouldn’t be suited to remove the plogs section and replace it with blogs.
  10. I mean he didn’t say it was false but ok.
  11. th3

    SCP 1245 Bug - Closed

    This has to be fixed by an Admin+
  12. How would new players know where they would be?
  13. You need to complete the rest of the application other wise this may be denied.
  14. I don’t think it’s necessarily possible to do it from the context menu.
  15. Yes skill when you face m4a1s with negevs.
  16. -Support Why would you spawn a filing cabinet near the checkpoint to “wait for someone to come”. Most common place to find people who are attempting to get past the checkpoint by exploiting the sit mechanic is in the roof cause they can’t do it correctly. I don’t think just because he doesn’t conduct a sit doesn’t mean the conclusion he came to was a wrong one. If anything I think the warn appeal should be accepted and you get warned for a separate instance of spawning a prop in as a d boy because you are more than aware of this rule.
  17. Nimo no, this is a resignation post, save that for private messages.
  18. In-Game Name: th3  SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170490584 Rank: Deputy Site Admin  Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3/8/19 to 3/13/19 Reason for LOA (If private that is fine):  Performing Star Wars music at Disney world I won’t be reachable on discord.
  19. I mean it’s really up to you but I found it was more convienient to stay in the states due to some jobs I wanted to do not really accepting foreign degrees. Plus it would be a hassle to go study abroad assuming you are going to get a degree and then not be able to use it
  20. -/+ Support Your Event seems rather straight forward and simple. But I also would like to interact with you more so I can get to know you before giving a - or a +
  21. I think you would be a great addition to the Event Team
  22. -Support Your app does not meet some basic requirements that are laid out in the application format. Also you are relatively newer and I would like to interact more with you ingame.
  23. Your app does need some more why you should be an event team member Also I think you could elaborate more on your event idea. -/+ Support Good luck!
  24. -Support Please elaborate on the points made above in regards to the events fairness
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