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Everything posted by th3

  1. Accepted! Main issue I have is that MTF were mostly trained to kos any Foundation Utility Staff who are in the incorrect Zones. This obviously goes against the MOTD and has since been fixed so more attempts at RP are included instead of straight killing Foundation personnel on site. After saying this, I do want to clarify that you are not allowed to kill Foundation Staff in accordance with the MOTD. No foundation staff should shoot, hurt, or otherwise threaten other foundation staff. This would be considered FailRP. To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  2. th3

    Ban Appeal

    -Support "False warns" are to be appealed in the report center. Failing to do so shouldn't change the determination that you had over the max amount of allowed warns which justifies the permanent ban.
  3. You are lacking in several key details in your application. Also you failed to meet the 150 word count minimum requirement and answer question 6.
  4. *Gets warned for RDM despite not actually rdming someone* I think the warn is false. However this is something that needs to be clarified by SMT so there is no confusion wether it’s within RP to terminate foundation personnel who refuse orders while in an area they aren’t in RP supposed to be. Also RP documents should not overrule the MOTD rule that you should not be harming other foundation staff.
  5. I don't think that is necessary
  6. -Support No evidence really showing that you didn’t infact do what Kyle said you did.
  7. Video mainly shows Austin’s part in this and doesn’t show much of you. Also I would be inclined towards you breaking rules based off your previous behavior on SCPRP.
  8. th3


    Need his steamid
  9. th3

    035 - Denied

    I support having the mask spawn on him as it gives him the swep
  10. It literally says you only need to have perm if attempting to warn a rank higher than your rank. A tmod cannot warn an Admin without a Superadmin+ perms however a moderator can warn a tmod without needing permission to. Likewise you either need a SuperAdmins perm to warn another Superadmin or a Head Admin+ perm to warn them. Dint know why it’s confusing as it’s laid out quite clearly
  11. I think he may be referring to that emoji being removed
  12. Try restarting your game
  13. +Support A strike would be a good punishment to issue
  14. These 2 Security members are exempt from the 30 word requirement as they are having issues logging into the forums. I posted their responses for them Name on roster: Wuvv Rank on roster: Corporal How active are you: Active What can Security improve on? Security can improve on disapline and stictness with D-Class personell. The reason I say disapline is because So's both newly trained and not newly trained are SLOPPY AS FUCK and need to shape up there act not saying i cant improve on things Strictness with D-Class because the have been given to much slack on crossing the line Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) He is exempt Name on roster: Kawalski Rank on roster: Lance Corporal How active are you: Active What can Security improve on? closeing doors behind themselves and not shooting eachother while firing at an enemy Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) He is exempt
  15. That’s not his lol, in the future I would recommend using steamid.xyz as it doesn’t put the 1 in where the first 0 is.
  16. So his steamid has a STEAM_1:0 in it? STEAM_0:0:183269254 That is his correct one
  17. Denied Your application is ok but as the two members mentioned above, please take their criticism into account if you wish to reapply. Reapply whenever Also steamid is incorrect
  18. th3

    Dr. Plums Loa

    What’s your rp name? So we can mark you as loa
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