Your In-Game Name: Nimo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94107053 Staff member's In-Game Name: Naby Steamid: STEAM_0:1:196498317 What did they do? Naby warned a player off duty for FailRP and FailRP needs a sit Naby did not get on duty and warn him instead he warned him without a sit and warned him off duty and he always uses soundboards in TS without permission of a Super Admin+ or aloud to DJ description and its not the first time he used a soundboard in TS Evidence (REQUIRED): (I don't have the proof for the soundboard since I cannot record in TS) What do you think is an acceptable punishment? I think he should he should get a strike because he did Breach the Staff Handbook and (No Offence Naby) but he also is rude to players and it says in the Staff Handbook "you need to be kind to players"