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Everything posted by CHIKEN

  1. -support I really wish we could get a new weed system cuz our current one is awful but the suggestion i made was denied for it... Also it will probably cause a lot of server lag
  2. You missed the part where you talked to 682 and made a deal that if you freed him he would not kill nimo or you and just kill CI..... You stated all this in the discord screenshot. Or are you saying you were lying about what you said in discord? This is where you broke failrp and the rule about teaming with SCPS.
  3. +support Admitted to breaking rules Evidence is clear Teaming with SCPS is against MOTD
  4. +Support Deserves a second chance Great staff member and player on SCPRP I dont see why he should not be given a second chance. I understand how DDOS threats are a serious issue but I think everyone deserves a second chance after they proven they have matured and changed.

    CHIKENS Appeal

    Steam Name: CHIKEN Ingame Name:CHIKEN SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699 Have you donated to the server? Yes Staff Restriction Length:Perm i think Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Valk i think Reason for Staff Restriction: I don't know for sure but i'm pretty sure its because i dint talk to valk after my 48hr Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): I've played in this community for a long time now and i've had the staff restriction for about 2 thirds of my time here which is like a year and a half or something. I was originally staff on MILRP but i lost interest in staffing and became inactive. I decided to give staffing on PRP a try and pretty much the same thing happened. The reason i've waited so long to appeal this is because honestly i have no interest in staff in GMOD at all. I've played rust since its been in alpha and I've pretty much became addicted to playing rust, I know pretty much everything about the game and what it takes for a server to be popular. It always irritates me when i get on the server and there's new players who don't know what there doing because we have all been there, and i think i could definitely help out a lot with that type of stuff as well as making the server and community more fun to players. I have been talking to scoot and just trying to sort some things out with the server and i would really love to apply for staff but than i remember that i'm staff restricted.Now I know I do have a little bit of a reputation for thing, but i think for those who really have gotten to know me can say that I could be a pretty good staff member if i really tried to and that's pretty much what i'm trying to do with the new rust server. I would even take if it could be changed to a Perm staff restriction from all GL GMOD servers instead of just GL staffing in general. I'm pretty horrible at typing these things so please have mercy
  6. +support Much needed update Very balanced and fair
  7. -Support The rule should DEFINITELY stay although i think it should be changed to for defcon 3 or higher they need to be called in, but defcon 2 and lower they should be able to go in without being called in
  8. -support 200 HP with 175 Armor at starting rank are you joking? thats literally the same armor i get as a CPT in CI also you guys dont need a long / medium range class as you mainly deal with things inside of the facility.
  9. -support Man i love the fact you just put the time it was for you in the question of what your timezone was. Give him manager 10/10
  10. I dont think you understand how suggestions work.... If you post something that make people feel a different way your going to be criticized don't be a snow flake.
  11. He was behind the wall at first by hospital and he had to jump over it. Your making it seem like i tried to clearly break fearrp which i dint. I really wish the sit would have been ingame because i could of shadow played and showed my POV to explain how I thought it out. ^^^
  12. Honestly i understand how it looks like fearp but from my side there was a delay in your mic like i dint even hear hands now until i had my negev out. Also it would not be combat healing because there was literally no other officers there because i had just killed them all, after this i literally walked into car dealership and spawned a car and no one saw me or did anything. I apologize for this im not even joking about the mic delay first warn in 2 and a half months unlucky );
  13. I mean i still play on SCPRP and 1944RP daily so and the warns count to that aswell so im active.
  14. Your In-game:CHIKEN Your SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699 The admin's name in-game:Multiple admins The admin's steam name (If you know it):no What warning did you receive:http://prntscr.com/nxjfzw Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):http://prntscr.com/nxjfzw Why do you think this warn was false:I have not been warned in 6 weeks and i believe i can remove 2 warns for every 2 weeks so i can now remove 6 of my warns. Please correct me if im wrong Any extra information:Black lives matter
  15. Name:CHIKEN Rank:LT Call Sign:LT34 Steam name:CHIKEN Discord ID Name: CHIKEN#2053
  16. I got banned from all other GL servers ? FeelsBadMan
  17. I dont think you read my post completely. I said as you can see in the video I was alt walking, and even AlexMSD knows i was as he was watching us the whole time. Also theres no such thing as charging up in the MOTD i still dont even know what you mean about it. Lastly you called me to the sit an hour after it happened i even said i dont even really rmber what happened so its likely im going to change my story as i rmber things.
  18. Your In-game:CHIKEN Your SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699 The admin's name in-game:Ternith The admin's steam name (If you know it):No What warning did you receive:http://prntscr.com/ns4udl Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):http://prntscr.com/ns4udl https://plays.tv/video/5ce5ec1395b656abf2/chicken Why do you think this warn was false:Ill just explain the whole story,so i was on 096 for my first time and 035 was breaking scps out. We were at gate A when mtf came from behind us. I turned around noticed that the mtf was looking at me for what i thought was more than 3 seconds, lunged out at him and he moved away and missed the original guy i was aiming for and killed daedran. Then an hour later after all this happened i get tped to an admin sit, and they showed me the evidence. While we were talking about the situation and I was trying to defend myself he warned me. He told me that i had to press r and wait for the scream to commence which he called my "charge up" then i could kill them. He also said i had to alt walk the entire time which i was until i saw them looking at me and lunged at them. In the video you can literally see me alt walking if i wasn't the player model would of put the hands up which i had realized after playing on him for like 30 seconds. I really wasnt trying to break any rules as i never play on SCPS and i read the motd for rules on 096 and all it says is http://prntscr.com/ns4xmq. Correct me if im wrong but i only have to alt walk if noone is looking at me it says if i see someone look at me for a few seconds than i become a "Killing machine" and move incredibly fast which i may shift and lunge at my enemy, therefore both of the reasons were false. I dont even know what he ment by my "charge up" nor did i know you could press r and scream. Any extra information: Heres the video https://plays.tv/video/5ce5ec1395b656abf2/chicken
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