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Everything posted by CHIKEN

  1. does not look like a correct steam id m8 use steamidfinder.com
  2. +HUGE support -Improved -Great person -Awesome captain -SUPER active I haven't known munchies for awhile but for the time ive known him he has been one of the nicest people. he does joke around a bit but its all in a humorous attempt. I feel like his past should not represent him anymore and he should be allowed to be staff. I also think he would be a great addition to staff and for the better of the community. Good luck munchies <3
  3. Why was he banned he seemed like a good guy?
  4. but nolan said otherwise in https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/21335-to-all-government/ and all staff tell me there is a 3 min NLR
  5. For everyone saying Its Just 18 seconds if you would read the post i say that it took a lot of time to kill us and get fully into our base he came back probably 30 seconds after he died.... Also buddy if you wanna call us out on all those false accusations you can make a report dont call us out for things the admins approve of. We follow the rules and we know the rules. Yes sometimes we have gone a little too far but we are trying to improve.
  6. I mean you can ask any of the srt/swat that was there or even the admin that was there
  7. As i had said in the post there was alot of down time as we had full armor it took him awhile to kill all of us and get through our base he dint wait 2mins and 42 seconds then rush in and instantly kill all of us dude. he came back after like 30 secs (i dont remember exactly how long) then rushed in
  8. Your In-game: CHIKEN Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:114115699 The player's name in-game: NoOne The player's steam name (If you know it):NoOne What did the player do: Alright so before i start i just want to say NoOne is cool and i hope he doesn't take offense to this... I've been told by Super Admins and more that Government have to wait 3 minutes for NLR. now today during a money silo raid NoOne and a bunch of SRT and SWAT under his command (im guessing) respawned after we (PD family) had just killed them. Then they literally like 2 seconds later (idk how they got back so fast) all rushed in again and killed us. After i waited for ems i then called an admin (Trial Mod Nor) and he told me he could not do anything and that there is a 3 min NLR for government. When i asked to speak to NoOne he told me to go to the forums. I'm not even that salty im just really confused because I've been told by so many admins that there is a 3 min NLR for government. Evidence (REQUIRED):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1401419181 as you can see in the screenshot it shows we had killed NoOne then he came right back and started killing us. Also There was a lot of down time between him rushing in again because we were trying our best to stay alive. But he and the others definitely did not wait anything close to 3 minutes. What do you believe should happen to the player: Idk but nothing too serious maybe a warn for Breaking NLR as NoOne in my opinion is a great Head Of Staff... Any extra information: I really am just confused lol
  9. Will making these bases are the only way possible to defend against swat/srt/cert and we usually still die to them with like 10+ of us... They should make a rule for not allowing bases like this when no swat or srt are on i could agree with that.
  10. Leave me alone i tried my best )';
  11. Im sorry zayn but i have to agree with Th3 if a higher admin says the base is completely fine than i believed i should not be warned
  12. It is my base and my props! Zayn first of all i have nothing against you and i hope you dont take anything to offense. yesterday i had the same base and Zayn was on admin and came by and said i was prop climbing. There was a part of the base that was just floating in mid air and i can agree it was prop climbing at the time...after i deleted it i believe he said alright idk about this one ( the one hes now reporting me for) but i think its ok. (i dont fully remember his words) Today he pmed me during a money silo raid at my base to remove it or ill get warned (he wasn't on staff at the time he was dead). I then told him if he could get an admin to tell everyone to stop and i would fix it. Later that day we have 2 super admins and three admins confirm the base was perfectly ok. Super admins were Felix and fame. I can see how it would kinda be prop climb and i would not fight the warn but i mean it was confirmed to be ok and im not doing it on purpose.
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