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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. just gotta be careful to not hit 40 before then. Good point to make, I forgot to think about that
  2. and yes some people can appeal that perma-ban, but the community must REALLY love you to get it accepted and.... I don't know if that's the case with me...
  3. i can't appeal anything because even if it does get accepted the warn system is broken. Warns can't be removed. I already have 2 or 3 warns accepted during their appeals, but the aren't removable... and to those asking how i got staff with so many warns, i have a... interesting backstory to explain that... it's a bit lenthy to explain here, but a summary of it is on my tmod app. just look through the accepted apps until you find Trooper Ryan's T-Mod Application and the whole backstory is there
  4. please take note of what i had to do with naby. i had to give this link to smts so he would quit harrassing after many attempts to get him to stop. Learn from his mistakes. I'm really not playing anymore the forums bullying is long past old. https://imgur.com/gallery/RXBJk
  5. considering it's Rockford Illinois, completely normal
  6. So recently between a rogue staff and a few accident warns warning the wrong guy I am at 38 warns. The handbook states that at number 40 it's an automatic permaban. This may soon be the end of my times in PRP...
  7. theres no reason for this. This doesn nothing to help undercover people as evryone knows what cars are undercover...
  8. then he'd find out some SHOCKING discoveries about water and electricity BRB gonna kms real quick
  9. -support you told him to go **** himself which is really rude and uncalled for even in character telling someone to **** off in-character makes sence to me. I don't see what's wrong with it. essentially he said the equivelent of go away you told him the equivelent of kys and lets not be so hostile and in love with caps lock please and thank you
  10. For Rockford, that's a perfectly normal thing to happen.
  11. - support thats already a thing with the choice of being in SWAT or Sherrif. (did they change that after aru was disbanded or no)
  12. think of this. The competition to get the most staff hours is going to be amazingly helpful for the efforts to increase staff meeting ratio.
  13. Do you want to go down that route? I won't tolerate it. If you want to be rude when I politely ask that this meme stops then I'll just be forced to use more... impolite methods to get the point across this isn't ok anymore. It's more than me begging for + reps. It's me telling you guys that enough is enough
  14. Is it half full or half empty? Is it better the second time or seconder the better time? Is the meaning of life 42? Where is the nearest bridge?
  15. In-Game Name: Ryan The Epic Guy Steam Name: [GL] Ryan The Epic Guy SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 Are you a Moderator+? Yes How many post do you have on the website? 379 (after posting this app it will be 480) How often are you online on the forums? Whenever I'm not In-Game What timezone are you in? EST Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? I want to do more to help the community. I am already super active on the forums, so logic would say Forum Diplomat would suit me well Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Yes. I have had a false warn report made against me in the 2 months of being staff and people don't ever complain about the punishments I give them. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would delete the spam and tell him to stop spamming. If he continues I would follow the chain of command to get assistance from a higher up to mute them.
  16. At first it was a funny joke. I didn't really care about it and people made a meme about - repping everything i do. But there's a limit to this. Whenever I go online I see 8 new notifications saying (name) has gave you reputation. It is always a new wave of people - repping me. Whenever I go in-game I am CONSTANTLY harassed by people pming me about my reps and people saying - Rep (stupid reason) in ooc for literally EVERYTHING i say. Now people are trying to claim that I shouldn't be in staff with a -85 reputation. With every passing day it is getting worse. What began as a funny little joke has become something people are harassing me with. This funny little - rep joke ends now. Every time someone pms me, harrases me in-game, or constantly -reps me for no reason will be brought directly to SMTs for bullying and harassment. Don't test me either. You will find quickly how little my tolerance has gotten. In the future if you guys are going to make a funny little joke of something just make sure it doesn't go too far. This was a funny meme until someone tried to say I didn't deserve my staff rank with -85 rep *cough *cough @Lut
  17. those inactive staff would suddenly become more active if they knew they were going to be demoted if they didnt do staffing more
  18. +/- support +no warns -new to the server -replied to app +i helped him get this made he really seems like he'd be dedicated
  19. What you want to see? - staff being able to see their own staff hours Why should we add it? - so staff know when they need to be on duty more or risk a demotion What are the advantages of having this? - more staff will get on duty when they know their staff hours is way too low Who is it mainly for? - staff Links to any content - n/a
  20. all downvotes are these days is a way people have mematized me :/
  21. they are all just hit a button and it will auto buy all ingrediants and spend 5-10 minutes before a drug is made.
  22. - support -this mod is repetetive. EVERY DRUG IS THE SAME!!! -meth is in this mod and we can't have 2 meths -causes TONS of lag with vcmod
  23. - support -every drug is the same way to make -using seperate, more advanced mod for eacyh drug is far better -we have meth and so does this only one meth can exist EDIT: I forgot to mention Causes serious lag with VC mod
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