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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. +Support I'd rather see a whitleisted job just for bank security, rather than see Thiefes change their jobs to bank security and shoot anyone that pulls out a gun inside bank.
  2. Oh yeah I play this game all the time, it's really fun for a free game
  3. ArmyGuy

    Staff Defibs

    That's true too actually, most staff members already interupt RP sits.
  4. I accidentally jailed someone who Valk was bringing to jail, he was in Valk's car, let's just say Valk's car blew up and it went from there.
  5. Bro, I'm a pro at MineCraft Pocket Edition, get on my level scrub
  6. Lower the damge instead of giving crims gas mask, that'd be stupid
  7. ArmyGuy

    Staff Defibs

    +/- Support Make it like EMS Donor mods could abuse it possibly, or other staff in general Maybe make it Senior Mod+ or regular Mod+
  8. +Support I think it should get shortened at the least, he even says he was just trying to help out a friend.
  9. Major +Support Munchies was a great staff member and a great friend. He was well trusted, always got on duty when was needed, I feel like his restriction should be shortened sat the least. Maybe he wasn't having the greatest of all days? Everyone gets those
  10. Happy Birthday, my bday is coming up as well man on the 16th
  11. +Support Long time friend Good RPer Great guy Good leader Active Would make a good part of command ~Good luck ~ArmyGuy
  12. This is why /mdt was added into the server
  13. I like how whenever it's a post on a Yuki it sky rockets.
  14. Jesus 26 replies in just 46 minutes,.everyone arguing over a warn appeal
  15. I've seen people wait months just for CPT
  16. Is do +/-Support Something like a PD roster is hard to manage, especially with new players that come in all the time
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