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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2018 in all areas

  1. What you want to see? - i wish to see a vice president job that the president can elect and we could also add maybe 2-3 senator jobs that are VIP+ jobs or elected idrk Why should we add it? - Because it would greatly increase roleplay and would allow more people and we could also add maybe 5-6 senator jobs What are the advantages of having this? - It can boost server population and it will boost roleplay Who is it mainly for? - The WHOLE server Links to any content - N/A
    1 point
  2. What you want to see? - The money that was spent on repair kits be worth the amount you can rob for a general store. Why should we add it? - More rp, more realistic Gen store robberies What are the advantages of having this? - The Gen store could potentially be worth more money, depending on how many people bought Repair kits. Who is it mainly for? - Criminals Links to any content - N/A
    1 point
  3. Huge +Support Joe has demonstrated what it takes to be a diplomat through earning the rank of Admin, and all around Joe is an awesome guy and I love to rp with him! He is mature and responsible, and knows how to best handle situation! Good luck joe! PS: u still suck at surviv.io xD
    1 point
  4. SO MUCH CUTE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  5. + support +Mature + the application is good GOOD LUCK!!!
    1 point
  6. +/- Support We don't need an entire house, just the President and VP
    1 point
  7. I have mass respect for you now that you just said that.
    1 point
  8. Here is the reason it was added back. Not arresting crims after the gunfight meant they could go and start another gunfight in less than 1 min, I have seen it. The reason it was added it back is to stop every situations from turning into a shootout. Crims now have to think about if they need to get in a shootout. Because back then there was no consequence if you got kill, you will be revived and you can do it again. This rule was added so we can have more role-play in the server, because before it was gunfight after gunfight, not being that realistic. From a staff stand point I feel this rule may also drop RDM sits as people are overall killing less people. Basically crims now have to think how to get away, before they just think get in a shootout so I do not have to go to jail. Government just wants more role-play and I must agree.
    1 point
  9. PD holds the most people, we hold everyone.
    1 point
  10. How does being SM for a year say something about your activity? Maybe he just didn't want to apply for command yet as there's also other departments to get into.
    1 point
  11. I want to be insanely transparent. Here at Gaminglight, we encourage constructive criticism. Our community was built off of this principle, and we continue to encourage this to further this community and make it better for everyone every day. However, we do not encourage players being toxic to our other players and specifically staff members. Our staff members take TONS of time out of their days to help our community be as great as it is. They do not deserve to be trashed behind their backs and talked about negatively. Sure, nobody gets along 100%, and we understand that. There is a HUGE difference between constructive criticism and being toxic. I would like to ask everyone politely to please be respectful to others. If you are going to be toxic, we do not want you playing on our servers.
    1 point
  12. Vizz you were one of my favorite SRT members by far bypassed most of the people with an acceptation of 1 person. You are by far the funniest one and used to be one of the most active. I just cant let you leave without you knowing how cared for and respected you were in the department. You should definitely come back once you are done with animerp All members could definitely share a great memory with you but there is to many great memory's that i remember that I would rather keep it short and sweet. It is going to be sad not being able to patrol together and not have shits and giggles going on while driving. You defiantly had a chance in the department and you could have went somewhere in it but I understand the Anime RP is getting to you. I don't think you should have switched over anyway. I am going to miss being able to yell at you for not being active as a joke. I know you are going to miss when I can boss you around and you sometimes don't listen as a joke. It is going to be sad not being able to move into any situation with you and not being able to be on a team with you. Now i know you are going to abuse my custom class and you better not fuck with other SRT. Again it was a pleasure having you on Special Response Team and working as a team with you. I hope you enjoy your time not having to think about SRT. Saying my final goodbye to SRT FSGT Vizz 1E21. ~ Special Response Team Captain Jeff M 1E58
    0 points
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