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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Please just stop it Ok, so there has been something bugging me SOO much about PoliceRP right now. I have currently a Deputy of the PoliceRP Emergency Medical Service Department. When on staff, or on EMS, or even just on the server as civ. All I see when there is 1 or 2 EMS on is "EMS IS SLOW!!!!" | "EMS Doesnt do their jobsss" | "EMS Sucks" | "Is EMS AFK?" | "What do I do if EMS is retarded and just drives by me." And to be honest. I am getting annoyed. EMS is not an easy thing to do. When there is only you to revive the constant shootouts that people do because there is no reason to fear your life on PoliceRP anymore. And the Pursuits going straight to shootouts. The Hostages always being killed because PD doesn't listen. The EVERY DEAD PERSON EVERY 35 SECONDS. It's not easy. Rockford is a big map for one EMS to deal with on a full server. Us at EMS is TRYING OUR HARDEST to make it better, train better, drive better (impossible), have more than one EMS active at a time, and SOO much more to make your RP "better"! If I see any disrespect from anyone towards EMS, it's getting screenshotted and reported to the forums. If you're on a Gov Job, it's going to your depts. forums to get looked at by your High Command/Higher Ups. Same goes for EMS being disrespectful, please let us know if you see it. We don't tolerate disrespect towards and from us. And I'm sure EVERY PoliceRP dept. is the same way with that. Please understand I am not trying to be a donkey, but it's getting annoying. I have to deal with it within EMS towards other EMS and I don't want to have to be posting on other depts. forums either. Please. That's all I ask. We are doing our best. Remember, you can always report anything to our EMS REPORT FORM HERE. Thank you! Jason Tucker EMS Deputy and Low Command PoliceRP Moderator
    1 point
  2. What you want to see? - The Advanced Medic Mod Why should we add it? - It would add a lot more roleplay to the server. It would also make people actually want EMS to assist them in a lot of Situations. Also we can see a rapid growth of ems in the future. See the reason why I joined EMS is because I liked a show named “code black”. It showed them doing surgerys and stuff, so when I joined the server I saw that EMS was an option and wanted to join, but then quickly realized there wasn’t enough rp which was disappointing . I just like the fact that I can help people in different scenarios (broken leg,bullet wound…). We would be able to put them into our Ambulances and take them to the hospital to be treated! Which would be sick! What are the advantages of having this? -We could get more roleplay to EMS and it can get more players to join ems with the extra roleplay in hand. I know for a fact that if this mod was added myself and all of EMS will be more active. Who is it mainly for? - EMS Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/4403 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF9tu_k8Q9E
    1 point
  3. +Support -Would add more realism and roleplay
    1 point
  4. Well said @Kade . True, we need this for our dept. It is not optional for us. it is like Life and Death. This would make EMS and the Server better in so many ways.
    1 point
  5. I have thought hard if i should make this and i have come to this conclusion. I can't really find any time to be on policerp thanks to school and my timezone. One reason also is that i got superadmin in militaryrp so that is where my time will go to. I would like to say sorry for being inactive for a long time. I would like to thank Snookie for giving me the opportunity to be a state trooper. Shout-out to Pull and Richmond both of you are very dedicated to state and i love both of you.
    1 point
  6. yeah see we don't give up like you, sorry
    1 point
  7. I dont know if you remeber me from back then but my name was SCOL Crimson on the USAF and Major General on RU during that time period. Good to see another member back tho.
    1 point
    1 point
  9. I think you all mean Gaur. Nobody is a bigger anime nerd than Gaur.
    1 point
  10. How's "Is EMS AFK?" a disrespectful when it is a legit question. BTW maybe if some EMS can legit stop being AFK for real.
    1 point
  11. Have an awesome time my dude!
    1 point
  12. Kade brings up a valid point the excuse for not adding this is lag lag did i mention lag its just a bit tedious at this stage I want more rp so from me its a +support
    1 point
  13. +Support This mod adds many things. It's very useful for servers that love RP. In which I think Gaminglight likes RP so this should be no problem. Things it adds/Ideas to bring up: 1. With the option of Medicine making/buying pre-made medicine there can be a Pharmacist role, and/or Doctors on standby to treat incoming patients. 2. Vehicular Collison - with this if you are going a certain speed you start to take an injury, such as broken bones and bleeding, loss of consciousness. With this there will be consequences to speeding, acting stupid, and no more endless 10-80s with 5-10+ high-speed collisions. 3. More Paramedic capabilities - With this it brings stretchers, CPR, advanced defibs, animations, and RP, which we do not have. It allows for Rapid Response to come back, faster response time then RR calls a 10-52(Ambulance). 5. Doctor(As stated above) - It allows doctors to receive incoming patients and more activity at the hospital. It comes with X-rays, medicine, and advanced healing such as Patient beds, blood bags, and RECOVERY. AND BEFORE YOU SAY, WELL I DON'T want this much RP!! 6. Then don't, it will be optional to bypass these extreme measures of RP by spending a little bit of money via a Kiosk machine. (If treatment will take longer than normal waiting time). BUT WHO WOULD'T WANT TO RP. Who wouldn't want this fun experience? AND IF YOU THINK THIS WILL CAUSE LAG LISTEN. Everything uses the overused word "lag". It will still be the same amount of lag as any other thing in the server, it will be soooo minuscule you won't even notice. 1. The medicine spawning causes lag, the same thing as me buying 5 pieces of ammo at once... 2. The stretcher causes lag!!! How? It is just like me buying another 5 pieces of ammo at once. Lag is an excuse for everything I see. Now I do get that the Fire mod does cause HARD lag, that one I can understand. ~Medical Chief Kade C1
    1 point
  14. Sassi the disrespect needs to stop towards my department. Ever since you acted immature and tried to take EMS into your hands and ask for my rank you have not been the same. Take your own words into advice....GIVE UP, MORE disrespect and mingery out of you and this issue is going to SMT. IT HAS TO STOP
    1 point
  15. I don't see anything wrong. Richmond was just preventing you all from starting a general store robbery. He didn't have to let yall into the general store. The only thing wrong that I would see from this is bad judgement/bad approach to the situation. As a wanting a warning for failrp, I don't see how he failrp'd. Saying things like " we were just mad because we ended up dying. " is how all cases/reports turn out to be. It's not making fun of you or anyone. Thats how most reports get started. Because the person who makes the report usually gets mad about a certain situation that involved them getting killed and so they want to decide to get the person in trouble by making a report on the forums. But thats not what this is about. As a State matter, no punishments will be given to Richmond.
    1 point
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