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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2018 in all areas

  1. Well I’m mean and I loved striking people, so I read the strikes a lot. I’ve seen quite a few badge abuse and violating undercover rules. Here are the basics of being undercover: 1) you can’t shoot people, or start robberies (you can only assist, so in a shootout shoot the walls) 2) refer to rule #1 3) you get to spawn in weed plants or whatever but cannot collect them. Make sure not to. 4) you can’t go inside gov only areas just cuz you’re UC. I will personally shoot you 5) if you’re being arrested for something you did do, or being pulled over, don’t just pull out your badge and say you can’t arrest me. That is badge abuse. 6) don’t get on my bad side cuz I’ve been doing stupid UC stuff for awhile now, in fact, most of the things I’ve done I should’ve been stricken for. Don’t be stupid (this isn’t a confession tho). 7) don’t disrespect people it’s rude 7.5) love ya ~October Oh and remember to never let a crim search you or they’ll find your badge. Oh and the strikes thing is real, I wrote 6 strikes in 3 days by closing this you agree to these rules
    1 point
  2. Your In-game: SRT PVT Anonymous 1M56 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96601512 The admin's name in-game: Joe mama on Duty The admin's steam name (If you know it): i think [GL] Joe Mama idk What warning did you receive: Fail rp Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): I had a whitness with me is was SRT SGT Blitzton 1E67 Why do you think this warn was false: There was a BAnk raid and PD went doing their jobs the person was in SRT base se we killed him and he called RDM Any extra information: none....
    1 point
  3. +/- Support Low warns Staff Expierience Good activity on forums/in-game Alot of grammarical errors Could be more in depth with Q's 14 & 15 Good luck! - My Pet named Steve
    1 point
  4. +Support Active mature Friendly Good guy Deserves LT
    1 point
  5. + Support Deserves a Chance Nice Guy I wanna see you on more as LT! Good Luck - CPT Tom Brown
    1 point
  6. +Support! -great guy and mature -trains cadet -good app other then that I think you are ready for lt
    1 point
  7. @Ramen Rug Soup csgolive.com aka Semi James. Thank you for taking you for taking the time and effort and expressing as to how you feel about my actions as a staff member. You have said your side of the story now please allow me to say mine. Earlier this afternoon I found a bit of time to come on and do some staff on duty when I get a call for a false raid. I take the call and go to it to find Mr. James yelling and saying that the "raid" was false. I then ask what was going on and all 3 of them started to talk at once, I then decided to just tell them to be quiet for a minute and let them talk one by one. As the SRT member is talking Mr. James keeps cutting in and talking over him making me have to !gag him. I do so and let the SRT member talk. After the SRT member was done I get the FBI's side of the story and then I get Mr. Jame's side of the story. Once all sides were given I made my judgement and decided that the raid was not false therefore the arrest is valid and RP must go on. Mr. James not happy with my decision making calls for a higher up. I was the highest member on duty at the time as you can see on the video and I tell him so but he still wants someone else. After calling for a higher up Mr. @Armysecret comes in and Mr. James very rudely tells him that he asked for someone higher than him. I then bring him to a roof without having to do so and ask for another staff member higher than me to come on and talk to him. As none came I went to @Rhenic and asked for his assistance. Rhenic comes and again while I try to explain Mr. James cuts me off and does not let me talk. After giving him a second to relax I explain everything to Rhenic and he agrees that the raid is not false. Rhenic then goes to continue RP. I then at that point return both the FBI Agent and Mr. James back to RP. After doing so Mr. James does not want to comply with the FBI member and keeps on wanting a higher up. I tell him to comply with the FBI member but he does not listen. At that point, I had it with the mingery so I decided to warn him for Failure to comply with both PD and Staff. I then TP them to the jail and let the FBI member put him in. I also used my powers to get him in the cell. After I was done he claimed that he would make a report on me on the forums. A few minutes later after posting the report he then sends me a PM in the game saying "good luck ? " https://gyazo.com/a2baf04194f028aed933da76eb244322 In contrast to this report, I would like to point out that Mr. James is breaking one of our rules by advertising a website in his Forum name.
    1 point
  8. September Accepted List LCPL Scoot 1A83 [STEAM_0:0:69016571} // Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/2/18 SM Armysecret 1A97 [ STEAM_1:1:82357798 } // Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/3/18 MSGT Elapin [ STEAM_0:1:237084328 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/3/18 LCPL Stump [ STEAM_0:0:64763403 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/4/18 LCPL Garth [ STEAM_0:1:89820460 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/5/18 SM Alistair [ STEAM_0:0:76861966 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/6/18 LCPL Krusty 1B86 [ STEAM_0:1:158696056 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/8/18 SM Josh [STEAM_0:1:181545127] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/9/18 MSGT Soileau [ STEAM_0:1:197317065 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 LCPL Adam [ STEAM_0:1:95295033 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 CPL Duv [ STEAM_0:1:48244868 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 SGT Kade [STEAM_0:0:178907499} Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/17/18 SM Robs [ STEAM_0:1:65457711 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/20/18 SGT Not Nick [STEAM_0:0:92226179} Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/25/18 SM Kiki [ STEAM_1:0:190683417 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/25/18 CPL Warcub [ STEAM_0:0:160121837 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18 LCPL Bob Semple [ STEAM_0:1:156476763 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18 LCPL Robby Peppers [ STEAM_0:0:143018883 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18
    1 point
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