Active in-game and in TS pretty much everyday.
Mature and professional.
Application is top notch.
Trains cadets everytime he sees one, and assist officers who are in need.
Friendly and nice towards other officers.
Knows what he is doing when he becomes a command member.
Would make a great PD supervisor.
I have seen Dan doing an outstanding work since his first day in PD as a Patrol Officer. He has shown me and everyone in PD that he is ready for the next rank, to become part of the PD low command. He is approachable, nice and friendly towards others, and is professional everytime he is on the job. He always shows cadets on what to do correctly and what to stay way from, and most of the time he trains cadets if he sees one. Besides, we need more active Lieutenants, and he deserves and is fit for the Lieutenant rank. Best of luck, Dan. You're going to need it!
-Captain Dane