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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Would have to be Secret Service or SRT
    2 points
  2. was kinda funny though yobo's reaction +support
    2 points
  3. +Support Great guy overall Great helper in game Very active everywhere Such a good app
    2 points
  4. 1. What is your in-game name?: Eternity E 2. What is your steam name?: eternityagar 3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:181785233 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have completed 2 months as Donor Mod on GamingLight which has given me a clear line of experience which I have been able to learn and still learning every day. I also applied for Moderator afterwards and was given the position. However, I ran into problems and I started to become inactive and was removed from the staff team. I ran into problems and went inactive but I'm back active again and won't be going anywhere now. 5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 19/11/17 (UK DATE) 6. What date did you make your forums account? 29/12/17 (UK DATE) 7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ 8. How many warns do you have on the server? 6 9. Have you donated? Yes. 10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. 11. Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/8889-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Read and Understood. 12. Timezone: GMT 13. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A 14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I deserve to be a Trial-Moderator as have been playing on GamingLight for over half a year now and spent over 2 months learning how to act in staff situations, meeting new people and making sure to keep active on the forums with the community! I have learnt so much about being staff and all the hard work that needs to be put into this. This makes me want to push even harder to making GamingLight a friendly environment for any new welcoming players! When dealing with staff sits, I am very calm and able to give a good perception on both sides of the stories before making a judgement while also trying to make the players happy and understand what they have done wrong. I try my best to give a positive and happy experience when playing on GamingLight and I wish to further push these goals making GamingLight outstanding with the community. I have met so many other staff members and have leant all about them and working with them, so the players can have a fun time playing! I will always enjoy being part of the staff team to make the community fair. GamingLight will always be the best server for entertaining the community and good staff members are part of it! I have always been loyal to Gaminglight, It's truly the best server there is, I want to be able to carry on and get somewhere in the community and be able to make it a better place. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring them to me on a roof, avoiding any sort of other roleplaying that may be happening in the area. I would check logs or get proof if this has happened. If this is true, I would jail them (If they caused any more problems in the sit) then explain to them that GamingLight is a friendly server and should be respectfully treated…Once explained, I will make sure they understand not to make the mistake again, and I will give them a warning and get an Admin+ (If any are on) to minge them for 10,000 seconds.
    1 point
  5. sorry but voxis doesn't abuse his power and if you got proof there is a staff report option don't just make false clams because he -support you this is the last time i'm replying too this
    1 point
  6. Bringing other people into the argument, eh? Make a staff report if you want to. There is no way in hell Voxis would abuse his powers. For the ban request, - Support. You were obviously being obnoxious and trying to get a reaction. Not cool.
    1 point
  7. Only a lil bit My favorite is PD followed by EMS (cough @Kadelove me). EMS is the only department you don’t really have to worry about people minging, kidnapping you, killing you ect. Also it’s the one department both the criminals and PD enjoy having you around.
    1 point
  8. your profile picture slightly disturbs me tbh
    1 point
  9. +Support Active Mature Friendly Knows the rules
    1 point
  10. Huge +Support - Very mature - Great judgement - Knows the rules, isn't a minge - Nice staff application Best of luck!
    1 point
  11. After further investigation into this report, I've came to conclusion about what i should do about this. But before I get into it, I just wanna make some points and explain some stuff. Looks to me that Bobby got irritated because of the officers would not do their jobs properly and stay back and secure the area. I do understand that what Bobby said was a bit vulgar and demanding, which is why I've spoken to Bobby about fixing up his attitude towards others. I don't think Bobby should be warned here. Do also keep in mind that when asked by SWAT/CERT/SRT to stand down, they must comply. So really, it was a PD issue to begin with anyways. PD do tend to not listen to their higher ups or follow orders given by a tactical unit so I can understand the frustration that Bobby had during the situation. As for Andrew, due to multiple complaints/issues i've seen recently about him, he has been issued a strike for being unprofessional, being disrespectful to other departments, and not cooperating with others. He has been spoken to about this strike and he understands why it was given. I've told him to get his act together and fix the attitude towards other departments and he understands. For the warn request, I don't think it's really necessary for either of them , I've dealt with them both within the state department.
    1 point
  12. If anyone would like proof, Munchies was the hostage so he can say what he witnessed.
    1 point
  13. I’ve been thinking and I just need to leave gaminglight cuz I have a bad rep, and private reasons. Thank everyone mikedanoob strider noot snar nolan aaron hotcher dimention fame myan gaur brian nor ajax Balloon Razonix Freddy Duramax darkspiker there is plenty more, but I need to move on. I love all of y’all. Thanks for everything And everybody in ss!
    0 points
  14. So guys here we are sadly this will be my resignation post I know that this is probably super bad for some people and I know that this is probably unexpected and I’m deeply sorry for any issues this is going to cause. But basically I’m going through some shitty girlfriend stuff and I’m moving back in with my mom with no computer for who knows how long... I love this community to death and for the past year it has been my ride or die lol anytime I needed to improve my mood I would come on here with friends and dope ass people everyone on this community is an amazing person...I have staffed on military rp police rp and starwars working my ass Of for this community. I hope to come back and make “the great return” but as of now I’ll be leaving. @Zeeptin Thank you so much for this amazing community and the opportunity to staff. You an amazing dude and I love the dedication and care you have for this community your truly an amazing person. @Gaur We have had some up and downs but your truly a great dude and your gonna make starwars the most populated gaminglight server ? @Snarlax Man your the OG you have been with this community for so long and I swear if anyone deserves community director you deserve it the most. Never stop caring for this community and all these members your a legend. RIP X @John your an amazing manager and you have dedicated so much for military rp and basewars keep up the great work @Nimo Your my “apprentice” you love this community so much nimo and I see the dedication you have and don’t ever let anything hold you back in this community or anything especially your age or voice. Your truly an amazing dude. Don’t let me down From all my adventures on this community I find my most memorable moment to be when I first received officer when mazzy on military rp. I love this community to death and I hope to see it strive and better it self and all the amazing people inside of it. Sorry for anyone I missed. This is Ex USMC VCMDR Mervin Ex BSI DOI Mervin 5V1 Grand admiral Mervin Signing off for the last time. It’s been an amazing ride. Keep it real guys. ;-;
    0 points
  15. bLogs are VERY poorly optimized. It is used for servers that do not have a high population. It would not be a good fit for Gaminglight.
    0 points
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