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Scooty's A-1 Senior Command App


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Since our commanders were picked I've Changed my app to a COL-MAJ app (Answers were adjusted accordingly)

1.Name: Scooty

2. Current and former RP ranks: Current MTF Nu7 PVT
Former: CI MAJ/H7 Hypnosis
CI CPT/S8 Thor

RRH Guardian Alpha 22

3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:619483950

4. DiscordID: Sir Scootith IV#1660

5. What position are you applying for?: Changed to COL-MAJ since commanders are picked.

6. Why do you want to be an Officer?:: I believe that I make a great fit for the COL-MAJ position because I've been apart of gaminglight for going on 3 years now. I've Also been command in almost every branch (Aside from noncombatants) and been Senior Command in a few. I feel like I am ready to take the next step towards helping the server by stepping into the SCMD position of a branch. I have proven to my piers that I am a trusted person weather it be with personal matters I've helped deal with, Branch/Sub-branch related updates, Special Forces, or just general trust. Also I am able to be a very active SCMD and also stay in contact with my HCMD+ constantly while also communicating to my command and other branches to make sure that everyone is having a serious but also fun time within the branch.

7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch?: As I stated I am very competent when it comes to both branch relations and also responsibilities of running a branch. I'm very good at coming to conclusions when the air is tense (Which happens from time to time) between branches. I have great communication skills when it comes to relaying ideas to other command within the branch and taking ideas/advice from site administration. I constantly am thinking of ideas/updates to push out and becoming a SCMD member of a branch will more than help me prove these skills. I always listen to both sides of a story and find a resolution that will help both sides rather than benefit one.

8. How do you plan on running the branch?: I plan on trying my hardest to return RRH to its former glory both in a RP sense and also in a "We are serious about what we do but have fun while doing it" sense. I plan to run RRH in a sense of only people who are respected members of the server should be allowed in. Weather that be that they have proven they are trust worthy within their own branch or that they have show to one of the CMD members of RRH that they deserve a spot in the task force. I am not going to be the most strict person on the server but I will not stand for any kind of Hate, Dissing, or Slandering of other branches weather that be CI or MTF alike. If selected for the role I will ensure RRH is one of the most respected branches on the server for either their friendliness or for their seriousness in RP.

9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: I will try and get in contact with other HCMD/SCMD at least once or twice a week and check in on what they have monitored my branch doing or vias versa. If any problems arise I will attempt to resolve them as swiftly and efficiently as possible. I also am going to push for my CMD to get cross branch PT's that way other people can both be noticed by RRH command and also have interactions with us so its not a shock to lower enlisted when they see us. I plan on staying in constant contact with Site Admins and relaying how the branch is going and getting ideas and adding them to my own so that the branch will prosper on the server.

Edited by Scooty

SCP RP Ranks and CC's : CI SFTO CPT, S9 Houston IX, Owner Of CI "Reaper" Squadron SCP RP Level 100 Gang

"Why Does A RRH Only have 10 Hours on the server"?

"Very Active Forums User" - Hoovy

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Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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1 hour ago, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 

TRUE man EVEN MADE THE E4 MODELS bro is really talented 

Retired Nu-7 Vice Commander Pure

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2 hours ago, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 


Free From GL ❤️

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1 hour ago, Ireland. said:


Ive known Scooty basically since I joined the server, he is capable and a great choice for either position


3 hours ago, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 


MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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7 hours ago, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 

he is also proven to be dedicated by making e4 their very own models. Scooty is also very compassinate he could have removed me from his cc when i got banned but he had faith i would get a reduction. One time scooty and I played this game called Prodeus and he was very leadership during that so no doubt he would lead a1 into battle doing redacted things (taking showers).

  • Gaminglight Love 1

#RipRND you will be missed


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Scooty while I may not know you very well (hopefully we can change that message me on discord sometime maybe we can play some games or something) your application is well done. I do see you on the server a fair bit amount of time and I do hear about you (Positivity). I feel like you would be a great candidate for the HCMD position and if you don’t get the HCMD position I feel like you definitely deserve a command position!! 

Good Luck 

Over & Out Turtle Man 

Edited by Curtis

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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On 3/6/2023 at 2:31 PM, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 



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+support, This man knows how to lead a branch

                                                                                               The Snipeof all Snipers
  Head Of Longshot, Major  ~  Nu7 SM G.O.C Deputy Head of Nail, CPLSVA, V4 ██████ IV E-11 SGT, La Feria


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On 3/7/2023 at 2:57 AM, Ruz said:


scooty has the drive to constantly improve himself and is easy to work with. his creativeness is something that you like to see on a head of a new branch

On 3/6/2023 at 4:31 PM, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 

Addin on to what other ppl have already said that I agree wit, Scooty is very passionate for not only the branches that he joins, he is chill not bein uptight, being able to get along with anybody, but can be strict when it is needed.


CC: CI Requiem Squad XH-76
Biggest DMC Fan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - Promoted to Current CPT in CI

SCP RP Ranks and CC's : CI SFTO CPT, S9 Houston IX, Owner Of CI "Reaper" Squadron SCP RP Level 100 Gang

"Why Does A RRH Only have 10 Hours on the server"?

"Very Active Forums User" - Hoovy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - Became EOI V5 Lion El Jonson V

SCP RP Ranks and CC's : CI SFTO CPT, S9 Houston IX, Owner Of CI "Reaper" Squadron SCP RP Level 100 Gang

"Why Does A RRH Only have 10 Hours on the server"?

"Very Active Forums User" - Hoovy

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  • Scooty changed the title to Scooty's A-1 Senior Command App

Application adjusted to a SCMD app since commanders were picked.

SCP RP Ranks and CC's : CI SFTO CPT, S9 Houston IX, Owner Of CI "Reaper" Squadron SCP RP Level 100 Gang

"Why Does A RRH Only have 10 Hours on the server"?

"Very Active Forums User" - Hoovy

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6 hours ago, Ectoplasm said:


These apps were picked already but yeah i agree


Edited by Silence_

Maintenance > other branches

Retired Head of Maintenance and Engineering

Former D5 2LT | Formerly RRH Logistics "OL-13" | Former Alpha-1 Captain 'Antarctica' Vulcan Award Winner |

Former Senior Admin/Forum Diplomat, Former Event Team Member

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/6/2023 at 10:31 PM, Some Weeb said:


Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 


 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Alpha-1 Operational Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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