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Kat's Shock Vice Commander Application


Kat's Shock Vice Commander Application  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Kat's Shock Vice Commander Application

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I want to be a vice commander of this branch for the reason I love it and all the people in it I was a past vice commander and then transferred out because I wasn't ready its not that I didn't love this battalion anymore its always been my favorite I'm here with a fresh start to help as much as I can with everything I can and be able to deserve this title this time last time I don't think  fully did as much as I can I'm back to help with everything possible and be the best I can going above and beyond even higher and higher every time I can every time possible maybe even impossible for this battalion I also think I will be able to have some more experience this time and a little bit of a new perspective then some of the command to help to see if its better or worse and I have some ideas to possibly help and again I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record I love this battalion a lot.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

at the time of writing this 1,668:14 hours according to battlemetrics.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a command is to lead his or her battalion and be ready for anything that comes along sometimes they even have to make the path for the battalion they need  to be ready for a lot they also have to have courage and be strong and they have to love this battalion and make sure it grows and grows and just keeps going they have to go above and beyond for it they have to be ready to do it alone but wouldn't hurt to have some help just to help guide into where when and who it needs its t make sure all docs such as SOPs tryout guides have all the rules they have to treat everyone right such as respect love and all taht while being able to eb active and do their quota on top of all of that but is to make time for everything is a great trait to have and be able to even assist people above them and below.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I have been a Vice Commander in the past of this battalion I have been a Shadow guard lead COL in RG and I really do love this battalion so there's no reason what so ever  for me to hurt it I only want this battalion to grow and keep doing so and I would like to be a part of that growth and help with everything possible and I have also recently become a admin in the staff team and I would say I've been in this community for a decent bit now and I see no point ruining my reptation to the server to the battalion so even just a person I want to be a person who you can trust in this community and I do try my hardest for this battalion and I will keep trying harder and harder and I think people actually kind of like me I the battalion (hopefully this doesn't sound arrogant) I'm always trying to help with anything possible if your higher or lower then me even if I've just met you ill try to help as much as possible.

7. How often can you be Online? :
from 3 to 4 hours +  everyday on the week weekends usually 5 to 6 hours +

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
I have no warnings.

Thanks for reading my application I hope you have a great day.

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

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Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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4 minutes ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

In which I do agree with Ducks, you've also been a Shock Vice Commander Before so I also +Support this Application. 

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30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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11 minutes ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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37 minutes ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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5M: EMS Captain, Sentinel
EX: Rescue Squadron Vice Marshal, Deputy Director, Director of research, medical COL, Shock, ST, Inferno. Starfighters, Naval, LOST MC X2, Mafia, Triad

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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1 hour ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

- Prefers SSO Commodore Crunche over DT Commander CR0 😕

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i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior CommanderSenior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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3 hours ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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4 hours ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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Current DT Commander AX4 

Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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5 hours ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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R DT COL PR0 | R Captain Proteus


Grand Moff Tarkin | [1st Gen] Imperial Senior Commander 2x ISB 021 Agent Kallus | Last Admiral Kallus, Shortest term as Admiral Kallus (4 hours)

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I support this application, here are my reasons...

  • I've never been a park of Shock but I have witnessed Kat's leadership within it - their battalion has support & respect for Kat
  • He's dedicated & active
  • They give great moral support to the GL community
  • They know exactly what's expected of them & I doubt there's a person here who will doubt they won't excel at the position
  • Considering their past and their successes one can only expect better in the future!
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8 hours ago, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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On 5/9/2022 at 4:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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That Guy Joslin

star wars hate GIF


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On 5/9/2022 at 3:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

Ages ago, I remember selecting you as a Ground Command for an event, which I believe was your first time being GC. It was always the thing amongst High Command that having a typer GCs usually don't go the best, or have difficulties in communication or keeping everyone together (so imagine my reaction when I learned you were a typer!). You did well in dissuading my concerns, performing well as a GC in keeping people in line. After some time you climbed up the ranks and become a VCMDR. In your time there, you maintained good activity and were never under review by the HC of the time. After leaving Shock on a good note, you continued to perform well in RG, and since this return to Shock you have once again done extremely well. 

Continuing surpassing expectations. It has been noticed by many, and I pray AHC has noticed as well and select you for this position.

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Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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On 5/9/2022 at 4:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day


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| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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On 5/9/2022 at 3:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

Did great last time!

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OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 5/9/2022 at 4:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

-Left RG to focus on Shock and helping them out, was a great leader in RG

-support [ew]

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Royal Guard Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos


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On 5/9/2022 at 9:06 PM, MrPickle said:


Kat is a amazing person and I normally dont respond to other Applications unless they hold some amount of importance

Amazing member of Command and this person was a amazing person within RG and I believe they can do great thing within Shock

I believe you will do great things!!!

Have a wonderful day

I agree completely Kat is an amazing officer and will continue to do great things in a command position once more.

Current: Shock LTCOL
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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Feel free to contact AHC for the reason of your denial. Feel free to reapply when the applications open again. 

Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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