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Nu-7 Warrant Officer Application - Jess


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Your name on the roster: Jess

Your current rank: Sergeant Major 

You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes

Do you have any warns on SCP-RP?: No 


Why should we trust you as a Command Member?: During my, albeit short, time in Nu-7, I have proven time and time again that I can be trusted with increased responsibilities, showing from a low rank this trust. This first started when I was promoted to SFTO when I was still new to the branch, giving me the responsibility of training new FTOs, keeping on top of current JFTOs, and continuing to help with getting new recruits into Nu-7. After this, I was trusted with being HTF, showing that the HTF members had trust in me to not abuse the power given to HTF, and to exercise judgement where necessary. Along with all of this, I was then given the position of Deputy Head of Field Experts, another role of responsibility in which I essentially act as the command member of a sub-branch. I believe my current one week tenure as the DHFE has proven successful and during that short time I have showcased the ability to be a command member of a sub-branch to an excellent degree, showing and earning trust along the way too. During my time as a DHFE I have shown excellent communication skills, liaising with the other FE division heads and even other subdivision heads within Nu-7, along with HCMD, to install my new updates and systems. I have also shown fantastic activity, something which you can always rely on me for. Finally, I have time and time again shown dedication and commitment to my subbranches, always being willing to assist and help anyone within FTO or FE and, when necessary, extending my time on the server slightly past when I would usually get off to accommodate others, showing I am an agreeable person. 

Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it?: Since the inception of me joining Nu-7, I instantly made the realisation that this was the branch for me. There are so many factors going into this, ranging from the loving and active Nu-7 community, to the loadout, to the role Nu-7 plays in keeping the site secure, this branch is 100% up my alley and is the most fun I've ever had in Garry's Mod, possibly even on the internet. Since joining I have dedicated my whole time on the server to Nu-7, and, when time allows it, my freetime too. I have set multiple activity records for subbranches, showing the most trainings in one week (apparently) when I was an FTO, and just recently the most activity logs in one week as a HTF. Whilst activity isn't everything, my dedication and passion for playing and enjoying the server cannot be discounted when considering my suitability for this position. Along with that, as I mentioned in the previous answer, since joining Nu-7 I have been trusted with many responsibilties, notably in a shorter time than a lot of my other counterparts too. I also believe that my leadership skills aren't to be ignored, and, whilst I may not have a microphone, I do think I make a fair job of commanding and leading others during times of crisis. I am able to stay calm and focused during any situation, remaining a coolhead and giving out commands through comms. This allows me to allocate Nu-7 correctly during a Code Red, which can make the difference between the site being lost, and the SCPs being recontained. With all of that being said on why I think (key to note this is all my opinion) I deserve Wararnt Officer, time to geti nto what I want this position. As I aforementioned, since joining Nu-7 I knew this was the branch for me, but when I dedicate myself to something I always want to serve that thing, and I always want more. Since joining Nu-7, I wanted to spread my love of the branch to other people, becoming an FTO at Lance Corporal and training as many people as possible, trying to get anyone who is interested in joining to join, as I hoped that people could enjoy this branch just as much as myself, or possibly even more. With all of this said, since joining Nu-7 my passion has always been to go up, whether that be becoming an SFTO, a DHFE, or the next rank on the list, and now for me, the next rank is Warrant Officer, and I would love nothing more in the world than being given the opportunity to show my love and dedication for the branch two-fold as a member of Nu-7 Command. Whilst I may not have been in Nu-7 as long as other Sergeant Majors, I assure you that I have the passion, dedication, drive, and desire to be one of the best command members, and certainly live up to any potential I have, as I always strive for more.

Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for?: As I mentioned before, I may not be the most experienced Sergeant Major, however, I have consistently proven a lot of my strengths time and time again and I feel like I have proven myself to be more consistent than a lot of my SM counterparts. I previously touched on how I reached new positions at a fast pace, and I believe this is a good time to note on that. I received HTF with about 3 days of playtime on the server, at the rank of SSGT. At the time, I thought nothing of this, however as I was going around on HTF, multiple times I had people comment on how they had never seen an HTF with less than 2 weeks of playtime, which, whilst shocking me, is a part of proving that I have dedicated my time to Nu-7, and made good use of my time here too. I also received the rank of DHFE whilst being a SSGT, which is a lot of responsibility for a Junior NCO. I am not trying to brag by bringing this up, as I think I worked just as hard as anyone else for this rank, however I think when nothing about my suitability for the role, it is useful to note that I have shown in the past I am capable of taking on new responsibility sooner on in my time as an Nu-7 member. Along with this, to bring real-world experience into the equation, during my one year (about) working in my job I have already been trusted with a more senior role and believe that this dedication I bring to my work in-real-life is also a similar dedication I bring to Nu-7, so being trusted with responsibilities such as training new hires only one year into my tenure of being a member of staff here is also relevant.


You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: Firstly, I would take the PFC aside to talk to him. I believe this is important before disciplining or talking to someone about their behaviour to avoid publicly shaming or embarrassing them, as this never helps the situation. I would either take him aside in-game or in Teamspeak depending on which is easier. I would then inform him that he is being slightly disrespectful, and that he sounds like he's having a bad day. It can help to tell people this when they're being disrespectful / sounding frustrated as it usually indicates they're unaware of the situation, and it is very common for people who do this to just be having a bad day and accidentally be taking it out on others. I'd inform him that, if he wishes to continue playing on the server, he should cut down on the disrespect and make sure to respect all players on the server at all times, and try to remain calm where possible. I would also inform him that, if he wishes, he can get off for the day as that may help with his nerves and allow him some time off to relax. If he does continue to be disrespectful in any way, shape or form after I have informed him of this, I would be forced to take action, whether that be by reporting him to staff, giving him an official verbal warning or potential strike, or all of the above, would depend on the severity of his toxicity.

You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: As before, I would pull the person aside to discipline them privately. I would inform them that they are causing an issue, I would let them know what this issue is, and why this issue has occurred. I would make sure to go in-depth with my explanation, providing reasoning and evidence for each claim, so the person who is being disciplined does not feel as if they are being attacked without reason. Once I have given all of my evidence and reasoning, I would then patiently await their response, hoping to hear an explanation on their side of the story. I would take everything in their response into account, noting what they say, the reasoning they provide, and any evidence they give to the contrary. I would then make a judgement, perhaps with the help of others on the Nu-7 Command Team if the decision was tough, on what the punishment should be. In some cases there may be no punishment due to the situation being a complete misunderstanding, but in other situations there may be cause for a verbal warning, strike, or perhaps worse. I would make sure to be fair and just in my decision-making, and to take every factor into account, logging all key information and evidence after the fact.


Thank you for reading this application, I apologise if my ego sounds a little high throughout certain parts, I have tried to speak to my own strengths where possible and I realise this may make me sound full of myself.

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+ Support

+ By far one of the most active Nu7 members, and super dedicated

+ Amazing application

Current: CI Military Private, Junior Maintenance

Former: Nu-7 DHFTO 2LT, Delta-5 WO, Research Supervisor, RRH Analyst Alpha 19SCP-RP Event Team Member, SCP-RP Senior Moderator

Jetstream Sam Enthusiast | Gloveless Individual


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11 hours ago, Voxial said:

+ Support

+ By far one of the most active Nu7 members, and super dedicated

+ Amazing application

Couldn’t of said it better myself, good luck!

Retired Nu-7 Vice Commander Pure

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[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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I have a lot of respect for what you have done to benefit this branch.

Great activity especially in HTF/FTO

Outstanding Application.

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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-Always dedicated to Nu-7 and dedicated to her job and role as a Nu-7

-Has Leadership skills that can be useful to give a motivation to others and to make others feel confortable. 

-Great and Very Nice Person In General


I Wish You Luck In Your Application and Hopefully I'll see you on-site :)))

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: MAJ 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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Very active member of Nu7

Outstanding app

Is the DHFE of FE

Would make a great WO

SCP RP Former ~ Retired AMM Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: SFTO, ACSM, MMF Jan 2 Febreze DGR6, HLPR Bot dG6 | RRH Engineer Whiskey Retired MTF Nu7 2LT Dagger | HTF A4 Reaper C5 | SCA Valkyr DGR6Enoch Approved | Certs/Sub-Branches: DHFTO, SFE, SMCU, STR, SBHM, JCBRN | Former MTF D5 PFC Dagger DG6 | Former CI LCPL Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: Hotshot/CQOP 

Imperial RP Former ~ Former SF SP Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Regimental Engineer, Cobra Squadron Captain | Former Purge SSGT Dagger DG21 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Brawler Tactical Specialist | Retired ST 2LT Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Scoutrooper Senior, Shoretrooper Captain, Regimental Engineer | Former DT CPL S19/DG6 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Seeker Company, Sarlacc Company | Former Royal Guard II Dagger | Former IQ Lord I Dagger | Former Imperial RP Moderator

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Active DHFE and SFTO 😳

Good luck!


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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Great activity
Crazy long app but is good!
Does a amazing job as a Deputy Head FE, in which shows great ability at having responsibility

{The only thing I do have to say is for future Forms stuff I recommend changing the color of the questions and maybe having more spacing, it helps with not losing your place since there is just A LOT here} 


Edited by DemiGodRaymond


Former -{Longest Purge VCMDR} {EXP Researcher} {CI LCPL x2} {Maintenance Professional{CI RnD Supervisory Agent}{MTF Nu7 1LT } {HTF Zealot}

OWNER OF {The Eternal Twins{Phantom Squadron{MTF Kairos-01 'Sola Fide'{A Group of Psychos}

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