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Busch's Agent Kallus Application- Denied


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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Busch


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Naval


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I believe that I should be Agent Kallus mainly because I have the experience and leadership qualities. In terms of server experience I was once a Vice Admiral and Security Director in Naval about a year ago. This gave me an opportunity to work with the commands of both DT and Shock mainly with keeping their rosters updated and offering the SO teams services for whatever they needed. Currently I am doing the same as an SSO especially with our current director out sick. The team has been operating at an excellent standard by constantly hosting tryouts and SIMs for both battalions. I cannot take all the credit for that because the gentlemen doing these are dedicated individuals who have done so on their own accord. In terms of real life experience I am currently enlisted in the USAF and awaiting to go to boot camp. I want to help improve the server however I can and I believe that this is a step in that direction.


4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have 4 weeks in game.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? A commander in Naval should constantly be checking in on those below them to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Making sure those individuals are meeting quotas and that they are built up to lead one day themselves and to not tear them down. We all know that this is a video game and for some this may be an escape from the real world. If we come at those individuals with a harsh tone or to intentionally or unintentionally tear them down this may lead to something worse than what we may think. We must help those around us and in turn those individuals will do the same to others.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Mainly because I have the experience and the right attitude previously stated. Having the right mindset and attitude reflects on those under you and they learn and watch your every move. If you motivate them and build them up they will do the same with others.


7. How often can you be Online? : I am only whenever I can. Mainly after work and when I am off and at home I will be on.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have a single warning a year ago for arresting staff. The story behind this was the staff in question was joking with myself and another individual. It was late night and we were messing around arresting one another and when I arrested the staff member in question he gave me a warning. That individual was either removed or left the server sometime after.


Former: Shock STF CSM Busch 2815, SD Vice Admiral Busch
SSO Commodore Busch

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+/- support

Good naval


Knows all duty's in naval

SSO in SO and knows DT and Shock already



Just got low command

overall your a good naval and i dont see anyone else taking this besides you mainly because of your SO experience and naval skills, however you have been low command for not even a week and if your going to a duty that high you should increase activity., and be on low command longer. i wish you the best of luck and i hope you get this position but i would like to see you a little more active and experienced in naval low command. if you have that then there is no one more fit for this position! 



Edited by Mark001

Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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- Busch has prior low command experience from before his current standing in naval.

- Always one of the most fair and genuine people I have interacted with in Naval.

- Was once Security Director, he has experience with positions similar to Kallus.

- Always on top of his duties

Busch was one of my favorite people I met from naval, I can say I would love to see him in this position.

Best of luck my friend!



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8 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:


- Busch has prior low command experience from before his current standing in naval.

- Always one of the most fair and genuine people I have interacted with in Naval.

- Was once Security Director, he has experience with positions similar to Kallus.

- Always on top of his duties

Busch was one of my favorite people I met from naval, I can say I would love to see him in this position.

Best of luck my friend!

 Busch, you would be 100% perfect for this role and I deeply hope that you'll get it.

Current: Shock PVT | Nothing

 Former: Shock VCMDR, Chief Medical Overseer(CMO), Admiral Garrick Versio, ARC JTO 1SGT Nex, Original ArK TrooVA, 
ISB Major General Nex (GM VIII)


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19 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:


- Busch has prior low command experience from before his current standing in naval.

- Always one of the most fair and genuine people I have interacted with in Naval.

- Was once Security Director, he has experience with positions similar to Kallus.

- Always on top of his duties

Busch was one of my favorite people I met from naval, I can say I would love to see him in this position.

Best of luck my friend!


Current:  High General Suns
Former: First Brigadier General

Nova Commander Suns 
DT ZY5 [Admin]

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19 hours ago, Mark001 said:

+/- support

Good naval


Knows all duty's in naval

SSO in SO and knows DT and Shock already



Just got low command

overall your a good naval and i don't see anyone else taking this besides you mainly because of your SO experience and naval skills, however you have been low command for not even a week and if your going to a duty that high you should increase activity., and be on low command longer. i wish you the best of luck and i hope you get this position but i would like to see you a little more active and experienced in naval low command. if you have that then there is no one more fit for this position! 




I think you need a bit more time to try for something this big, and plus sometimes you can just be Inactive but all in all you'd be a good Kallus [Side Note] you Didn't do ur Application right 



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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On 2/12/2022 at 4:44 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:


- Busch has prior low command experience from before his current standing in naval.

- Always one of the most fair and genuine people I have interacted with in Naval.

- Was once Security Director, he has experience with positions similar to Kallus.

- Always on top of his duties

Busch was one of my favorite people I met from naval, I can say I would love to see him in this position.

Best of luck my friend!



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On 2/11/2022 at 11:19 PM, Mark001 said:

+/- support

Good naval


Knows all duty's in naval

SSO in SO and knows DT and Shock already



Just got low command

overall your a good naval and i dont see anyone else taking this besides you mainly because of your SO experience and naval skills, however you have been low command for not even a week and if your going to a duty that high you should increase activity., and be on low command longer. i wish you the best of luck and i hope you get this position but i would like to see you a little more active and experienced in naval low command. if you have that then there is no one more fit for this position! 




Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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- I've heard some good things regarding your newest term.
          - Both in terms of Naval & Security Branches.
- You seem pretty active.
- You do have experience in Naval LC.
- You are also pretty down to Earth (but when you get set off you go off in my experience)


- You're application seems kind of bare for such a position (which happens to be the closest to HC).
- Not that it should apply to your recent comeback, but during my time in Naval above you (about a year ago), you only surmounted the expectations of a supervisor for the most part.
          - As a Security Officer you were alright, but as a Security Director your performance was unfortunately disappointing.
          - As a Low Command, you didn't put a great amount of efforts in doing roster updates (Though we did have the "roster-monster" Adam), nor did you have great                                interactivity with the battalion as a whole. You suffered from severe burn-out which we had to speak to you about on a couple of occasions.
          - From what I gathered, you didn't go out of Naval on terribly great terms with the rest of command be it a personal issue with them or not.
- With what I stated in the first point, as far as I'm concerned you don't have a whole lot of time in Low Command so far and you'd be making quite the power jump from the Naval equivalence of a VCMDR (Which TBH is more like an Officer Position w/ Roster Access) to the highest rank in Naval below High Command.

Overall, best of luck Busch. You're an alright guy and perhaps you might even do better with such a position.

Former Grand Admiral Thrawn

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5 minutes ago, ClassyBuck said:


- I've heard some good things regarding your newest term.
          - Both in terms of Naval & Security Branches.
- You seem pretty active.
- You do have experience in Naval LC.
- You are also pretty down to Earth (but when you get set off you go off in my experience)


- You're application seems kind of bare for such a position (which happens to be the closest to HC).
- Not that it should apply to your recent comeback, but during my time in Naval above you (about a year ago), you only surmounted the expectations of a supervisor for the most part.
          - As a Security Officer you were alright, but as a Security Director your performance was unfortunately disappointing.
          - As a Low Command, you didn't put a great amount of efforts in doing roster updates (Though we did have the "roster-monster" Adam), nor did you have great                                interactivity with the battalion as a whole. You suffered from severe burn-out which we had to speak to you about on a couple of occasions.
          - From what I gathered, you didn't go out of Naval on terribly great terms with the rest of command be it a personal issue with them or not.
- With what I stated in the first point, as far as I'm concerned you don't have a whole lot of time in Low Command so far and you'd be making quite the power jump from the Naval equivalence of a VCMDR (Which TBH is more like an Officer Position w/ Roster Access) to the highest rank in Naval below High Command.

Overall, best of luck Busch. You're an alright guy and perhaps you might even do better with such a position.

Damn classy hit Naval low command right where it hurts but it's true and as for the applicant from what I've seen he's a good guy but his activity is lack luster. I feel like he needs more time before getting admiral but I wouldn't hate it if he got it ether as he dose care for the ppl in SO and Naval 

SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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35 minutes ago, ClassyBuck said:


- I've heard some good things regarding your newest term.
          - Both in terms of Naval & Security Branches.
- You seem pretty active.
- You do have experience in Naval LC.
- You are also pretty down to Earth (but when you get set off you go off in my experience)


- You're application seems kind of bare for such a position (which happens to be the closest to HC).
- Not that it should apply to your recent comeback, but during my time in Naval above you (about a year ago), you only surmounted the expectations of a supervisor for the most part.
          - As a Security Officer you were alright, but as a Security Director your performance was unfortunately disappointing.
          - As a Low Command, you didn't put a great amount of efforts in doing roster updates (Though we did have the "roster-monster" Adam), nor did you have great                                interactivity with the battalion as a whole. You suffered from severe burn-out which we had to speak to you about on a couple of occasions.
          - From what I gathered, you didn't go out of Naval on terribly great terms with the rest of command be it a personal issue with them or not.
- With what I stated in the first point, as far as I'm concerned you don't have a whole lot of time in Low Command so far and you'd be making quite the power jump from the Naval equivalence of a VCMDR (Which TBH is more like an Officer Position w/ Roster Access) to the highest rank in Naval below High Command.

Overall, best of luck Busch. You're an alright guy and perhaps you might even do better with such a position.

I will comment on this part mainly because of what you said about my time as SD. My time was cut short due to personal reasons. I took an LOA about a week before I left and when I realized I would not be able to hop onto the server as much as I would like I requested reserves. Those were denied due to me being inactive for a week even though I was on LOA. Real life came first to me and when it came down to it I could not focus my time on a video game and it killed me to have to make that choice. Even more so when it came down to me honestly wasting a lot of time when I was denied reserves. Felt like I wasn’t welcome for a long time and I left the server for about a year until I came back about a month ago. The rest of your points are valid but I felt as if I should share my perspective on that one point. Appreciate the feedback classy! And also if I do remember correctly when I did receive roster access that was one of the biggest things I did. I remember in Naval command meetings Nimo or Mikey stating that everyone should be doing the roster updates and not just me. That was until Adam came into low command haha.

Edited by BUSCHY2


Former: Shock STF CSM Busch 2815, SD Vice Admiral Busch
SSO Commodore Busch

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At this time, Navy High Command does not deem you fit for this position.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

Resigned Grand Moff Tarkin | Retired Army General | Former Senior Commander of Death Troopers |



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