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Medical Roll Call (Ends 2/21/22)

[GL] Inaccurate

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Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out.



Activity (1-10):

Why should you keep your rank (SM+):

Any Notes:

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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Name: funk 

Rank: SM

Activity (1-10): 5

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): i should keep my rank because i can be active during off hours when there’s typically less medical or maintenance on to help keep the foundation safe and healed

Any Notes: pls no remove 🙏🙏

i’ve probably killed you more then once 🥶🥶



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Name: Ammonium


Rank: Surgeon


Activity (1-10): I try my hardest so 10


Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I believe I should keep my position as I want to grow and help enlisted get further in the branch. As for me, I want to help develop medical in the right path and hopefully advocate for more RP scenarios as right now a lot of the server feels like a milsim


Any Notes: N/A



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Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out.

Name: New Rowphin

Rank: Chief Manager

Activity (1-10): 7

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I believe I should keep my rank as a Command Overseer as I can help fellow Medical Command with any kind of problems, issues and questions they have. I’d also push Medical as a whole to try be more active.

Any Notes: pls no remove 

FormerCI CPT SFTO Head Of Hotshot | RRH Guardian Juliet 13| Assistant Head Of Medical SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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Name:  ZJ

Rank: EM, PFC

Activity (1-10): 6

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I like to play medical, I play it all the time, please no remove ty

| SEC Armored Shield 1LT Wardens WC DHFTO | SVFTO Elite Medic |  SVFTO Maintenance Expert | Xray 42 | E11 CPL | Nu7 CPL | D5 PVT

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Name:  Dustin

Rank: Manager, DHFTO, HMR

Activity (1-10): 7

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): Been here for about a year and a half, zi enjoy what I do, working on promotions for MR

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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Name: Sprink

Rank: SM 

Activity (1-10): 8 

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I would like to keep my rank for a couple of big reasons. First of all, I'm usually on medical for at least an hour every day having fun doing RP and healing people, Second, I enjoy the environment in Medical and I enjoy the command members and the work they put in. Finally, I would like to keep my rank because I have dedication and I want to move up and strive in Medical no matter what it takes.

Any Notes:

Twas the Night before Christmas,

ZJ is still online while everyone is tucked way in their beds.


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Name: Dr Minge(Sullivan)

Rank: Doctor

Activity (1-10): 7-8 1/2

Why should you keep your rank (SM+):
Well, I've been doctor for a month and my first strike ever was for not promoting someone.
I, on numerous occasions have hosted PT's/ other forms of entertainment for medical staff.
I for one think I am very uh valuable to medical. I'm pretty chill with command if you - my slight immaturity.

Any Notes: N/A

Former  E11/R&D Senior Command | Former IMP RP HCMD | Donator | "when you're drunk as fuck, you feel no pain" - Yohan 2022 |

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Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out.

Name: Drizzle

Rank: EXPM

Activity (1-10): 5

Why should you keep your rank (SM+):

Any Notes: I usually hop on when nobody can to help keep everyone healed. I'm not too active because I'm focusing mostly on security at the moment.

Current Director of Research and Security

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Name: Mapley

Rank: Dcotor

Activity (1-10): 7

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I believe if I keep my rank I can keep entertaining people on the site as well as other medics with little fun shenanigans.

Any Notes: be more active enlisted 👿

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Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out.

Name: Bully Maguire

Rank: SM

Activity (1-10): 8

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): Because I'm very active and love playing as medical. It is the only branch I'm currently and active in so I can play more often. I really enjoy seeing other foundation members and meeting friends along the way. The medical branch has been a blast for me and I plan to keep on playing it.

Any Notes: Medical on top fr fr

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name: Buck

Rank: Doctor

Activity (1-10): 7

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I try my best to be active and help out medical as much as I can and now work as DHFW and  have tried to be helpful to the best of my ability 

Any Notes: professional Kidney thief 


SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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Name: Shadows

Rank: Experienced Medic

Activity: (1-10) 7

Why Should We Keep Your Rank (SM+): N/A

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out.

Name: fakelamp


Activity (1-10): 6-7 (School and after school activity)

Why should you keep your rank (SM+):Despite school ill try to be active and attempt to reform medical research and make it better in future

Any Notes:What time can i find hoovy for training its really hard

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Name: Zack


Activity (1-10): Just about... Yes

Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I run the organ black market, and I threatened the entire Jury's families.

Any Notes: Wake up.

Retired: Nu7 SM Zarl/Head Of Medical Staff Zack/Medic Man Larry/HTF Head


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