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MTF Epsilon-11 Branch Update 7/16/21 - Denied

Nenea Tanti

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1 hour ago, Alexxx said:


My reasons:

This was suggested last time, and what happend It got denied it's basically a replica. As Some have said on the branch update that got denied last time, If you want to increase E11 Activity come up with something new that interests your E11. By this I don't mean new jobs.



I see absolute no reason to Increasing the Alpha unit's slot to 3 as 2 are more than enough. It'd Just be unfair to the SCP's getting ganged on by 3 Alpha unit's with Ethereals.



I mean, Isn't RCU supposed to be a Medic? I mean yeah, It's a Medic for MTF but It still doesn't need that much hp Imo.



I really don't understand, I see you are de-buffing the armor but 275 HP is Just way to much.

RestΒ +Support

Like I really mean no harm with this post but like I don't want CI being absolutely weak again and then It's gonna return to whoever get's the best branch update and thats just not fun

And -Support on the 200 hp for enlisted more then a GENSEC SCMD.

I basically agree with everything in this post. So yeah.

CI RnD Special Agent || ExperiencedΒ Medic

Retired Security Lieutenant ColonelΒ || The 3rd Head of Wardens

Retired Red Right Hand, Guardian Squadron, "Sierra 45"

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Ok so there is a lot of things i don't agree with in this post let me start with saying that CI HCMD didn't get any contact about anything in here and they didn't ask us for opinions or tell us about the ideas that they have since CI is going to be mostly affected by this so anything that i talk about here it means that i don't Agree with

  • MTF E11 Ranger/AuxiliaryΒ : this job is getting a lot of hp and it doesn't matter that it has 5 slots its just the fact that its a big buff and not talking to their opposite Team about it its too much for a "Sub-branch" so thats going to be a No.


  • MTF E11 Foxtrot unit 1 : So still as a donator Job of 6 Slots it has A lot of HP and Armor and more weapons , if it was balanced and not OP just like MTF Nu7 ContainmentΒ  Specialist , this is a OP job for Silver Even Tho with all these slots its too much

Β ^ Edit : After i read what Frog said about Foxtrot Unit 1 It seems that it Just didnt have that much context to what it do so i thought it was the same as Internal Security unit that they wanted before

  • MTF E11 Marksman i dont have a problem with the slots what i have a problem with is the HP 175>200 this is a sniper class its not suppose to be this chunkyΒ 


  • MTF E11 Rcu : This is suppose to be a Combat Medic so its not suppose to have A Lot of HP if you would remember Sawbone or you could say bio engineer they are combatin and they are medics but they are not suppose to have alot of hp and armor so thats a No


  • MTF E11 Enlisted : 200hp This is a enlisted job its suppose to be shitty so they join a subbranch or they move up to a better one so this is a No from me


this is all the -Support that i got just to clarify again CI Military Gamma didn't get any contact about any of this stuffΒ 

anything else is a +support

Edited by Warren Talos
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Best Regards From TheΒ Middle East

CI General

The Middle Eastern PrinceΒ 

The Last Oil BenderΒ 

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2 hours ago, Alexxx said:


My reasons:

This was suggested last time, and what happend It got denied it's basically a replica. As Some have said on the branch update that got denied last time, If you want to increase E11 Activity come up with something new that interests your E11. By this I don't mean new jobs.



I see absolute no reason to Increasing the Alpha unit's slot to 3 as 2 are more than enough. It'd Just be unfair to the SCP's getting ganged on by 3 Alpha unit's with Ethereals.



I mean, Isn't RCU supposed to be a Medic? I mean yeah, It's a Medic for MTF but It still doesn't need that much hp Imo.



I really don't understand, I see you are de-buffing the armor but 275 HP is Just way to much.

RestΒ +Support

Like I really mean no harm with this post but like I don't want CI being absolutely weak again and then It's gonna return to whoever get's the best branch update and thats just not fun

And -Support on the 200 hp for enlisted more then a GENSEC SCMD.

Also too many people use the suit and tie model. It's gonna get super confusing.Β 

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2 hours ago, Alexxx said:


My reasons:

This was suggested last time, and what happend It got denied it's basically a replica. As Some have said on the branch update that got denied last time, If you want to increase E11 Activity come up with something new that interests your E11. By this I don't mean new jobs.



I see absolute no reason to Increasing the Alpha unit's slot to 3 as 2 are more than enough. It'd Just be unfair to the SCP's getting ganged on by 3 Alpha unit's with Ethereals.



I mean, Isn't RCU supposed to be a Medic? I mean yeah, It's a Medic for MTF but It still doesn't need that much hp Imo.



I really don't understand, I see you are de-buffing the armor but 275 HP is Just way to much.

RestΒ +Support

Like I really mean no harm with this post but like I don't want CI being absolutely weak again and then It's gonna return to whoever get's the best branch update and thats just not fun

And -Support on the 200 hp for enlisted more then a GENSEC SCMD.


38 minutes ago, Warren Talos said:


Ok so there is a lot of things i don't agree with in this post let me start with saying that CI HCMD didn't get any contact about anything in here and they didn't ask us for opinions or tell us about the ideas that they have since CI is going to be mostly affected by this so anything that i talk about here it means that i don't Agree with

  • MTF E11 Ranger: this job is getting a lot of hp and it doesn't matter that it has 5 slots its just the fact that its a big buff and not talking to their opposite Team about it its too much for a "Sub-branch" so thats going to be a No.


  • MTF E11 Foxtrot unit 1 : this job is not really going to work on your favor and I think Saint or you tried to add it before and it got denied and now you are trying to add it again but with a different name and a donator rank of Sliver i don't think this job is good since E11 is suppose to be the backup to the foundation and this job acts like Nu7 and it has 6 slots thats too much tbhΒ and overall not a good Idea .


  • MTF E11 Marksman i dont have a problem with the slots what i have a problem with is the HP 175>200 this is a sniper class its not suppose to be this chunkyΒ 


  • MTF E11 Rcu : This is suppose to be a Combat Medic so its not suppose to have A Lot of HP if you would remember Sawbone or you could say bio engineer they are combatin and they are medics but they are not suppose to have alot of hp and armor so thats a No


  • MTF E11 Pathfinder : 200hp 200armor NoΒ 


  • MTF E11 Enlisted : 200hp This is a enlisted job its suppose to be shitty so they join a subbranch or they move up to a better one so this is a No from me


this is all the -Support that i got just to clarify again CI Military Gamma didn't get any contact about any of this stuffΒ 

anything else is a +support


3 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

Also too many people use the suit and tie model. It's gonna get super confusing.Β 

1) What exactly is the Foxtrot Unit 1 a copy/replica of?, the Foxtrot Unit 1 from SCP Containment Breach or what?

2) I really cannot comprehend why alpha unit getting 3 slots is such a big issue for CI, the class can ONLY be used on code red or bellow, its very hard to get into and its main purpose is fighting SCPs, not CI so I don't see any issue with that.

3) Even if RCU is "just supposed to be a medic" it shouldn't have to be easily gunned down by 1-2 Alpha Operatives.

4)Β  First of all these changes were talked with Enuz, M8VP, Rang and Dang a while back (excluding the Foxtrot Unit 1 as it was added later) but it took us a while to finish up the update all together, also we are not required to get "approval from Gamma Command" as so far we were never contacted about any CI Branch updates or other stuff like that. (however I will leave enlisted HP/armor as it is now instead of increasing it)

5) Not everyone uses the overcoat modelΒ 

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MTF Epsilon-11 CommanderΒ |Β Event TeamΒ 

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39 minutes ago, Nenea Tanti said:

What exactly is the Foxtrot Unit 1 a copy/replica of?, the Foxtrot Unit 1 from SCP Containment Breach or what?

Huh? I meant that this job is just the same as the Internal Operative that was in the branch update that got denied,Β it's basically that but with a different name that's what I mean.


39 minutes ago, Nenea Tanti said:

I really cannot comprehend why alpha unit getting 3 slots is such a big issue for CI, the class can ONLY be used on code red or bellow, its very hard to get into and its main purpose is fighting SCPs, not CI so I don't see any issue with that.

That's the point It'd be way to unfair and unfun playing as an SCP if it's code red and 3 Alpha unit's would be on because they would just getΒ shredded.


39 minutes ago, Nenea Tanti said:

Even if RCU is "just supposed to be a medic" it shouldn't have to be easily gunned down by 1-2 Alpha Operatives.

It also shouldn't have as much HP as almost an CI Heavy.


39 minutes ago, Nenea Tanti said:

First of all these changes were talked with Enuz, M8VP, Rang and Dang a while back (excluding the Foxtrot Unit 1 as it was added later) but it took us a while to finish up the update all together, also we are not required to get "approval from Gamma Command" as so far we were never contacted about any CI Branch updates or other stuff like that. (however I will leave enlisted HP/armor as it is now instead of increasing it)

It'd be smart talking with the current HCMD members of CI, Meaning Fizzy , Ignis and Warren and getting their opinions on it.Β Also thanks for the enlisted HP.

Edited by Alexxx




Former:Β DT CPTΒ ,Β CGO - Tenn GraneetΒ ,Β 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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9 minutes ago, Alexxx said:

Huh? I meant that this job is just the same as the Internal Operative that was in the branch update that got denied,Β it's basically that but with a different name that's what I mean.


That's the point It'd be way to unfair and unfun playing as an SCP if it's code red and 3 Alpha unit's would be on because they would just getΒ shredded.


It also shouldn't have as much HP as almost an CI Heavy.


It'd be smart talking with the current HCMD members of CI, Meaning Fizzy , Ignis and Warren and getting their opinions on it, Also thanks for the enlisted HP.

It is NOT the same as Interal Operative, they will not spawn in the facility or enter the facility on code blue/yellow without proper reason, this job is just supposed to be a donator class for donators to play on, not a new Internal Operative.

Personally I don't think its that bad, as we have very few Alpha Units.

RCU would have the same HP/armorΒ as NCO/most other E-11 jobs

Edited by Nenea Tanti

MTF Epsilon-11 CommanderΒ |Β Event TeamΒ 

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+support for most finally geting dat lvl 4 keycard do

-support for enlisted hp buff and ranger hp buff way to much maybe just exchange the armor for hp nad dont really need the new job sure would be nice to give donater players not in the branch easier access to try out e11 stuff but i say were good

||Retired||E11 LtCol HCE Head Ranger||SCP-RP Senior Event Team||

||CC's Owned||Mtf Sigma 3 "The Silenced"||Annexed Templar Knight||AFK||

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+/- support

-support to


D4 slots

New job

Enlisted HP

+Support all other reasonsΒ 

side note; when SMT go to accept/Deny this I think people would prefer to have it accepted or denied in parts like


LVl 4 keycard

HP for this and thatΒ 


New job etcΒ 

Just my thought tho


SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. |Β E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP:Β MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |Β  DT SGT FF5


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2 hours ago, Warren Talos said:


Ok so there is a lot of things i don't agree with in this post let me start with saying that CI HCMD didn't get any contact about anything in here and they didn't ask us for opinions or tell us about the ideas that they have since CI is going to be mostly affected by this so anything that i talk about here it means that i don't Agree with

  • MTF E11 Ranger: this job is getting a lot of hp and it doesn't matter that it has 5 slots its just the fact that its a big buff and not talking to their opposite Team about it its too much for a "Sub-branch" so thats going to be a No.


  • MTF E11 Foxtrot unit 1 : this job is not really going to work on your favor and I think Saint or you tried to add it before and it got denied and now you are trying to add it again but with a different name and a donator rank of Sliver i don't think this job is good since E11 is suppose to be the backup to the foundation and this job acts like Nu7 and it has 6 slots thats too much tbhΒ and overall not a good Idea .


  • MTF E11 Marksman i dont have a problem with the slots what i have a problem with is the HP 175>200 this is a sniper class its not suppose to be this chunkyΒ 


  • MTF E11 Rcu : This is suppose to be a Combat Medic so its not suppose to have A Lot of HP if you would remember Sawbone or you could say bio engineer they are combatin and they are medics but they are not suppose to have alot of hp and armor so thats a No


  • MTF E11 Pathfinder : 200hp 200armor NoΒ 


  • MTF E11 Enlisted : 200hp This is a enlisted job its suppose to be shitty so they join a subbranch or they move up to a better one so this is a No from me


this is all the -Support that i got just to clarify again CI Military Gamma didn't get any contact about any of this stuffΒ 

anything else is a +support


Β CI Military Sergeant Major |Β CI R&D Assistant Archivist and Lead of Sleuths


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3 hours ago, Alexxx said:


My reasons:

This was suggested last time, and what happend It got denied it's basically a replica. As Some have said on the branch update that got denied last time, If you want to increase E11 Activity come up with something new that interests your E11. By this I don't mean new jobs.



I see absolute no reason to Increasing the Alpha unit's slot to 3 as 2 are more than enough. It'd Just be unfair to the SCP's getting ganged on by 3 Alpha unit's with Ethereals.



I mean, Isn't RCU supposed to be a Medic? I mean yeah, It's a Medic for MTF but It still doesn't need that much hp Imo.



I really don't understand, I see you are de-buffing the armor but 275 HP is Just way to much.

RestΒ +Support

Like I really mean no harm with this post but like I don't want CI being absolutely weak again and then It's gonna return to whoever get's the best branch update and thats just not fun

And -Support on the 200 hp for enlisted more then a GENSEC SCMD.

This Exactly

EX A2 In E4
Current VCMDR Of Sarkic

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1:yea I don't get why people think the new silver job is like the internal op as IN NOWHERE is it stated it would spawn in the facility on code yellow/blue or would be able to enter on blue or yellow. the silver class as stated would just be a class people could try if they didnt know they wanted to be in e11 or not.

2:Also never what's the deal with the suit models anyway legit any other class besides mtf that are high command have them even the ci high command rnd and military have them so that's also a thing I have a problem with people -supporting.

3:And like nenea said we discussed with ci a while ago about the armor and health and we all agreed even tho that was months ago none of the health and armor was changed since then (except the silver class but that's just a donator class for e11 and don't get me started on the ci heavy).

4:Another thing is the medic class i get that they are medics but they still can get killed by beta units with that aug a3 so it doesn't really make much of a difference since that gun can kill d4 in 12 shots also I know this may sound crazy but its part of a mtf branch who specializes in going in high risk areas of course its gonna be at least difficult to kill.

5:Also the marksmen job same thing as the medic job I said before.

6:Also earlier today I had a beta unit tell the d4 alpha they were weak since he killed both of them so I don't think adding a third guy would affect ci at all in anyway since we mostly opted out of keeping the alpha unit out of ci affairs.

just wanted to clear some things up for the people -supporting hoped this helped


Edited by frog
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E11 1LTΒ []FORMER CI MAJOR[]FormerΒ MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]FormerΒ Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseerΒ of D4,Former experimental,Β Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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+Support the new job as long as the HP and armor of the job is adjusted 225|150??? hell no...

-Support for all the new hp and armor.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β Former CI CPT|Β Β GutsΒ |Β MexicanΒ  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β 

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β 

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β β€œI will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β Β β€”Second Ideal of the Windrunnersβ€”

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7 hours ago, Alexxx said:


My reasons:

This was suggested last time, and what happend It got denied it's basically a replica. As Some have said on the branch update that got denied last time, If you want to increase E11 Activity come up with something new that interests your E11. By this I don't mean new jobs.



I see absolute no reason to Increasing the Alpha unit's slot to 3 as 2 are more than enough. It'd Just be unfair to the SCP's getting ganged on by 3 Alpha unit's with Ethereals.



I mean, Isn't RCU supposed to be a Medic? I mean yeah, It's a Medic for MTF but It still doesn't need that much hp Imo.



I really don't understand, I see you are de-buffing the armor but 275 HP is Just way to much.

RestΒ +Support

Like I really mean no harm with this post but like I don't want CI being absolutely weak again and then It's gonna return to whoever get's the best branch update and thats just not fun

And -Support on the 200 hp for enlisted more then a GENSEC SCMD.


Retired DHOS || Former Wardens ComissionerΒ Caligula ||Β FormerΒ SRIC in R&D ||Β FormerΒ OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | |Β RetiredΒ OPSV in Maintenance ||Β Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax ||Β former ET ||Β Former Omicron-9 CPTΒ  || FormerΒ OM9 EXP DeltaΒ |Β PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,Β not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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Coldsilver Alpha Unit increase in slots seems a little undeeded as soon as there is multiple SCP breached yall can just hop on the job, and kill the the SCP's removingΒ the RP of recontaining them incentivizing more of SCP Deathmatch than SCP Roleplay. Not to mention trying to increase damage on the etheral, it's already a super powerful weapon, and was heavily nerfed so you guys could even use it.

Giving Combat Engineers/ Aux UnitΒ the same health/armor as other Heavy classes on the server seems a little overboard since Engi'sΒ already have 200/200 which is powerful in itself if you know how to use it.

Another thing that seems overboard is giving Pathfinder's 200/200 since they are supposed to be the scouting kind of class because they have access to Invis.


To everything else

CC: CI Requiem Squad XH-76
Biggest DMCΒ Fan

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15 hours ago, Warren Talos said:


Ok so there is a lot of things i don't agree with in this post let me start with saying that CI HCMD didn't get any contact about anything in here and they didn't ask us for opinions or tell us about the ideas that they have since CI is going to be mostly affected by this so anything that i talk about here it means that i don't Agree with

  • MTF E11 Ranger: this job is getting a lot of hp and it doesn't matter that it has 5 slots its just the fact that its a big buff and not talking to their opposite Team about it its too much for a "Sub-branch" so thats going to be a No.


  • MTF E11 Foxtrot unit 1 : this job is not really going to work on your favor and I think Saint or you tried to add it before and it got denied and now you are trying to add it again but with a different name and a donator rank of Sliver i don't think this job is good since E11 is suppose to be the backup to the foundation and this job acts like Nu7 and it has 6 slots thats too much tbhΒ and overall not a good Idea .


  • MTF E11 Marksman i dont have a problem with the slots what i have a problem with is the HP 175>200 this is a sniper class its not suppose to be this chunkyΒ 


  • MTF E11 Rcu : This is suppose to be a Combat Medic so its not suppose to have A Lot of HP if you would remember Sawbone or you could say bio engineer they are combatin and they are medics but they are not suppose to have alot of hp and armor so thats a No


  • MTF E11 Pathfinder : 200hp 200armor NoΒ 


  • MTF E11 Enlisted : 200hp This is a enlisted job its suppose to be shitty so they join a subbranch or they move up to a better one so this is a No from me


this is all the -Support that i got just to clarify again CI Military Gamma didn't get any contact about any of this stuffΒ 

anything else is a +support

-SupportΒ Until the issues are fixed.

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & SecurityΒ || Armored ShieldΒ Award WinnerΒ || First Head Warden & HOPOΒ ||Β Security ArtilleryΒ UnitΒ ||Β D-7025 || D-Class High CouncilΒ ||Β Former Head of SecurityΒ ||Β FormerΒ AdminΒ || Former Event Team Member



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Β To make it clear these HP/Armor changes were approved by M8VP and Enuz a while back but it took us some time to finish this update and we deem the changes fit considering Nu7's last HP/Armor nerf and the fact that E-11 is PAY TO PLAY only and we are supposed to be a elite task force that comes in to rescue the site in dire situations

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MTF Epsilon-11 CommanderΒ |Β Event TeamΒ 

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20 hours ago, frog said:




Edited by ItzGray


Former:Β | RRHΒ Sierra 47 | | E11 LCPL | | MJ | | AR | | Gensec SM |Β | CI SFC | | CI IA |Β | M |Β | Nu7 DHFE Lieutenant Colonel | | HTF A4 Z Viper A4 | | AH1Z Viper |

SCP-RP:Β | Former staff: 6/18/21 -> 11/18/21| | Staff 2x 2/26/22 -> 10/28/22 |Β | Joined: Apr, 2021~ |

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