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Admin Abuse Of Power (LT Boh)- Denied


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I don't know if there's a better place to put this report so I'm just putting it here. Tonight I got on the server for the first time in a while and was having fun with friends for a few hours when I was called into a sit by Boh and he told me I had done failrp, which admittedly I had, and then said he was going to warn me and gag me for 10 minutes for "excessive FailRP" which I know wasn't true and obviously I protested. The people who reported us, Bane Slatt, Andre Slatt, and Booter Slatt then started making fun of my friend for the fact he was about to be warned and gagged. I then said "You know if the positions were swapped you would be upset about it because you have a week on the server." Then Boh said "Now you ARE going to be gagged for player diss." Obviously this wasn't player diss, anyone would be upset if they were getting gagged and made fun of. Either way, I asked them to stop talking so we could finish the sit and they then made fun of me. Then we were given the choice to be jailed instead with a warn either way, obviously we chose the jail. And then I asked the Admin why aren't they getting punished because they player dissed far more than me, he couldn't come up with an answer so I said I was going to report him and here we are! One instance of FailRP does NOT constitute a gag OR a jail. I personally think they're all friends and Boh is abusing his position of power to eliminate those who oppose his friends. I'm not asking he's fired or anything, I just wanted to type up a report because I felt it was just. Thanks!

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+/- Support
- This should not be in the report center it should be in staff reports
- I want to hear from Boh before coming with a  support

Edited by Austinn

〖   ImperialRP  〗
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1 hour ago, Quisty said:

"I don't know if there's a better place to put this report so I'm just putting it here. Tonight I got on the server for the first time in a while and was having fun with friends for a few hours when I was called into a sit by Boh and he told me I had done failrp, which admittedly I had, and then said he was going to warn me and gag me for 10 minutes for "excessive FailRP" which I know wasn't true and obviously I protested."


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Ok first off your friend in the sit keeped screaming so i said he would be gaged for 10mins along with you if you dont stop diss the players in the sit your friend then LTAPed i warned your for player diss and failrp i then jailed you for 600sec after i had jailed your you had said you should get a life and so did your friends then i had also issued another warning for staff diss and told you to stop as this would not end well you then said that ok im gonna report you later i then offered help but you reffused so i dont understand why this is admin abuse as you had killed someone kidnapping you and would not stop and admited to not reading the SOP.

I also never gaged your i only gaged your friend and he left you where never gaged you where warned and jailed as i had recieved several reports on you and you also admited it, I also do not know the SLATT family i have seen them on the server but never talked to them as i am not apart of any family as i only play gov so i dont know what you mean by this you siad that we are freinds i said we are not and i have ment them before but dont know them they also had said the same thing also i had said that if you wanted to report them for player diss i said please make a sit while you did say can we talk in private i did say yes but  as soon as i moved you you started to diss them again as for the them dissing you i had moved out of voice range to return someone so i did not hear them diss you, this was also not the first interaction i had with you had been going around the sever and diss other player (unsure if it was you earlier there where alot of bloods on), you are made at the fact that you where caught you also amitied to breaking RP so FailRP more than once i was being more than nice with only giving you a FailRP warning once and a jail time so you could read over the MOTD but you didnt listen to me when i was explaining why you got the jail timer

This is the punishment for mass amount of FailRP:
3+ FailRP/FearRP - Formal Warning + Jail (500 Seconds)
I had also asked if you shot somoene while being robbed and being kidnaped and you kept saying yes so i was nice to only give you the one FailRP and a 600 sec jail along with the player diss and staff diss

However i would like to apologise for the miss understanding of the gag this was more towards your other freind as i brang him to the sit he keept screaming saying special agent and would not stop this was more towards him not you but i understand how you got confused.

Edited by Santa (BOH)
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- Support

-No format

-No Evidence of wrong doing

-BOH's counter argument shows no abuse was done

Also this would be a staff report, but it still doesn't hold up

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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9 hours ago, Niko Bellic said:

- Support

-No format

-No Evidence of wrong doing

-BOH's counter argument shows no abuse was done

Also this would be a staff report, but it still doesn't hold up


State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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10 hours ago, Niko Bellic said:

- Support

-No format

-No Evidence of wrong doing

-BOH's counter argument shows no abuse was done

Also this would be a staff report, but it still doesn't hold up


DEA Low Command FBI SSA HRT OSC | Falcone Family Owner

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  • Head of Staff
11 hours ago, Ronin said:


No format.

No evidence.


ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

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14 hours ago, Niko Bellic said:

- Support

-No format

-No Evidence of wrong doing

-BOH's counter argument shows no abuse was done

Also this would be a staff report, but it still doesn't hold up


Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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On 1/23/2021 at 9:43 AM, Niko Bellic said:

- Support

-No format

-No Evidence of wrong doing

-BOH's counter argument shows no abuse was done

Also this would be a staff report, but it still doesn't hold up


PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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