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Adding small passage ways for small SCPs - Denied


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What are you suggesting? - Edit: Revised to use the comments better idea; Add a small vent that only 1048, -A, and 5208 can access that teleports them to another location within the LCZ/HCZ, depending on where the first portal is. If a small no-clipped vent cover is put over the passage, and the passage is only maybe a foot long, this would make it small enough where it can't be camped but also small enough to where these SCPs are the only ones to use em. 

How would this change better the server? - I was trying to think of ways to improve three of the least played SCPs, 1048, -A, and 5208, when it occurred to me, adding a small passage system that only these SCPs can traverse would make them more enjoyable and fun. Not to mention its lore friendly for 1048 and -A to be hard to locate, due to its size and constantly hiding. Adding these passage ways would allow these weak SCPs to be able escape or retreat from Gensec and MTF much easier, because they are slow, their run speed is a human's walk speed. Also, if we were to put a hole or vent at CP's, it would allow 1048 to travel in between LCZ and HCZ, which again makes sense lore wise. 

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - This would obviously require a map edit, and could be considered OP if these SCPs camp inside or constantly juke out the enemy. Also, I'm not sure its physically possible, while these SCPs are small, their hitboxes are still the size of regular people, though I may be wrong on that.

Who would this change mostly benefit? - 1048, 1048-A, 5208

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

Edited by Gunther

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.

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17 minutes ago, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.


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+/- Support

I can see this being abused by SCPs like 5208 for where if there's a vent then what if they just hide in there? Also if it is a teleport system would everyone be able to use it or just SCPs..would you be able to spam go in and out of it...? There's just alot of problems with abuse I see.

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46 minutes ago, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.

Yeah I’d have to agree.

Recently I’ve thought of an addition of a ventilation/air duct system that the D Class could possibly use to get a head start at escaping. Seeing as this is a pretty similar idea, it’s gonna be a solid +support from me.

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With teleporting you can push the actual teleportation pad a little farther back where only these SCP's can reach but not far back enough where they can hide, just enough where normal sized people can't reach. That would solve all issues I've seen so far.

There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.

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6 hours ago, Sixx said:

+/- Support

I can see this being abused by SCPs like 5208 for where if there's a vent then what if they just hide in there? Also if it is a teleport system would everyone be able to use it or just SCPs..would you be able to spam go in and out of it...? There's just alot of problems with abuse I see.

If it were a tp system, only the 3 small SCPs stated could. Perhaps to make it so only those 3 teleport that a small indent in the wall is required first.

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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8 hours ago, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.


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15 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With teleporting you can push the actual teleportation pad a little farther back where only these SCP's can reach but not far back enough where they can hide, just enough where normal sized people can't reach. That would solve all issues I've seen so far.


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On 7/12/2020 at 10:41 AM, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.

+ Support as well as if it doesn't teleport then it can cause some more server lag because of more space that players are loading maybe make it like a small elevator that they take.

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11 minutes ago, 💖Coltable💖 said:

I got bored and made this, is this what you were thinking of @Gunther?


Actually that's pretty spot on, though is it small enough for only a 1048 to crawl through and not say 682?

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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On 7/12/2020 at 10:41 AM, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.

this will make it where they are not always in the way as well.

The old E11 CMDR Jay 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/12/2020 at 10:41 AM, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.


"The first draft of everything is Shit" - Ernest Hemingway

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On 7/12/2020 at 4:41 PM, Falxen said:

+Support, if it can be added to the list of the new map updates and is actually possible.

I'd suggest making the vents teleports, rather then actual space that has to be walked through because then small SCP's could just hide in them.

this is a great idea +support

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15 hours ago, SaltyGrim said:

this is a great idea +support


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/14/2020 at 6:35 PM, 💖Coltable💖 said:

Not possible because of hit boxes there is no way to make it smaller than that. 

This is a huge issue, as anyone would be able to use it, if it was possible to only have the small scps be able to go through we could do this, but it is not.

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