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Stop killing the noncombatants. - Denied


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- I have to be honest this whole utility rule is causing more issues than the beef between MTF and CI over comms which shows how bad it has gotten.

- You say you want to be left alone and you don't want us to kill you, then you start requesting suggestions to add "COMBAT UNITS" to your branches. If you add "HOSTILE COMBAT UNITS" to your branches I am sorry but that means everybody in utility is hostile.

- Not to mention I have been a victim of leaving a utility alone walking past them and they look at my HP and start gunning me down from behind. And it was from a DDOU, From my experience this not killing non-combatants is a loop hole to back stab CI and get a advantage over CI.

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i think that they should have either option, either when they tie us up or kidnap us we cant call them out as a rule, or they can just flat out murder us before we call them out would be a better idea, but making it so that they CANNOT kill us at all when not attacking them would be unfair

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| SCP-RP | Senior Moderator | 

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On 5/18/2020 at 3:37 AM, October said:


Reasons above, but I will add this: 

Beanz wrote this on a similar suggestion, “It is unrealistic to expect to get through every CI raid unscathed ...” I’d link this post, but it got hidden by the man who posted it. 

CI are an elite fighting force, but they also need to partially stealth their jobs because of all the MTF units that the foundation can throw at them, why would they risk leaving any witnesses, especially someone like a lowly janitor? May I remind you that in lore CI believe in creating the perfect humanity and aren’t above killing anyone (including their own men) to create their version of a utopia. CI completely lacks morals, so why would they allow anyone to call them out. 

You are Right but adding on to this

If CI want to Create a Perfect Utopia and Kill foundation as well why would they leave anyone in foundation that they saw alive, It simply doesnt make sense (Unless they are Kidnapping someone) So i think that the rule shouldnt really exist in general


Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent ~Captain Price (Modern Warfare 2)

Former CMD Positions: E11 1LT, Medical Chief Manager, CI LT and SRIC, Alpha 1 CPL, RRH Squad Lead.

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1 hour ago, [GL] Dtscalice said:

You are Right but adding on to this

If CI want to Create a Perfect Utopia and Kill foundation as well why would they leave anyone in foundation that they saw alive, It simply doesnt make sense (Unless they are Kidnapping someone) So i think that the rule shouldnt really exist in general

You're saying that CI should be able to kill utility again when they are already called out? In lore it may be that way, but in the server it's a good rule.  It was really frustrating when in the early hours CI raid every 10 minutes and killed every utility member when they saw them even if they were called out before. Utility doesn't have much HP and armor, so we can't really defend ourselves and it's just not fun playing if you get constantly killed while you're trying to RP.

-Support on this suggestion tho

Edited by Doggo0

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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6 hours ago, Doggo0 said:

You're saying that CI should be able to kill utility again when they are already called out? In lore it may be that way, but in the server it's a good rule.  It was really frustrating when in the early hours CI raid every 10 minutes and killed every utility member when they saw them even if they were called out before. Utility doesn't have much HP and armor, so we can't really defend ourselves and it's just not fun playing if you get constantly killed while you're trying to RP.

-Support on this suggestion tho

We shouldn't be able to not kill utility if you can't sit in your spawn or Panic Room for 9 minutes like your supposed to.
You guys branch is based mostly of role playing, why don't you role play your butts to Panic room when there is a CI raid?
Utility have low HP because they are not designed to fight a group of trained Military.
Utility received multiple combat classes to aid in the defense of "Utility can't defend themselves".
And yes we should kill Utility when we are called out, Going into the foundation everyone is a threat and you don't know who is what and what, who is going to do.

Edited by Neo

SCP-RP Moderator | CI LTCOL Boozle LC32 

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3 hours ago, Neo said:

We shouldn't be able to not kill utility if you can't sit in your spawn or Panic Room for 9 minutes like your supposed to.
You guys branch is based mostly of role playing, why don't you role play your butts to Panic room when there is a CI raid?
Utility have low HP because they are not designed to fight a group of trained Military.
Utility received multiple combat classes to aid in the defense of "Utility can't defend themselves".
And yes we should kill Utility when we are called out, Going into the foundation everyone is a threat and you don't know who is what and what, who is going to do.


Oh god sitting in a spawn for 10 mins is so horrifying i'm going to die


Was Nu7 2LT

Shot Once

Was a Nu7 MSGT

also was a CI Captain once

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