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Spection Staff Report


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Your In-Game Name: Smoke

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:243317023

Staff member's In-Game Name: Spection

What did they do? I was in the process of mugging Spection when he kicked me from the server, mid rp situation. I went to him in Teamspeak just to see if he had a reason to kick me from the server. His reason was I was "minging" all day, when I had been on the server for 45 minutes and all I had done was ask if in the near future OFCs were to have Negevs. I wouldnt really see that as minging because I define minging as joining a server with no intent to roleplay and not caring at all about the server or the server rules and continuesly breaking server rules. 

Evidence (REQUIRED): 


-This is the footage of Spection kicking me while Im mugging him https://youtu.be/_CNiNVvpcho

- I decided since I wasnt provided a reason for being kicked, I were to ask Spection why he kicked me, this was the audio in the channel. I wanted to contain the entire Teamspeak conversation from when I joined and from when I left so you know I didnt leave anything out https://youtu.be/dOy5hUnhSdg



What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Anything other than a verbal.


Just a note, I dont mind Spection messing around and kicking me, but its when its in the middle of a rp situation such as mugging and he didnt mean it in a joking manner at all is when it becomes a problem for me.

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Dude I kicked you because for the past hour you have been mingeing. You literally asked in the PD meeting when OFC's could get negavs. I've had enough of you being immature and being disrespectful. You're going to mug someone for 1 dollar. If anything I should be talking to you. Shows you have mature you are when in the video you mug someone for 1 dollar. Is this what you do often? Also, why did you come to my TS room to confront me and start something? Shows who you are as a person. You have been harassing me and targeting me the past month and I have about had it with you. You're becoming a bigger minge. I kicked you for a valid reason. If you don't mind it then why are you reporting me? Like smoke what is your problem? Would you rather me minge you or warn you?


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No matter how much you're being mugged for, you gotta comply under fear rp, Spection you literally kicked him as he was mugging you. You can't ki8ck him and say it was for stuff earleir when you're being mugged, makes 0 sense.

I do believe he should be punished for this.

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I dont see at all how I have ever targeted you or harassed you can you please pm me some examples or give me some sort of explanation

Again I would rather keep this off the forums and just have a conversation. 

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Just now, BrycE ? said:


No matter how much you're being mugged for, you gotta comply under fear rp, Spection you literally kicked him as he was mugging you. You can't ki8ck him and say it was for stuff earleir when you're being mugged, makes 0 sense.

I do believe he should be punished for this.


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Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 

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- SRT Commander Blitzton 1K67 - PD MSGT Blitzton 1C67 - Future Pilot -


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Just now, Blitzton said:


Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 


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18 minutes ago, Blitzton said:


Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 


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1 hour ago, BrycE ? said:


No matter how much you're being mugged for, you gotta comply under fear rp, Spection you literally kicked him as he was mugging you. You can't ki8ck him and say it was for stuff earleir when you're being mugged, makes 0 sense.

I do believe he should be punished for this.


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1 hour ago, Blitzton said:


Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 



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1 hour ago, Blitzton said:


Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 


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If Spection, the SMT member, feels you are minging excessively, he can kick you from the server, ban you from the server, Minge you, or warn you. It’s his choice. Your were in mid RP..Okay? If I see someone minging I’m going to ban them, mid rp or not. I’m not ganna say “oh let me wait for this rp to end before I ban you”

Now, would I personally kick someone from the server for mugging me for one dollar and shouting in PD meetings “when are OFC’s getting negevs”? Absolutely. Infact, I would have instantly demoted you from whatever Pd rank you are for shouting that in a Pd meeting. You think spections punishments are harsh? 

Spection could have striked you, or even banned you from the server for minging as as admin, a point I think you fail to realize. Instead, after another chance, he simply kicked you from the server. His punishment wasn’t that serious, and it’s not that deep. Again, you think Spection’s punishments are harsh?

At the end of the day, punishments handed out by Staff Members are unique to that specific member. For example, if I’m hosting a PD meeting, and someone yells “ HeY cAn oFCS GET nEgEvs?!” I’m going to demote them. Rhenic, on the other hand, may demote you down a few ranks, and spection, may even kick you from the server. That’s the beauty of the staff handbook’s “Staff Discretion” rule. Everything is handled differently by everyone. We don’t specifically train our staff to handle a situation in a specific way. All staff are encouraged to use their common sense in judgement when making decisions. That’s why that rule is there.

“Spection I think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake”

Spection is one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. There’s a lot of stuff you guys don’t know about Spection. But Spection never had it easy. Spection wasn’t just handed Head Admin, Super Admin, or Any staff rank. Spection worked harder than any staff member I’ve ever seen. And he’s been on the staff team longer than me, and most staff. Infact, I can honestly say that Spection is one of the few people that worked harder than me on the staff team that is still here today. Spection understands how it feels to be a low rank on the staff team and how it feels to work hard to get what you want, even when everything is against you. So how dare you tell him to show some humility and own up to a mistake? Spection has Humility. And The only mistake I see, is your rude, repetitive, and social justice comment on our forums page.


A lot of you guys still don’t understand what an SMT member does, or who we are as management members. All punishments given by us are final and non-debatable. Spection, along with all the Head Admins, the Head Of Staff, and the Manager Of the Server  run it. So you being kicked from the server, Smoke, is not false and is valid.









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