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SE7EN Love

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Your In-game: at the time it was Juliet Love VL

Your SteamID: 
The admin's name in-game:cole phelps and philip
The admin's steam name (If you know it): probably John Kyle
What warning did you receive: staff diss, jail raid w out advert, racism towards pd col
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://pasteboard.co/HBes4Le.png
Why do you think this warn was false: the raiding pd one i talked to phil about and i did advert and he said it should be removed and the other one the racism i dont feel i was being racist cole and munchies had been beefing with me for no reason and got mad i said that ruinz is my nigga because they arrested me for no reason at all when i had proof they did and they didnt care so i said id bring it to him because "hes my nigga" and they got mad and warned me for it and then in the sit after that munchies told me to shut the fuck up and fuck off and then after i do the safe to him i get warned. cole says i said it to him twice but i know i didnt unless he did i had proof but it only saved what happened right before he said that becasuse i accidentally turned replay buffer on which irritates the fuck out of me and might not help me be able to get this removed but if he as staff can tell me to shut the fuck up i feel that they shouldnt be so sensitive as to warn me for it once i do the same thing because thats messed up after he just did it it wouldnt matter how many times i said it its the fact that he said it to me first i would understand if i said it out of nowhere but he told me to shut the fuck up and fuck off first. ive been trying really hard to not get warned on this server on other servers i get like 60 warns the first month i play it and this server i only have 3 actual valid warns or should at least because 2 i have talked to the admin and they feel it should be removed and i have ss of them saying it as well but i am really no a racist person like i am chill and am always supporting everyone i meet and helping out new people i dont go around yelling racial slurs because i believe it is messed up in all i was just saying that ruinz is my homie like sometimes it slips out i try not to but i live in the hood and am friends with gang bangers and i do gnarly shit and i get that is no excuse but i wasnt being racist its just a way of speaking and always has been and i try hard not to do this on this server because these warns are going to get me warned more when other staff go to look back on it and be like oh well your history is shit so youre getting the warn when i feel i dont deserver the warns. like all in all i try really hard and am friends with most admins or chill with them and have been up unti now when its just these 2. but i would like to get them removed because they shouldnt warn me for something he did first even if (which i didnt) i said shut the f+ck up one more time than him i feeel that as him being staff and saying it first is emmensly different and should be seen more serious as staff are supposed to teach people how to act and play not telling me a donating loyal player to shut the fuck up because he is a little annoyed and also i feel the racism one should be because i am not in any way racist and i have called other people ( admins included) that theyre my nigga to their face and nobody has gotten upset until now when i wasnt even talkin about him plus i was warned for being racist towards munchies when all i did was say ruinz is my nigga and that has nothing to do with munchies. like i dont got a personal problem with munchies or cole but i will admit they have annoyed and enfuriated the hell out of me tonight but ive seen only cole do his job well before i had never heard of munchies before that so i dont get whyt he was coming at my all side ways but i get they might be chill and respectable dudes but im not going to have respect for a staff member when he isnt going to have any for me. but yeah he said it first and im really not racist ask anyone who knows me im a good dude and try and help out new players all the time and give people money to help them get started and what not i try and be poitive for everyone on the server but its hard when im being called "a fucking minge" and to "shut the fuck up" and to "fuck off" and etc but id just really apreciate the warns being removed as i feel that i truly shouldnt be warned for those things. if anything i say ask ruinz if he is super offended by my calling him my nigga because im in now way being rude as i see it as another word for homie(friend)
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  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took


  • Like 1

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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2 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took



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2 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took



PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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3 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took



Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
Ex. Admin - Clonewars Ex. Admin - DarkRP 

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9 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took



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11 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took




SM Jakeee 1B65

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15 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took


……………….I am speech less.....

PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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16 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


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16 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took



Banned from Signatures - Valk - DNR - 11/25/17


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18 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


  • You're the biggest minge I have ever met in my life
  • You're the most racist person I know saying The N word to me in front of me its not gonna turn well for you of course I'm gonna call an admin and the fact you said "I'm going to tell ruinz about this ruinz is my N word" I don't care if ruinz wouldn't care if you said that but he wasn't online at the moment so how would we know if he wouldn't take that as an offence...
  • The way you show disrespect towards Cole and myself was terrible, Like yes I'm gonna admit it I was so pissed off at you for lying in front of admins and I just started having ago at you and telling you to "Shut the fuck up" "Your a minge" I am gonna admit to all this because I'm a man of my own words the way you showed amount of disrespect and how you were that salty pissed Cole and myself off. You say you have video evidence but yet you don't show us
  • Your family "VL" cannot RP what so ever like seriously you guys have No Intent to RP you guys FailRP A lot and overall you guys break rules a lot and its not on and how we staff have to deal with you guys and that you guys have to argue with us and keep asking for admins for the simplest things gets annoying...
  • It states in the MOTD That "No disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate Content/Offensive content" Even if you have that skin tone still doesn't mean you can say it if it states in the MOTD then you need to go off by that.
  • On that side note you call Cole and myself "Butt hurt" because you're being racist and that would took that as an offence and you say "I always call Snar my N word" "I always say to superadmins swagg daddys there my N word" Like I doubt you would so that in front of Snar and JMT
  • In those 4 sits we had you were pretty much lying in front of those admins and you say the same time all the time you pretty much wasted the admins time, Cole's Time and Myself's time...
  • This warn should stay for him being racist and disrespecting Staff
  • This guy needs to read over the MOTD because apparently saying the N word isn't racist and saying "Ruinz is my N Word" "Snar is my N Word" "Super admins are my N Word" Isn't racist apparently because apparently I don't know what his skin tone is...


On the side note I do admit to saying "Shut the fuck up" "You're a minge" and stuff like that

I was pissed off that much how he was lying to staff and just being so racist towards Staff

I accept any punishment for my action I took




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