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Nimo's CPT App


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Name: Nimo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94107053


Current rank: LT/Lieutenant


How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 3 Weeks


Rank Wanted: CPT/Captain


How many warns do you have? 2 Warns but both of them have to be removed


Do you have a Working mic? Yes


Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A


Why should you be promoted? :Well I think I should be a Captain is because I’ve done pretty well as a LT and I think I deserve a promotion to Captain because I an active (some people think I am inactive but that's fine), I know how to lead PD, I always listen to tactical units in a bank raid ETC. I know how to deal with a PD member that is minging, breaking server rules, tazer rushing and disrespecting people or being racist and if they are doing that stuff i’ll first ask people and see if I should demote him or leave him be I also listen to PD members side of his story. I am a well trust worthy member of the staff team and community so people can trust me with any situation or issues and I have been around on the server since April of 2017. I am and used to be in multiple departments such as SWAT,SS/Secret Service, EMS, PD (obviously) and FBI, I used to be a SWAT SFC (Now I am a SWAT CPL),

SSEA/Secret Service Elite Agent, EMS Dept Chief, PD LT and FBI ADD/Assistant Deputy Director(Used to be a SAIC now I am a SSA).

I’m always in TS when online  so if people need me i’ll be there to help them.

If I do PD meetings I always address the facts on what we did wrong and how we can improve our ways on how to be a better PD member, during PD meeting I don’t minge and I only promote if deemed necessary I’m never unfair or biased on promotions BTW. If a OFC+ wants to ride with me I always let them to unless if I’m busy or very busy. I’m positive most times unless if people really piss me off

I’m an admin so it’s pretty rare see me break rules on PD and off PD. People may think I am immature but I have changed and I’m kind of more mature when doing something or just on PD. I have multiple friends in the community and why I’m saying this is because when I am down or doing something wrong my friends can either help me or calm me down which is great, some of my friends are NoOne, Kitty, Myan, Josh, Munchies, Carpenter, Will Newel, Armyguy, Nolan, Snar, Fame, JMS and Zim ETC(Sorry If I didn’t get you I don’t want to be listing a lot of people). I really want to get high up in PD to help out PD and succeed and I think I would do great as a PD Captain.This is my CPT/Captain app I hope you enjoyed reading me long essay on Why I should become a CPT.



You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes



Edited by Nimo

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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your never on unless high command is on

cant take a joke


disrespectful to people lower then him

has a temper


Edited by Bobby Yukiteru

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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-You're literally never on PD.

-You only come on when High Command is online.


-Haven't seen you train cadets at all

- Unfit for command

-gets mad when made fun of but agrees with others when someone is getting made fun of. 


power hungry

(dont know if that will get me a strike on forums but no meaning to sound disrespectful or anything. If you would like me to hide the power hungry message me. But only if it's SMT OR EMT telling me to)




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-inactive except when high command is on

-doesn't train cadets

-hasn't done anything that proves him to be a capable lt. 

Seems like you just suck up when pd high command is on to look good. 

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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-inactive except when high command is on

-doesn't train cadets

-hasn't done anything that proves him to be a capable lt. 

Seems like you just suck up when pd high command is on to look good. 

LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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  • I don't see you on as much
  • You don't train cadets even if there is a SGT+ on at least volunteer to train
  • You're not really helpful with officers
  • You haven't really done anything to prove yourself and to go up a next rank
  • From what I see you kinda mess around and you need to change
  • You need to act professional and be a role model for other low ranking officers
  • Improve activity, Professionalism and your leadership skills you show us that you actually deserve a next rank up

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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  • I don't see you on as much
  • You don't train cadets even if there is a SGT+ on at least volunteer to train
  • You're not really helpful with officers
  • You haven't really done anything to prove yourself and to go up a next rank
  • From what I see you kinda mess around and you need to change
  • You need to act professional and be a role model for other low ranking officers
  • Improve activity, Professionalism and your leadership skills you show us that you actually deserve a next rank up

Best of luck though.

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