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Umbrella Corp Shut down Request


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Umbrella Corp - Ban Request
Your In-game: BaShawn Sharanataro
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92790249
The player's name in-game: DURAMAXDIES3L Umbrella Corp
The player's steam name (If you know it): -
What did the player do: Multiple times RDM'd Police and Civs to get his friend out of jail
Evidence (REQUIRED): 
- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1380888447  (him walking out of spawn and right away shooting at officers)
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1380888976 (The friend hes shooting at + the Police)
What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban and the gang hes associated with shut down
Any extra information: This is not the first time the Umbrella Corp have broken rules and cause no stop havoc on the city and I Think it needs to stop.
Edited by Bashawn
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Big ------------------------Support

-Gives no clear evidence that he rdms 

-Feels like you are angry make an report on him not all of umbrella corp 

-call a admin in game if he rdms 

-dont see a reason for putting it here 

Good luck whit the report 

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You don't need to shut down a family just because one person RDMs, it's like saying that the PD needs shutting down because an OFC RDMed someone

You only need to punish the person breaking the rules, not the entire family

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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No clear evidence of RDM, recording would be preferred.

Just because one guy RDMs doesn’t mean that an entire gang should be removed, if you have clear evidence of him being a minge report him and he will with enough clear evidence recive a strike. This isn’t enough evidence...

Edited by [AWOL] Jojo
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-support no evidence but umbrella corp has been a little mingy lately

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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If it was dealt in game then no need to continue it here. Besides Umbrella Corp shouldn't be shut down, they do limit the actions of their mingy players  quite well.


SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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A single member does not represent all of us. We're not minges and we follow the rules as best of our ability.


Also your evidence is not clear. Do you have anymore?

He's just bantering about one person, that should only be towards the player, not the entire corp.


Edited by [GL]MyanDaBeast

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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-not Enough Evidence is present for Ban

-The Punishment should not be the Entire Umbrella Corps Family just the individual that had "RDMed"

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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-1 Support

  • Evidence is insufficient as we do not know if he respawned or if he just got out of court.
  • You cannot remove a family because of one member's actions as he is not the owner.
  • You just sound upset about him for personal reasons no offence.

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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