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Everything posted by Tyler228

  1. +Support -He is active -Professional -Command worthy
  2. +Support -Have had numerous problems with individual/ -30 warns is obvious sign of disregard for rules and NITRP.
  3. +Support -Active -Extremely mature -Always willing to help -I think Vice would make a great Colonel
  4. +Support -Active -Mature -Good fit for staff -Need a poll
  5. +Support -Knowledgeable -Mature -Been rank for awhile
  6. +Support -Would increase RP in some situations -No real disadvantage to adding it
  7. Agreed, team would benefit from him. +Support
  8. Rank You are Applying For: Captain In-Game Name: Tyler John SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96519991 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 5 Weeks 3 Days What timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard How many Warns do you have?: 6 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): Through my time as part of low command so far, I have shown to not only be active but a productive and competent member of command. I'm confident that I've excelled in my responsibilities as a Lieutenant and I'm sure command and enlisted would agree. I am fluent in the Police Department guidelines and how the department is run. Whenever someone needs me whether it be for advice or a reprimand I am calm, collected, and open-minded. When on Police I make sure cadets are getting trained properly along with conducting teamspeak checks and consulting with supervisors. I also make an effort to frequently interact with lower enlisted to create transparency and a bond so that enlisted can come to me about anything and not be afraid to ask questions. I am trust that I am ready for the rank of Captain and can handle the responsibilities that come with the rank. As one of the more senior Lieutenants I have had the opportunity to gain a plentiful amount of experience that I trust will help me further my career within the department. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  9. +Support -Active -Mature -Knows the rules
  10. Your In-game: Tyler John Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96519991 The player's name in-game: Bahoott The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:567753487 What did the player do: got 30th warn Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban for 30 warns Any extra information:
  11. Homemade is good but that store bought stuff is way too sugary.
  12. +Support -Active -Well-mannered -Takes PD and gov seriously -Experienced
  13. +Support -Active -Mature -Never a negative experience with him -Ready for command.
  14. +Support Would be nice being able to customize them again.
  15. +Support Be cool to have a variety of assault rifles.
  16. Reasons stated above, haven't had an issue with them.
  17. +Support XM could definitely use some tweaking.
  18. Reasons stated above, from what ive seen hes ready. +support
  19. Above reasons, active, mature +support
  20. +Support - Active -Extremely well-mannered and professional -Trusted command member -Always helping enlisted
  21. Will be missed, was an honor to serve with you!
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