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Everything posted by Sly

  1. -Support The reasoning for -Support goes as follows I don’t see any MTF branch and in a combative branch I see CI which is fine except when I see PVT I understand combat isn’t a priority for a Ahome but it believe it to be a priority with O1 with it a very rigorous and tough job to have to protect HCMD with their adventures and plans and Combat experience is I believe a need the actual application is very well made and I would like to say it’s amazing but as I have stated Combat experience is a must. Good luck and o7 to you
  2. +/- Support The reasoning for + Is from what I see is the application is very well made i I don’t believe it was made with A1 due to some quotes and minor errors so this is all very human and I can tell you want even if you don’t get accepted to see it grow into something more. The reasoning for the - is because simply I have not met you and you are a lower rank in this server and not apart of any MTF branch and I think that more time and more experience on this server will do good. My personal view is neutral and I wish you luck with your application.
  3. +Support this may sound like a broken record but he is severely qualified in this position and hopes he gets it.
  4. +Support You can’t get more professional than Logi I’ve met him a few times and find him capable and able to lead and support Omega-1
  5. +Support Pure is by far a good person and player I like the way he leads and helps players get in touch with the branch
  6. +Support Akuto is chill a great leader and perfectly fit for this position
  7. This is a Great Player person and leader I find none more qualified for the position than him +Support
  8. Name:Sly Current and former RP ranks (max of 3 of each): Former:HTF, Old RRH Current: Nu7 SteamID:STEAM_0:1:499283936 DiscordID:Sly/Void#7745 Why do you want to be a command member?:To help create something better in the server. To help make and innovate a new branch in MTF I know it was an old MTF branch yet i want it to feel new and nostalgic at the same time. This branch brings what I love together leading soldiers and protecting high command and it love this aspect of servers the special forces guards. This is a new start for the whole server I feel it brings more options to those new and old players who want something new and challenging. I want to be Command so I can bring all these aspects to the branch and the server as a whole this branch will be a turning aspect which means it might show the diversity of play styles of people and rules or actions which are critical to a good server it might lead to more foundation civil wars and more role-play overall. What skills and qualities makes you best fit to be Omega-1 Command?: I’ve been command in this server and have been in special forces before and this will feel very familiar. I understand this isn’t a leadership situation but when I was a Old RRH member I would help other newer members that didn’t know much on how to be RRH and I helped them get into the rhythm of safe guarding O5 Ethics and Hcmd. I loved helping new RRH and I believe it will be the same if not better for this new Omega-1 branch I love the idea and aspect of it I miss trying to guard and help miss the lengths I would go to for the VIPs and want that again this is why I should be Omega-1 command. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Code of Ethics?:8 Thank you For reading have a great day.
  9. +Support I haven't seen you much but when I have you a fun guy to have around has great experience leading.
  10. +Support Holy Crap this man deserves this we need this man in RRH officer Stat I've known him and he is a charismatic and chill guy we nee him.
  11. +Support I don't understand why others are saying there are too many problems but I've served under you and have seen how you handle leadership positions and I think you are a great fit
  12. +Support This Man is RRH he lives and breaths RRH he was Salvus and the fact he needed to take down his LTCOM / COM app to give others a Fair fight it the best this man needs to get into RRH
  13. +Support Known this man from IRP and he is a great leader and more than deserving of this rank
  14. 1. Name: Sly | Void | Kronos | Alpha 10 2. Current and former RP ranks: Current Nu7 SM Sly HTF MSC Kronos and Currently the STS Reg Commander for Civil Networks. Former: LT for Nu7 MSGT for D5 Nova Major on Star wars RP GL RRH Guardian Alpha 10 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:499283936 4. DiscordID: Sly/Void#7745 5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: This is all I've wanted for A1 for the longest time this update makes this one of the coolest and most Op MTF on the server not only is it exclusive but it might bring in a system to which Tryouts get harder and make it so better players join it. This is such an amazing MTF Branch I've been in it for I think a year and when it purged us all I realized that it's such an instrumental Branch to the server. This branch meant the world to me because of its secrecy and the extremity to it it was extramental to the well-being of the site. And it made players want to be MTF it made everything new and wonderful again. The new weapons and the new system in which RRH operates is amazing and I wish to join them. This has been an amazing journey to this conclusion with A1 becoming a Branch and I cannot be happier to feel included in it. And this will be great for a Server as a whole imagine a Special Forces that's a branch it's like having the Best of the Best active all the time and it will bring more players in it because it will allow players to gain a huge rank off the beginning if and only if they are good enough so they will stay for it. I have been MTF A1 from a year ago till everyone got removed and I have watched most leave they left because they felt their rank didn't have a purpose and that a Simple Guardian wasn't enough so this will bring back many of the Former A1 members. 6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: I've been a competent officer for many branches in MTF and Security and on other servers I've served them well and for a while making it so when I leave it won't be a big impact it will continue without me, this is something I put in my original RRH App. I am more than capable of being an Officer I understand the server dynamic and I possess the leadership qualities needed for such an important rank this important. I understand everything there is about being an Officer in my Other Server ranks I've practically trained them all. I know how to excel in my position and how to communicate and strengthen the well-being of my Branch. In many ways am I fit for this position with experience to expertise in the special forces field. This Position will be a good fit for me because i know what it takes to lead and what it takes to communicate with other Officers I'm one I've been one and I've seen many of them. I have been red right hand since last year and i helped newer RRH settle inot their roles and have guided them. In this position I will have no problems leading. 7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: The way we always do talk to them understand them and help them. These are easy factors for all members of the Foundation. We already know each other and from there on we can help assist them in that way. If they need help in LCZ or with just simply feeding SCPs we will be there. We aren't just MTFs that feed SCPs but we are MTFs that help others. We are special forces of MTF the Best of the Best where it leads to a small Dclass outbreak we will be there and a CI raid will be there. Our Redacted operations will be done with other Special Forces but if need be the operation is too critical we will do it on our own. RRH has done many things on our own n before we have soloed CI Raids and killed them all, We have Protected O5 from the EOI or 8286 SCP, We've also done the most impossible feat yet We've Protected HCMD in dblock from the Dreaded Farmers All of these we have done on our own so I don't see a reason we can't do the same with other operations. Thank you For Reading Its Been and Honor-Sly-Alpha 10
  15. Wait hold up We weren't allowed to RDM Before????
  16. Your In-game:Sly The admin's name in-game: Sato The admin's steam name (If you know it):IDK What warning did you receive:RDM Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: He shot first he got out of the car and shot me i shot back i was chasing the car due to the fact he stole it from my Clan Leader Any extra information:
  17. +Massive + Support I've known this man from Day one he's been active he's done great things for every branch he has joined and is ok at PVP I wish you the best of luck.
  18. -Support Bruh you seriously think they will accept you I'm sorry this is nothing against you but brother you put 3 sentences. Remember Being RRH isn't just a job it's a really important role on the server they guard O5 and Ethics level 6 Personnel they beat the living crap out of CI they are positively units and you think 3 to 4 sentences will justify it. If it was like an App to make a CC or even if it was possible to apply for a better dclass job I would probably say sure he's trustworthy but this is just not right and you say oh I know the layout well and have stopped SCPs from getting out or being captured. Even if I over look all of that the Grammatical Errors are atrocious. Did you just say huh RRH seems cool ima just put this in for fun? You write about common sense for a PVT let alone you are a WO and write this I'm sorry I just have to say no.
  19. Your name on the roster: Sly Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): SSGT Do you understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: None Questions Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): I have been nothing but loyal and have strived to work to be the best in Nu7. I will be there for the enlisted and the command I will not hesitate to make decisions, of course, I will not be making them but I will be ready when I do. I believe with everything I've done for nu7 and everything I will do shows I'm ready and I'm willing to do what's best for the Nu7 branch as a whole. I have an idea of what this job will take of me and I am ready to do it. I'm ready for the time I will spend on it and the good that will come from it. I know I'm low ranking to even think of applying for this application but I am going to try anyways I believe even though I'm low ranking you will understand what I will contribute with this rank. I will be my very best and act it this will be a privilege to join the CMD team. I have shown dedication to this branch through my friendship with those in it and the way I act in it my dedication to this branch is surely seen through GL That is why I should be trusted. Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): I have been an active and good member of the server and have had multiple roles in it and strive in this the most. Ever since I joined I have been trying to join the command team to be the leader the one people look up to this is the best way to do it. I've been constantly excelling in my positions and have been there. I've been on the server helping connect to those around me. It's been nothing but a gift buts it is a gift that gives to both me and the server I can help the server be better and have better people do better things. I have been around this server a while and iv seen multiple branches but the one i keep coming back to is that MTF Nu7 will be all the better if I join the Command team. No one deserves anything but I will make sure this is one thing that if anyone deserves it its me. Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): I am used to CMD ranks in multiple servers including this one. I will get more members into this branch and help cmd with anything they need. I would be the best option for it because of my relentless will to make branches better to be there for it. I will be a great option because of my determination for it I will strive to make this a thriving battalion and let it be the best of the best. I have been in multiple servers with the Officer rank and have done a lot of good in it and brought good people in and push bad ones out. I can be on frequently and be a beacon to those enlisted who need me and be a good officer and help command with getting people in or just being a good example with other branches. I can be a friend to those who need it and a leader this is an overall Leadership role and I plan to excel in it. Scenarios You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: Bring them to the side away from others and tell them to not disrespect others they might get punished if they pursue it further and if you want to say something to them pm or Dm them never put it in OOC or looc near people, You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: Warn them there, and then if they don't listen to you ask your higher-ups if you should punish them.
  20. -Support Im Sorry but you have Low Ranks and even though they are low you didn't put in enough work into the app for us to even try to look at it i have not met you yet so i don't know your personality nor have i understood anything you can contribute to RRH other than you want to be in it. Please I suggest getting higher ranks and making yourself known to others.
  21. +Support This man hit the ground running he has great ranks ok App and a Perfect fit for RRH.
  22. -Support This is Barely 2 sentences short app not a bunch of reasons to get him in multiple errors in grammar even though it's just 2 sentences and it seems like he just submitted the rubric only.
  23. +Support Hes Great at RP PVP and a Fun person to hang around
  24. Name:Void Rank:MSGT Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:499283936 Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): Sly#7745 Current Sub-Branches your in: Warden Riot and Sniper Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None
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