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Everything posted by Ein

  1. -SUPPORT WORST D5 CAPTAIN SMH!! (JOKING) STRONG +SUPPORT - CHAD - High ranks - Only 1 warn - Open to criticism - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  2. -SUPPORT - Low Ranks (While I typically don't hold this against people, being only a SEC PVT isn't the best look for Level 5 Clearance) - Short Application, I feel like you could say a lot more about why you want to join and why you should be accepted. - No reputation in the server & haven't seen you very much. Do not take this as me holding a grudge or disliking you, however RRH is a massive responsibility and I don't think you're ready to take on a Level 5 clearance even with prior experience. Build a reputation with people first and get some higher ranks (Personally, I'd recommend AT LEAST MSGT in GENSEC) before coming back. I'm sure we'd love to have you. Best of luck to you! - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  3. +SUPPORT Don't see why you wouldn't do this, all it has is benefits.
  4. Ein

    Plant's Farewell

    From the first time you confronted me in DMs over shit, to all the joking about furries, and all the dumb shit we got to do while I escorted you. I've only had a positive experience with you. I wish you the best, and good luck. o7
  5. -SUPPORT - Have never seen you on, ever. - No Poll / Application overall seems rushed - This is your 3rd forums post. // I'd recommend building more of a reputation in the community first before doing this. Climb up the ranks of 1 or 2 of our many branches and get to know people. Also, I think your application could be a little more professional over all. // Best of luck to you!
  6. You were an amazing command member, It really sucks to see you go. I wish you the best in E-11 o7
  7. Didn't know you too well, however when I saw you around occasionally you were a great guy. Sucks to see you go mate. o7
  8. +SUPPORT - Recommended by other RRH - Former CMD - Former Wardens / Experience with escorting HCMD - Detailed Application - Few Warns I wish you luck! - Foxtrot 54
  9. +SUPPORT Seems to be liked by other RRH Will not hold this against you but probably needs a little more leadership experience I wish you luck! - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  10. +SUPPORT SCPs should be strong, don't get me wrong, but running into a group of 5+ combatants and managing to win even with large amounts of teamwork on the combatant side should not be able to happen as consistently as on SCP-2191. 2191 will probably always be annoying because of his ability to heal himself rapidly and ability to cloak, and people will always think getting killed by him is unfair, however he should not be able to completely slaughter large, coordinated groups of MTF, GENSEC, or other Combatants. Not only would this stop the current of meta of "Rush into group and you're guaranteed to win" but it would actually make 2191 a little more challenging and in some ways, fun to play. Instead of rushing at massive groups of MTF and getting absolutely slaughtered with no ability to counter it, you actually have to choose your targets.
  11. You were cool as fuck, even if I didn't see you very much. I wish you the best. o7
  12. Ein

    Ein LOA

    Name: Ein Rank: 1LT Warden Name: Octavius Length of LOA: 5/19/22 -> 5/27/22 Reason for LOA: My mental health has rapidly deteriorated over the course of the last few days, I have a massive amount of stress on my back and shit just keeps happening. Quick note here, I will still occasionally get on, however I will not be attending meetings and won't be nearly as active as I typically am.
  13. +SUPPORT I think what everyone else has said kind of summarizes it. Also would make it more fun to actually play D-Class once in a while.
  14. Ein

    ZJ blacklist appeal

    STRONG -SUPPORT // I hate to be rude and blunt, but this guy was just an asshole while on Security. He actively minged on his CC, and just played as if he owned the server. // I absolutely do not want this guy back in Security.
  15. Taking all of these into consideration, I've revised my suggestion. Specifically I've increased this timer to 15 minutes and noted that Branch HCMD should be able to pick which jobs they don't want people AFKing on to have this auto-demote feature. Additionally, I've made it so that trainee jobs should also be exempt from being auto-demoted. Thanks for the support!
  16. Ein

    Sama RH Guardians

    - Support / Low Ranks / Almost no experience on the server / Short App / You're definitely great, don't get me wrong (I accidentally almost promoted you while you were still on cooldown), but you're only a PVT with like 2 days of experience on the server. RRH is a big responsibility, and only the best are brought into it. I simply don't think you're ready for RRH yet. Like Rinzler said, I recommend you revisit this in the future and build a reputation in combative branches. My personal guide is if you want to remain in security, wait until SM before applying. Kind Regards, - Foxtrot 54
  17. -Support I’ve only heard of negative experiences with this guy both under this very application and amongst others while ingame. Additionally, the ranks are extremely low, and while rank typically doesnt play too much of a factor, being only a PVT in 1 combative branch does not look good for a branch which has universal Level 5 clearance and escorts high ranking personnel. Furthermore, this application is bland and doesnt bring anything unique to the table, it feels like various parts were ripped off from other applications (if this isnt true, my bad) If I wasn’t on mobile currently I would give a lot more detailed reasoning, but the point stands that you’re simply not prepared for RRH
  18. Edited my Application due to joining D5 & updating ranks
  19. What are you suggesting? In addition to the current system in which a user is automatically marked as "AFK" after 30 minutes of not interacting, there should be a button you can click to enable this feature as well. Perhaps in the F4 Menu. Additionally, the time to automatically mark someone as AFK should be moved down to 15 minutes. Users who aren't interacting in-game for 15 minutes obviously aren't there and I don't see why it should be at 30 minutes. Lastly, those who are marked as AFK (either by clicking a button or automatically being marked as AFK) should be automatically demoted / removed from limited jobs (Ex. Security Wardens Exspira, MTF Stealth Operative, and others). Of course, SCMD, HCMD, and SA jobs should be exempt from this for obvious reasons. Additionally, Trainee jobs should be exempt, and if this were to be implemented, branch HCMD could pick and choose which jobs they want to auto-demote people off of when they're marked as AFK. How would this change better the server? For the first point, going AFK becomes much simpler and it gives not only a more accurate depiction to the rest of the server of who's actually playing (preventing CI raids in some instances, or allowing people to make decisions based on this). For the second point, it makes it much less of a hassle for both CMD, Staff, and even the AFK player to take time to demote someone off a job for something they shouldn't be doing in the first place. People can easily hop back onto the job once they get back so it doesn't have any negative impact. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. None that I can personally see, the only possible "disadvantage" is less CI raids Who would this change mostly benefit? All players. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  20. +SUPPORT Holy fucking shit dude, this guy is like literally RRH IRL. I might actually protest if this guy doesn't get into RRH, this guy is overqualified for the job.
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