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Everything posted by Ein

  1. i cant believe he wouldn't mention me as a higher up smh
  2. STRONG +SUPPORT Personally I think it should go up to 0.8, but higher TTK just in general is better.
  3. STRONG +SUPPORT Dedicated member of D5 CMD from what I've seen of him. Generally nice guy overall. Absolutely fit for RRH BEST OF LUCK! - RRH GUARDIAN FOXTROT 54
  4. -SUPPORT I've changed my opinion to -Support, here's why. Fellow Wanderer is absolutely fit for RRH, hell he's CMD in 2 branches, but it is highly likely that he is going to resign from Security, be removed from Maintenance, and is likely going to leave Gaminglight all together. I would love to see him in RRH, but it is simply unrealistic as of current that he will be active.
  5. STRONG -SUPPORT Many people have stated some great reasons above, which I won't be going over, however I want to make something a little clear. Gaminglight is a business, it needs to make money, and it's going to find ways to make as much money as possible. Does Zeeptin make a truck load of money? Absolutely, but profit is a key incentive in business and that is not at all a bad thing, in fact it's to be expected. Is the package pricey? Definitely, but Gaminglight has 3 GMOD servers to run and manage, all with large dedicated playerbases that need to be satisfied, and maintaining and upgrading that kind of thing shockingly enough, costs money. I am no businessman, and I don't know how Gaminglight uses its money, however I certainly do not believe Gaminglight is trying to be the next EA here. Additionally, if someone wanted to spend $100 to wipe their warns, it's highly unlikely they'd do it to just get banned again. ZJ was a very rare case and after he did it like twice they just decided to stop letting him buy unbans.
  6. +SUPPORT This guy was informed of a few mistakes, came back, and fixed them. While he doesn't have too high of ranks, I will not take this into account. The sentences could generally use some work but I'm glad he has at least tried to improve on them. This guy will be a dedicated member of RRH. - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  7. - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  8. STRONG -SUPPORT Note: This focuses specifically on the Exspira suggestion. Exspira, and Wardens as a whole is Security's counter to CI when MTF cannot do the job (this isn't saying MTF are bad, it's when MTF are dead or just not online). CI comes into the facility with massive amounts of health and can easily kick the shit out of anyone they encounter except for the 3 Foundation SF's on the server. Exspira is also extremely weak against large groups, and can typically only take on lone targets, or really weak groups (such as Class-D). Additionally, Exspira typically has to get close up as its ranged weapon is pretty shitty and its other weapon is the KSG, which while a pretty good shotgun, pales in comparison to the USAS. The entire point of Exspira is to focus on Recon, Intel Gathering, Stealth Missions, and Assassinations rather than head to head combat. It is powerful when you're fighting a group of D-Class and maybe 2 CI, but any group of 3+ CI can easily destroy an Exspira. Additionally, there are less than 10 people who have access to Exspira, INCLUDING Security HCMD (and excluding Site Admin which both realistically never use the job in favor of Warden Praetor). It may feel like there's more at times because 3 of the people on it are extremely active on the server. If you get killed by an Exspira, it's because you were alone, a priority target (We especially prioritize Bio-Engineers), or really low, and you should either know the risks or stick together more.
  9. NOTICE This application falls under the required 100+ word limit! Please edit this application within 48 Hours or this application will be denied. ADDITIONAL NOTE This application is 54 words. You'll need to add AT LEAST an additional 46 words for this application to be reviewed.
  10. -SUPPORT Sounds like a skill issue, I got my shit kicked in as a cloaker by a CI who was smart enough to buy and use thermals, the only thing I can see happening is making thermals more widely available for people to use, and removing snipers does nothing but just mean we lose like 20k when we buy a sniper. This is a "Band-Aid Fix" to this "problem".
  11. STRONG +SUPPORT I might not be in research, but I see this guy on like every day now and he is absolutely kicking ass. Definitely fit to be a member of CMD from what I've seen of him.
  12. ACCEPTED Congratulations! This application into the Juggernaut Sub-Branch has been accepted. Speak to any Juggernaut Enforcer+ for Training.
  13. ACCEPTED Congratulations! This application into the Juggernaut Sub-Branch has been accepted. Speak to any Juggernaut Enforcer+ for Training.
  14. PENDING Your application into the Juggernaut program is currently being decided upon by Juggernaut Command. Please wait up to 48 Hours while we review your application.
  15. - SUPPORT No evidence
  16. +SUPPORT You have quite high ranks, and your test logs were unbelievably fun and overall interesting to read. Your application is great and you have relatively few warns from a very long time ago. I would love to see you in RRH. You'll do well here. - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  17. PENDING Your application into the Juggernaut program is currently being decided upon by Juggernaut Command. Please wait up to 48 Hours while we review your application.
  18. ACCEPTED! Welcome to the Juggernaut Sub-Branch! See any Juggernaut Command to get trained for Juggernaut Initiate.
  19. Ein

    Kovic's Resignation

    This is a bit of an emotional moment for me since I've loved Wardens quite an extensive bit. I'll miss you an unbelievable amount, even if we didn't interact too much. See you on the other side. o7
  20. What are you suggesting? Whenever people speak, in the left side of their screen it says who can hear them. This is constantly used to power / metagame, and that's understandable because this is impossible to avoid. A way to fix this would be to allow you to only see members of your respective team that can hear you. For example: A CI is being watched by a Zeta-6 because he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, the CI speaks, notices that the Zeta-6 can hear him, and begins looking around and closing doors behind him to ensure the Zeta-6 can't get the jump on him, the Zeta-6 attempts to engage the CI and gets killed because the CI is prepared. With these changes, a new situation happens: A CI is being watched by a Zeta-6 because he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, the CI speaks and doesn't notice the Zeta-6 at all, leading him to attempt to use his Keypad Cracker on a door, the Zeta-6 gets a headshot on him and the CI dies. This creates a much more realistic scenario and makes it more fun to play, and can work with any situation. This makes the combat much more fun. A proposal for these "teams" that can hear each-other are below. Foundation - MTF, GENSEC, Research, Maintenance, Medical, D-Class Chaos - CI, D-Class, Maynard Sarkic - Sarkic, D-Class How would this change better the server? Raids become much more intense, Cloakers are able to use more actual strategy when fighting someone, and combat overall becomes more fun (especially with the TTK being worked on) Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Cloaking classes become a lot more powerful, but this metagaming / powergaming shouldn't be happening in the first place. Additionally, this may be difficult to implement (This would probably have to be hard coded) Who would this change mostly benefit? All combatant branches Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion Feel free to leave feedback!
  21. MASSIVE +SUPPORT This guy is fucking awesome to put it simply. Would be a perfect fit for Engineer - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54
  22. +/- SUPPORT (Leaning +Support) This is mostly just to save time, dragging Class-D back to D-Block would just be a waste of time. I am alright with this being a "encouraged but not enforced" sort of thing. Another way this could work is if there are no active protocols within D-Block (Hands-Up / Partial Lockdown), then there must be an attempt to cuff and if it doesn't work then you can open fire. I am absolutely supporting of anything that brings more roleplay into the server.
  23. What are you suggesting? D-Block in its current state is just a massive TDM between GENSEC, and Class-D with no opportunity for roleplay. GENSEC also has no actual cover besides the Utility Station (which is extremely restrictive and is basically a one way avenue to dying) or its "Barricades" which D-Class can just rush up to and completely negate its purpose. (While part of this problem is the TTK, I think there's still ways to improve) While I am completely open to suggestions for this idea, I think a possible solution to this problem would be to make actual Security Checkpoints in D-Block, rather than just having 3 big "queues" where D-Class can just run through with no prior thinking and get a few kills. D-Class instead have to go through an actual (or 2-3) Security Checkpoint, these would ideally be level 0 or 1 doors. This would open up more opportunities for people who actually want to get tested on / roleplay on the server without getting caught up in the rest of D-Block's crossfire, and also creates a unique combat environment in which if D-Class aren't thinking and coordinating, they're going to die, while if GENSEC aren't thinking, they can be easily overrun. These security checkpoints would also give a lot more cover and safe areas for D-Class. Of course, there needs to be ways for D-Class to riot and this shouldn't make D-Block essentially unescapable as a D-Class, but it is possibly a part of the solution to one of the big problems in the server (That being the lack of Roleplay) This suggestion isn't perfect, and I am absolutely looking for new ideas and ways to improve this suggestion, but the overall point is that D-Block needs to be redesigned in its entirety if we are looking to make this server less of a TDM and more of a Roleplay focused server. How would this change better the server? The addition of this would create new roleplay opportunities as the D-Class who actually wish to be tested on have a much easier and more direct way of getting tested on. It also generally improves the combat in D-Block because instead of having to deal with a bunch of crouch-jumping CC's running at you from 3 different angles, you have to actually coordinate riots and GENSEC has an actual defensive position to take, making combat in D-Block more than just getting domed from across D-Block and having GENSEC rush into the bar or the back right corner. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. The addition is an easy route to a lot of complaints from D-Class, because it will absolutely make escaping, rioting, and fighting GENSEC more difficult in the short term, and it absolutely would be initially difficult to balance because of the way SCP-RP currently works / is looked at (TDM). Additionally, this would be difficult to balance with Security Snipers, and would take a lot of time and effort due to Jayden and Coltable's current situations. Who would this change mostly benefit? GENSEC, Roleplayers, and D-Class in general in the long term Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion Like I said earlier, PLEASE leave ideas, criticism, and other feedback in the comments, I'd love to improve this idea.
  24. I didn't know you well, but you were a good person from what I saw of you. It sucks you're leaving. Good luck out there. o7
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