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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. - Support My brotha, you just gave a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't be command and that last answer was kinda questionable. Personally, I'm going to have to - Support for the reasons you stated.
  2. You will be missed O7 I hope you enjoy your life in E-11
  3. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  4. Trizium


    Bye Bye Tazza
  5. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  6. If anything he was trying to avoid you, last time he saw you were on the opposite side. - Support
  7. If there is a way to toggle the guns then its a + Support from me
  8. Accepted Please contact an FTO for training.
  9. + Support, really cool guy, and nice event idea. Give him ET ong ong.
  10. + Support, we all make mistakes give this man another chance
  11. + Support, Give my man ET ong ong
  12. + Support, It would make patrols and looking for GOI a lot eerier and a lot less boring walking from EZ through HCZ to LCZ
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